Last updated 2 years ago
Catalyst fund winners do not have ready-made visuals to showcase their win. Catalyst does not make the most of winner’s communication to the outside world.
Create logos and visuals for selected reccuring categories and overall funds to allow winners to showcase their success, and help spread awareness of the Catalyst ecoystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Fund Winner Marketing Logos.
Create logos and visuals for selected reccuring categories and overall funds to allow winners to showcase their success, and help spread awareness of the Catalyst ecoystem.
5+ years experience in digital illustration, animation and design.
This proposal intends to benefit past and future winners of Catalyst funding, and the Catalyst community more generally via increased awareness of the platform.
Currently, fund winners have no official guideline for advertising their project's success, both on social media and within the projects themselves. By providing ready made graphics, fund winners will be able to easily add logos or badges to their products graphics, as well as easily advertise their sucesses on social media in a coherent and consistent way.
In doing so, the Catalyst and Cardano communities will in turn benefit from greater visibility.
This will be done by providing ready made visuals (logos/badges and advert cards) designed to identify Catalyst fund winners.
Specifically, graphics will be created representing winners from general funds (1-9), as well as special designs for the following recurring funds:
For each category, a series of logo-badges will be provided in vector format, along with .png exports in a selection of sizes (24*24, 64*64, 128*128, 1000*1000).
Additionally, a banner will be provided for each cagtegory, with fixed size of 300*600px.
Up to 5 more categories could be added on demand.
The final images will be made publicly available, alongside examples and code snippets to make them easy for past and future winners to add them into their own projects and social media.
The main contributor for this project is a student.
Additionally, if selected, this proposal will contribute to the Catalyst community, helping to give a sense of common identiy and cohesion between members, fostering a sense of pride and adding incentives to participation in funding rounds, as well as being an easy way to gain free advertisment for the platform.
New funds appearing during/after the project is completed that cannot be represented by the pre specified categories
The future impact of this project depends on an initial choice of categories: if the fund names change completely for example, much of the work could be rendered obsolete. As such, the categories chosen must aim to be robust enough to cover future projects as well, whilst still providing a good representation of past projects.
We target this by including two types of categories - one targets previous established funds that have been given specific names (eg Grow Africa), whilst the other only preserves the basics that can be expected to remain consistent - namely that the numbered funds (Fund 9). As such there should be a core of future-proof options to chose from regardless of the direction taken in the theme of future rounds.
The development for this project will have three main phases:
In the initial phase, a series of draft ideas will be provided in order to acertain the overall theme and style of final product. The goal here will be to provide at least 3 different style directions, with an example taken from both the specific funds and the generic numbered fund logos, as well as for the associated layout for the card.
These can then be refined, and a final design idea agreed upon as part of an iterative process.
At this stage, there should be a single example taken from the previous designs for each different type that will inform the style of the final ideas.
The time allocated is intended to account for time taken to gather feedback. A poll will be organised and shared with the Cardano and Catalyst communities so that members can have a say in the design.
Finally, the full set of designs will be created, in line with the final design agreed upon, and exported in the specified formats. This phase is the longest to account for the designing of each individual graphic for the different categories.
The final files will then all be uploaded to a public repository (eg on Github), alongside code snippets demonstrating how to include it onto the webpages.
The budget will be spent in three parts:
Tiffany Duneau: Designer
Current PhD student at Oxford University.
This project should cover future funds as well so there should not be a need for an extension to this specific project in future.
During the project, the milestones specified above provide indications on what deliverables are to be expected at each point - in particular the number of draft/completed designs.
As the final resources for the project will be hosted publicly on Github, adoption of the logos and graphics provided after the project is completed can be monitored via inbuilt metrics (eg forks/follows)
By the end of the project, past winners of Catalyst funds will be able to use newly created graphics designed to indicate them as fund winners to advertise their own products in association with Cardano.
The Cardano and Catalys communities will also benefit from passive marketing, as well as fostering a greater sense of community and involvement.
This is an entirely new proposal.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
5+ years experience in digital illustration, animation and design.