Last updated 2 years ago
Every project has to create a final report. Despite the effort, the message is long and badly recorded on web cameras. Usually doesn't have the outreach even though the project is great.
Create professional videos with real-life interviews and extra footage based on the nature of the project. Prepare the videos for broadcasters and internet platforms that can take it and share easily.
This is the total amount allocated to Professional close-out video report.
Create professional videos with real-life interviews and extra footage based on the nature of the project. Prepare the videos for broadcasters and internet platforms that can take it and share easily.
Petr Smělík
Documentary filmmaker and editor with 16 years of experience, works for TV & film, for independent companies and for Cardano community, holds several awards for his editing skills and one main award for documentary directing
The idea is to create 4 short videos, meaning presenting 4 different completed projects in Catalyst. One impactful story every month.
Each video contains one or several interviews from founders of the selected project and additional footage based on the nature of their project.
Each story is up to 6 minutes long. It has to be short, simple, well structured and precise in order to actually interest wider audiences and broadcasters.
The aim is to spread the knowledge about the impactful projects, about Catalyst and Cardano in general.
The selection of projects will be a manual process based on their timelines.
The focus is on European projects only in this funding round. This will narrow down the selection process.
The projects shown in these videos shouldn't be highly technical. It's more about proposals that can outreach wider and common audiences.
Please watch the example below. This is how the structure of the video should look like.
Please consider this as an example only. This video about Scantrust and Baiawines is using online interviews. will be presenting another video to voters during the voting phase.
The final videos will not be using online interviews.
First examples will be ready in August.
Videos are created in English.
It's prepared for broadcasters, TV stations and internet platforms in several formats.
The videos are finished in layers - this means the broadcasters can choose which audio layer they keep, they can decide for a slightly different editing for example, they want to use the interview only, they want just a few shots for their purpose etc.
It will be ready to serve different purposes. The basic one is subtitles and dubbing.
Using this approach people can easily localize the video for their local audiences.
Cardashift aims to accelerate impact projects. That's in direct alignment with our goal. We'd love to give filmmaking support to the projects with a high level of impact throughout the European Catalyst community.
The risk is the timeline and scheduling.
It's ideal to say we'll do one video per month. In reality it's gonna be very depending on the projects' timelines, so it's a bit tricky to predict this part, but we try our best.
Another tricky part is the selection of the projects that will be filmed.
Right now I don't have any better tool than my own reason and my own valuation of the projects. It's obviously very centralized and shouldn't be the goal.
I'm open to discuss the selection process with the community. We can figure out the way of small voting as well. But it's rather a long term goal.
It's a 4 months project. 4 stories = 4 months.
One month cycle will look like this.
Week 1: Pre-production
Selecting a project that is ready for a close-out report, planning a meeting, contacting the team, scheduling filming, setting up a crew
Week 2: Production
1 or 2 days filming based on the nature and complexity of the project.
Week 3: Postproduction
Week 4: Marketing Distribution
In theory each month is the same on the timeline. The reality will be different, things will overlap or get delayed. We'll be informing the public about the changes openly.
Week 1 Pre-production
Selecting a project that is ready for a close-out report, planning a meeting, contacting the team, scheduling filming.
20 hours of work. 1hr per $20 = $400.
Week 2 Production
1 or 2 days of filming based on the nature and complexity of the project.
Logistics: $2000 (of course it depends on type of location, so this is the top number, in case of unused logistics money these will be used for production and postproduction or marketing)
Filming itself requires a cameraman, sound operator and director on set.
We will use two cameras for 2 days.
This whole crew with equipment costs $1200 per filming day, so it's $2400 in case of 2 days.
Week 3 Postproduction:
Week 4 - Marketing & distribution $ 1000
Overall: $7450 per project
We want to do 4 projects which means $7450 x 4 = $29800
Petr Smělík - Director and Producer of the project
documentary filmmaker and editor with 16 years of experience, works for TV & film, for independent companies and for Cardano community, holds several awards for his editing skills and one main award for documentary directing
For more details please visit
Prokop Souček - director of photography
cameraman with over 20 years of experience,
Ivan Horák - sound designer
Experienced and extremely skilled sound designer, holds several awards for best sound design,
Marketing - Konma Community
Experience in Growing an organic community. A dedicated in-house marketing team well-versed in targeted marketing and engagement. PR specialists who will develop reach and growth strategy.
Yes, this type of project requires repetition.
I hope this initiative will inspire filmmakers from other parts of the world too. So we can spread the good word about Cardano's projects globally, not just from Europe where my focus is.
I will measure our ability to produce videos in a timeframe as listed above.
I'm not focused on impact like number of views, number of downloads etc.
The goal of the project is most importantly to create those videos.
Distribution is another story. We will keep track for sure, but the distribution and marketing of these videos will take time. So this kind of report will be delayed by a few months. Will be a part of our monthly reports only partially.
Success is to create videos that will gain interest by the media. Any kind of platform that's interested in sharing our work is considered a success.
In Czech Republic we want to reach Czech national television. It's one example of a successful usage, same goes for other European countries.
It's a new proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
16.10 Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
Petr Smělík
Documentary filmmaker and editor with 16 years of experience, works for TV & film, for independent companies and for Cardano community, holds several awards for his editing skills and one main award for documentary directing