Last updated 2 years ago
Indie film makers have a hard time financing their film projects especially if these are not exactly viewed as commercially viable. The film can be a vehicle to show that Cardano can tokenize assets.
To solve the problem of finding financing for non-commercial indie films, we propose the use of cryptotokens to tokenize these as assets.
This is the total amount allocated to Tokenized tech indie drama film.
To solve the problem of finding financing for non-commercial indie films, we propose the use of cryptotokens to tokenize these as assets.
Dennis Posadas is the Philippines-based author, playwright and screenwriter. His first play Admiral Montojo was performed to a full house off-off-Broadway in NYC last December 2018. He has also won a few minor screenwriting awards.
The proposal is to use Cardano tokens as a way to token finance an indie film.
Note that films are often co-financed by various means. For example, Nokia has pledged four 5G smartphones and Acer has pledged an i7 laptop. So the actors/director can partially be paid in kind, partly in cash, partly in equity.
Details can follow depending on comments and community questions.
If we can finish a film partly/completely financed by crypto, this will be reported in international publications.
Using crypto to finance/co-finance a film is a NEWSWORTHY event. We do not see problems getting news coverage for this.
Barring "Acts of God" we do not foresee major issues why we cannot deliver the film. This is mostly a one man film with other characters only appearing in videocalls, PMs, audiocalls. It was designed to be filmed easily.
To follow...
To follow...
Dennis Posadas - screenwriter/acting producer
Alvi Siongco - Director
Nor Domingo - Adviser/voice actor
Joel Torre - cameo star actor See Vimeo
Topper Fabregas - lead protagonist (90% of the film is about him)
RICARDO CRUZ (30s-40s, M) – The protagonist. Engineer and brilliant techie. Dreams of becoming a Filipino Steve Jobs (or Elon Musk). Has a character flaw in that he uses his work to cover the wound he has from his father’s departure during his childhood. Cannot get his late wife off his mind. Leaves his hometown in search of success through a Tech IPO in the Big City. Most of the film centers around this character.
ANNA (20s-30s, F) Ricardo’s late wife. Still in Ricardo’s mind several years after her death. Through videocall/PM/SMS only.
MARIE CLARO (30s-40s, F) Ricardo’s college classmate. Intelligent. Has a slight crush on Ricardo but that relationship is not fully developed in the film for the moment and left hanging. Through videocall/PM/SMS only.
JOSE CRUZ – (60s, M) Ricardo’s Dad. Abandoned/left his family a few years ago, but wants to get back into their lives. Remorseful. Wishes to make amends. Through videocall/PM/SMS only. See
CLARISSA CRUZ – (60s, F) Ricardo’s Mom. Wants her son to get remarried again. Separated from her husband Jose, but open to have him back. Through videocall/PM/SMS only.
ALBERT POLICARPIO – (40s-50s, M) Co-investor in Ricardo’s company, Green Star. Impatient. An antagonist. Through videocall/PM/SMS only.
FRANCIS AREVALO – (40s, M) Co-investor in Ricardo’s company, Green Star. Through videocall/PM/SMS only.
DARREN RIVERA (30s, M) – Young investment banker of Ricardo for the IPO. Turned jobless by the crisis. Through videocall/PM/SMS only.
We do not plan to return to Cardano Ideascale for subsequent funding unless outside funding does not materialize. But we feel that once the film is completed, others will appear to help us market this at film festivals and even get offered prepurchase agreements by distributors for streaming and cinemas.
We are hoping we do not need to return for subsequent Cardano funding.
We can give monthly updates on our progress.
IDEALLY we should make it to the Sundance Alfred P Sloan 2023 science film festival in Colorado, USA. Or similar caliber film festivals.
We also want to do a limited cinema run followed by a distribution streaming deal with Netflix, Amazon, or HBO. Or similar caliber film distributors.
FOR CARDANO, the news articles should mention how Cardano made it possible for this film to be made. Also the fact that this is a new and novel way to finance a film.
I submitted this for Fund 8 as an Asian STEM indie film. This time I am resubmitting it as a Proof of Concept of Token Film Financing.
So it is not really what is in the film. It is more a vehicle to prove that Cardano is a good choice for tokenized film financing.
After 102 years of Philippine cinema, there has never been a serious sci-tech themed indie film. We hope to be the first.
This against the backdrop of poor sci-tech capacity. We hope to encourage more of the youth to pursue sci-tech STEM careers.
Dennis Posadas is the Philippines-based author, playwright and screenwriter. His first play Admiral Montojo was performed to a full house off-off-Broadway in NYC last December 2018. He has also won a few minor screenwriting awards.