Last updated 2 years ago
In Senegal,city administrators have great difficulty receiving or recovering their administrative documents in the event of an emergency or in the event of need without having to travel
Currently in Senegal for a simple reproduction of a birth certificate at the level of any municipality you will stay at least more than 24 hours without even having it sometimes more.
This is the total amount allocated to Digitalization of town halls.
Currently in Senegal for a simple reproduction of a birth certificate at the level of any municipality you will stay at least more than 24 hours without even having it sometimes more.
After a few visit to senegalese town halls,i was able to find that most town halls do not have a computer database or intranet which would have facilitated their work,which is why the feasibility of the project is more than probable with all the bases that are already present
To help municipalities solve their problems of showness and efficiently we will develop an informatic system that will be launched on the cardano blockchain.In the system it will be programmed in such a way that each inhabitant of any city will have the possibility wherever he is in the world to request his administrative papers and to have the possibility of receive in their mailboxes.
I submitted to this challenge because it corresponds to my profile as a student entrepreneur and it fits perfectly with what we want to do.
We will improve government efficiency by integrating 100% of government transactions into the Cardano blockchain network, with the goal of transferring cross-government paperwork to blockchain through a new local start-up called Gal'Sen.
The difficulty of understanding the Cardano blockchain
-Organize blockchain training workshops in partnership with municipalities.
Lack of members
-We will carry out marketing activities that will require going to meet the town halls for their solution. In addition, we will promote our project on social networks.
Month 1
Web development
Training workshops on blockchain, web marketing and social media.
Month 2
Web development.
Training workshops on blockchain, web marketing and social media.
Seeking partnership with city halls.
Month 3
Launch event organization within association of mayors of senegal.
1250 $ => Buy PC Portable - ACER - Nitro 5AN517-54-53ST
1000 $ => Training workshops on blockchain, web marketing and social media
2000 $ => Web development
750 $ => launch event organization
Our team includes a web developer, who will guide the team on the technological side.
We will also call on experienced blockchain developers from the Cardano community.
Project manager Mady Dia, holder of a degree in human resources management, who will be responsible for measuring the progress of the project.
you can contact me on my e-mail address above.
Off course.
We want to extend our project throughout French-speaking Africa and for that it requires a lot more financial means.
No this is a new project.
After a few visit to senegalese town halls,i was able to find that most town halls do not have a computer database or intranet which would have facilitated their work,which is why the feasibility of the project is more than probable with all the bases that are already present