Last updated 2 years ago
Catalyst Newcomers can have a hard time on boarding and navigating the Cardano space, because the Ecosystem is complex and it is not always clear whom you should talk to.
A Program where funded Proposers can be matched up with qualified Mentors. To Exchange Information and Experience
This is the total amount allocated to Mentoring Program.
A Program where funded Proposers can be matched up with qualified Mentors. To Exchange Information and Experience
I am a Student and I was funded in F3, so I know how it feels like to be a student who wants to build something.
A platform which matches up students and senior catalyst members.
By having access to a mentor, a student can solve certain problems faster. Also a Mentor helps to focus attention and keeps motivated.
Shortage of Mentors
I do not know how available Catalyst members are so it is hard to predict, if there will be enough people willing to volunteer as a Mentor.
I do not have a good solution yet. But I will conduct a small poll shortly.
Quality of Mentoring
Because the actual Mentoring sessions will be private there is little oversight.
My Solution is a scoring system for mentors and a set of rules to follow.
500$ per month
1000$ per Catalyst Iteration
2x Months
2x Catalyst Iterations
Quirin Schlegel
Yes after the two test Iterations I will come back if there is demand and participation
A thriving Community of Students and Mentors who inspire each other, get their projects done and maybe build frindships.
A new one.
I am a Student and I was funded in F3, so I know how it feels like to be a student who wants to build something.