Last updated 2 years ago
A large percentage of students in my school and other tertiary Institutions are not aware of Cardano blockchain and project catalyst. Some students have great excellent ideas but no knowledge about it
I want to create a platform for University students, particularly in my school(ATU), to educate them about Cardano blockchain and project catalyst so that those with great ideas can access benefits.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Student Learning Platform.
I want to create a platform for University students, particularly in my school(ATU), to educate them about Cardano blockchain and project catalyst so that those with great ideas can access benefits.
Kingsley Ampofo- I am a student of Accra Technical University and a volunteer at WADA Ghana ,I am a cardano ambassador in my school with excellent knowledge about blockchain, I have been a regular participant at WADA Ghana events, my course study is secretaryship and management.
My platform will help a lot of students to know about Cardano blockchain because currently, bitcoin seems to be the only blockchain that many students know. My aim is to get more students onboard the cardano ecosystem through my created platform which will be online and face to face to educate them about Cardano. When they get to know about cardano project catalyst, they will think about how to put their ideas into real life projects to benefit themselves and the community.
A lot of engineering students in my school would have access to cardano blockchain knowledge which will help them to be connected to the ecosystem and put their ideas into proposals and also get connected to engineers in the ecosystem.
The platform will get a lot of students from other Universities who will collaborate together and even put up a team to write good proposals relating to development projects that will make cardano blockchain and project catalyst popular among students, thereby scaling high the ecosystem.
Africa students will be able to use Cardano knowledge to write smart contracts and start their own businesses, and benefit the communities and countries at large.
In addressing the challenge, my proposal will get more students to put their ideas into real life projects, which the 'challenge scouted for students' is about getting students involved to eventually have their own businesses and be connected to engineers. There are a lot of students who do not get jobs after school due to lack of connection to the right people for employment. So my platform will help them connect to the cardano ecosystem where they can form collaborations to put their excellent ideas into good proposals for real life projects and self employment. I believe my proposal fits into the challenge and has addressed it appropriately.
The main risk may be instability in the internet connection. To mitigate this risk, I will get an excellent broadband such as internet WIFI which is very fast and can be expensive but reliable to ensure effective connection.
Detailed Plan
The duration of the project will be two months starting from August 1st to September 30th.
The plan is to:
Key Milestones
August 2022 - there will be daily interaction on whatsapp, twitter, instagram with students and I will be sending educational materials about blockchain, cardano and project catalyst and how they can get involved.
Bi weekly zoom meeting on cardano blockchain and processes in catalyst
September 2022 - Bi weekly zoom meetings on Cardano blockchain, project catalyst and opportunities in catalyst and how to submit proposals in catalyst. Social media interaction and face to face will continue on daily basis.
Pictures and recording of these meetings will be stored for reporting purposes and references.
The total budget requested is $1800 which is broken down below:
Internet data for two months - $700
WIFI Equipment - $300
ADA for onboarded students - $200
Workshop 4 times - $600 @ $150 per workshop
Total - $1800
Kingsley Ampofo - student at Accra Technical University studying Secretariship and Management; Cardano Ambassador with passion in spreading Cardano among students; Wada Ghana Volunteer and participant at Wada events. Good at convincing people to join the cardano ecosystem.
Swiss Awuah- Student at Accra Technical University, Cardano Ambassador, Proposer in Fund9, Wada Ghana participant at events.
Yes. If my project brings in more students who become active members in the cardano community, I will have to continue and will need assistance from Catalyst.
Success will be measured on the following:
This a new proposal.
Education, Access, Opportunity and Employment for All.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Kingsley Ampofo- I am a student of Accra Technical University and a volunteer at WADA Ghana ,I am a cardano ambassador in my school with excellent knowledge about blockchain, I have been a regular participant at WADA Ghana events, my course study is secretaryship and management.