Last updated a year ago
Many Business students have a lot of ideas but they lack tech knowledge how to develop them
Teach a student association about Cardano and Catalyst, collect business ideas and share them with Cardano engineers to try and establish collaborations
This is the total amount allocated to ALOHA for Cardano.
Teach a student association about Cardano and Catalyst, collect business ideas and share them with Cardano engineers to try and establish collaborations
BA business student in Grenoble school of management
Part of the Cardano community
Working with funded proposers : Shlomo Cohen
Collaborating with Razali Samusudin and Cole Bartlett from the Catalyst school and
About my school:
Grenoble Ecole de Management is one of the most influential business schools in France, it has a lot of International business students that can easily find an opportunity into blockchain technology. The students also have a lot of relations in the other French Business schools which can get the advertising in the universities easier.
ALOHA is a student association at The Grenoble Ecole de Management association (France) and includes 80 students, in France. The purpose of this association is to integrate the international students of the school to the French system and language. Moreover, the goal is to promote the different cultures to the other students of the school, for example we can organize a Latin American dinner in a restaurant.
Our association started 67 years ago and has a lot of influence with the other students and the school administration. 1800 students were part of the association through the years.
ALOHA is one of about 20 student associations in the school, and our future plan is to expand within the different associations and make The Grenoble Ecole de Management an example for students associations onboarded to Cardano.
The association have skilled members with certain talents and specialties and roles in the association, for example there is the treasury, the communication role or event organizers. This permits to have a well organized, homogeneous and professional group with good potential to come up with impactful projects.
The plan is to teach the ALOHA association about Cardano and Catalyst, then to help them find some business ideas that could be useful for Cardano and Catalyst, these ideas would then be share to the engineers of Cardano who will choose who they can do a proposal with.
All the ideas will be supervised before being sent to the engineers and I will help the students to get the best impact possible.
Some community people can also add some feedback :
We will contact the maximum of engineers from Cardano, we will find them with the help of Gimbalabs (We will share the ideas on the Gimbalabs playground where we will get the feedback)(
We will also share the ideas on the Gimbalabs playground where we will get the feedback as well as in a catalyst after townhall slot to discuss with the community about the different ideas.
Why am I interested in Cardano ?
I know Cardano for about a year now, but I have really been active for fund 9 and I am now starting to understand the opportunity that Cardano can give to change the world, my goal is now to educate students, since I am a student myself, and in my opinion blockchain will be fully implemented in our society, I am concerned about the lack of knowledge that students have in this area.
The challenge main goal is to permit to students to connect with engineers in order for them to put their projects in place, this is exactly what we aim for, we want to teach Cardano to students and give them the possibility to be innovative and connect them with engineer community. This proposal will allow some students, who will be the main actors in the Blockchain in the future, to integrate this system.
The success of the proposal fits perfectly the success given by the challenge, which is increasing the exposure of the students ideas, these can expect an easier funding and can be scouted by engineers, this could also be an awesome opportunity for the students to get to know Cardano and Catalyst.
The students do not give relevant and interesting ideas - teaching them the best way possible about Cardano and to supervise them so they give the best possible ideas.
The students will not be motivated to work with Cardano - By teaching them about Cardano and Catalyst, we will promote is and will make them understand the opportunity they have with Cardano. We will also explain that through catalyst they will be able to get initial founding which is very attractive to students
The Fund 9 timing is perfect since we will know the results in September when the school year starts, we will then have time to do the project for fund 11.
Week 1 :
Week 2 :
Week 3 - 4 :
Week 5 - 8 :
Total budget : $4160
Young 18 years old international business student in Grenoble Ecole de Management.
Speaks 4 languages fluently and learning 3 others
Member of the ALOHA association as responsible for the Latin American pole which has to promote the Latin American culture in the school
From May to August 2022, is having a full time internship about Cardano, proposal writing, CA…
Experienced with Cardano and working with a few funded proposers :
I find that Catalyst is an amazing opportunity for me as a student, to change the world.
As I am presenting multiple proposals in this fund, here is an explanation of the workload management and how will I manage my time for next fund.
I have several proposals in this fund and I am working as an admin for 2 proposals from fund 8, how am I going to manage my time with my team, adding also the studies ?
Even if I am studying, I still have extra time to spend on the proposals that I need to work for, I am really interested about working with Catalyst and I will manage to work after class, or wake up earlier to work for Catalyst. If I am really lacking some time, I have the chance to study in a business school, and many students can help me to get the work done.
Overall, we want to check the action of the project, mostly about the number of people participating and the quality of their work.
A report will be given at the end of the project
Deliverables will include a clear presentation and session with Gimbalabs Playgroung / Cardano townhall, to connect engineers with the students
The success will be calculated with the quality of the work provided.
We lack some time to deliver ideas for fund 10 since the school year starts on September 15th and the proposal process finishes at the end of September, we will then start delivering content for fund 11 :
For fund 12, we expect the results to grow after the traction that will be achieved for fund 11, we expect the numbers to grow for fund 12
Entirely new proposal
The goal is to increase the quality of the education, mostly in business schools, I aim that since I am a student myself, and I know by experience that we lack some knowledge in this area. I am also believing that Blockchain is going to be fully implemented in our society in the future so I am concerned about this lack of knowledge.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
BA business student in Grenoble school of management
Part of the Cardano community
Working with funded proposers : Shlomo Cohen
Collaborating with Razali Samusudin and Cole Bartlett from the Catalyst school and