Last updated 2 years ago
Low Architectural living standards in the andean plateau of Chimborazo, Ecuador.
To create A De-Fi Model to build and rescue vernacular - andean architectural spaces, public space and other facilities in rural areas in Chimborazo, EC.
This is the total amount allocated to Rescuing Rural Areas Architecture .
To create A De-Fi Model to build and rescue vernacular - andean architectural spaces, public space and other facilities in rural areas in Chimborazo, EC.
This project is in the most early stages but we have already helped start building one house thanks to the member's community. Public contests and social interest calls are the method to get access to designers, builders and profiles that cant afford the typical cost of building
By creating a WEB 3.0 page that merges people, proposals and cripto incentives a DeFi model emerges in which new value can be created and transferred. We also seek to create a line of interior decoration products setting up a collateral for a new token (KUNA) where its value has to come for functionality which its main purpose is to raise funds to build or rebuild social interest housing projects, public spaces and other facilities. By establishing a line of products like NFTs Illustrations, plans, sketches, 3d moleging and others both digital and physical items like gym equipment or decoration items new value can be transferred having an opportunity to sell this token in order to raise funding so we can give access to housing and land deeds, plans for construccion, technical direction and incentives in crypto assets that can be used to buy materials and pay salaries.
There's the need for bringing monetary value to the communities so new projects can emerge. That way through a De-Fi Ecosystem opens a chance to experiment the new functionality coming from the web 3.0 and Blockchain technologies. Current gubernamental systems lack the capabilities to get solve all the community problems opening a sector for private investors and volunteers who are seeking to get some building or restitution project manifesting its way onto reality.
Also, it's extremely necessary to build a cluster for innovation able to conciliate all the different parties and individuals involved in planning, constructing and designing new projects aimed to solve bad conditions of architectural habitability in the region, lack of infrastructure and public spaces in the andean plateau of Chimborazo, Ecuador.
This plan has three stages and seeks to be adopted at the same time that the basho y voltaire hardk forks are implemented on the main net of ADA. Keeping that in mind a set of goals are established so we can create an active community of members in which the organization has to be “formally” stablished on the official registry norms and terms of the constitution of Ecuador if a significant amount of liquidity is provided. Due to the fact that cryptocurrency is not a common medium of transfer value in this context we must convert to USD (Local Currency) so a new legal institucional banking account has to be opened and pay local government fees, plus commissions. Once a capital and the members become stable, we can proceed to the delegations of management to first start creating from scratch a functional web page able to talk to the blockchain of ADA so users can receive incentives or make payments directly via signing smart contracts when submitting their value, proposals or requests. That way authors rights, donations and transactions are visible for anyone hopefully forever. Also we want to create a functional token (KUNA) at the same time that we carry a research on a fucus group for giving incentives as crypto assets for early engagement and test the whole ADA ecosystem making transactions, creating liquidity pools, minting tokens, farming etc.
To create an educational program in where we will be giving for free tokens to create new engagement in the community that will later be able to change to items of our own line or products, others cryptocurrencies like ada and ultimately USD. We can pay with KUNA Tokens for content creation that will be published on our official channels. The collaterals are established by all the income coming from Crypto Purchases, and a variable amount of percentage of local currency purchases of our physical products will also serve to raise funding on architectural projects.
Not having the funds to put all of our projects together. If we fail to create a product line and build a strong community using our services, all of these ideas will die. If we do not raise enough funds to complete our first home we will not be able to move on to the next one, and without money it is difficult to create a website from scratch that is capable of integrating into the cardano network. But the good thing is we have the time to learn and everething that has to do with software is fixable. And we will cointinue to work on our producs in a craft way
The acquisition will be made from the process involved in getting all the products up and running. We need to raise funds via the creation of a series of services and products that will be oriented to serve the local community hoping to expand even more into the future. We will construct a low cost gym dumbbells wich its production process has already begun and part of its earnings will be oriented to fund other architectural projects based in the needs of the rural communities located in the ecuadorian andean region. We pretend to orient funds to those who live under poor habitat conditions, regenerate public spaces and help construct basic infrastructure. We seek to create a variety of cyclical communities that exchange goods and services with KUNA tokens that can be used to buy local items.
For that we will continue with our education mission oriented to teach about basic principles of DE FI by teaching concepts like wallets, staking, farming, minting, etc. Earning rewards in the process by creating educational content that will be paid with kuna. Kuna will have a fixed collateral that will be given by the percentage of earnings perceived as crypto assets coming for token purchases, ntfs, collections, services and physical products.
Having access to a catalyst gave us the opportunity to raise 7500 USD that will help pay salaries for web developers, designers, planners and workers that will set up a line of products with a workshop located in Riobamba, Chimborazo EC. where 100% of the income coming for sales of physical items, NFTs, and other crypto services using ADA will be used as a fuel to collateral for our (KUNA) Token that has to be distributed according to a fully developed tokenomics which is yet under construction. (KUNA=DAR=TO GIVE) by liberating about 60% of the total supply we pretend to liquidate tokens earning value from the ADA ecosystems and that way helps solve architectural needs. Also a program for education is presented as a research of experimental behavior of new users and wallets in which they will receive KUNA tokens for Air Drop and Early Subscriptions to create interaction that can be measured and valued over time. A series of courses about the basics of the DE FI ecosystem and blockchain technologies will be provided in rural high schools to undergraduate bachelors where they will create an ADA Wallet and receive KUNA Tokens. For that we need equipment, such as transport cameras and personnel willing to assemble the product line, create the course for students, create the new website and integrate new services within the application.
Founder: Hernán Barragán has completed his formation as an Architect and recently graduated from the UNACH (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CHIMBORAZO).
Co-Funder: Diego Calderón is an architecture student and already has the workshop needed to build a line of products that will help raise funds.
Software Developer: Richard Garcia is the technical developer in charge of creating the new web platform that will be able to “Talk” to the ADA Blockchain.
Design Director: Francisco Altamirano is an architect graduated from the UNACH who won the contest of the first social interest calling for the construction of the Casa de la cuesta, in Quimiag, Chimborazo, EC. Run his own office SCALA
Legal Advisor: Mgs. Keevin Gallardo is a lawyer with a master in international politics and diplomatic relations.
If everything went well, of course, I would apply again and ask for financing for other problems that have a social purpose.
As mentioned before we have already started building our first house named after the community as “Casa de la cuesta” This project is the result of our first “Convocatoria de interés social” where the requisites and previous studies for a local user were given and one design product was chosen. We have run out of resources and we need to seek new strategies to help raise funds so we can make more and new local interventions and finish our already started projects. We hope to start building other low cost architectural projects among the rural plateau of Chimborazo this year and also in the next quarter have started our educational program on high schools of rural areas within the region. If monetary value as utility is created we will be using those resources to fuel our token to gaining value over time.
To have created a fully functional web page that will help serve as a cluster for local innovation in terms of covering architectural needs across the andean region of Ecuador. Designers, planners and builders could join a series of projects that seeks to create cyclical communities that receive incentives and transfer value using the ADA ecosystem.
We have a line of products for interior decoration that helps us raise funds for the aid and rescue of architectural needs spread throughout the inter-Andean alley.
We have fully developed tokenomics with a funtional token and we are able to create new ones, burn other ones and use all the posible income to find places in where we could help.
I have given this idea to people for Clap Token, but its the first time this project is on this plataform
No poverty
Sustainable Cities and Communities
This project is in the most early stages but we have already helped start building one house thanks to the member's community. Public contests and social interest calls are the method to get access to designers, builders and profiles that cant afford the typical cost of building