Last updated 2 years ago
How to empower students to other opportunities prior to their educational impediments purpose of improving their soft skills after completion of their studies.
Onboard Tanzania University Students Network. Aims to prepare university students towards achieving soft skills prior to employment as well as financial support and capital sources.
This is the total amount allocated to Onboard Tanzania Universities.
Onboard Tanzania University Students Network. Aims to prepare university students towards achieving soft skills prior to employment as well as financial support and capital sources.
The current number of Universities in Dar es salaam itself is 12. The common language in thIs region is kiswahili which we have already created Catalyst and Cardano resource with more than 1000 words to serve this community as part of our fund 8 funded proposal.
RFFXTZ Co Ltd is a registered business consultancy company based in Tanzania with office located in Dar es salaam city. Dar es salaam is a business hub City serving all the countries in East Africa. The proposal aims to onboarding universities how? by helping students contribute their ideas on the Cardano Ecosystem but that won't only target the Engineers rather all professional fields concerned
The ecosystem offers awareness campaigns as such bolstering resources mobilization and technical knowhow which also includes soft skills. A facilitation of Cardano ecosystem awareness campaigns and bridge for collaboration between Universities and the Cardano Catalyst ecosystem will help boost the resources and the know how.
This proposal aims to onboard university students' iaes towards contributing the cardano ecosystems transcends beyond engineers buth rather taps into myriad of professionals.
It will also help provide the general public, mainstream media and engage stakeholders directly to build support and momentum and favorable creativity and innovation in building on the Cardano Ecosystem.
The proposed solution will be flow in the ways mention below:
The Blockchain is still an immature technology that is going to change our general public capacities. However, it has several problems that may strict the technology to be implemented
Technology approach.
The best way to overcome this risk is through educational outreach, 1 to 1 meetings or seminars, website, mass media, media and other outlets like social media platform, videos and audios. we can also prepare seminars by visiting the Universities and educate them on the Cardo catalyst ecosystem
The best way to overcome this risk is by finding amicable ways that will minimize the usage of computer for instance we could use our phones to try relay the information we are trying to reach or instill in them
the ability to ensure to the public that this site is safe for them to join and that they are not just scams.
In the case of new technology like Blockchain in this case Cardano Catalyst ecosystem and after understanding the main requirements of the education sector, we could conclude that it has a positive impact on saving the cost of the daily operations for educational institutes. Blockchain will cut efforts needed to complete the same process manually, enhance the usability of the information by making it reliable and provide security
Workshop for an innovative forum:
Advertising Materials like broachers, flyers, stickers, posters ads.= 500 USD
Seminar & Meetup's for 3 different Universities
Venue rent for 3 different Universities in every seminar
ParticipantIion and appreciation
From Tanzania,
IdeaScale: @babaelliot
Discord: NYS#7565
Linked in :
Fullstack Web and App developer ( , )
Member and active contributor in Catalyst communities ( GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH), Catalyst Proposal Assessors
From Tanzania,
Ideascale: @reginawills,
LinkedIn: ,
Degree in Accountancy and Finance, ACSI certified by CISS, Operations Manager , Trader in Financial Markets ,
Trainer at RFFXTZ COMPANY LIMITED on Financial Market and Blockchain Technology ,
Marketing expert and content creator
Member and active contributor in Catalyst communities ( GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH)
Registered company in Tanzania
Linked In:
Instagram: Rffxtz
Yes. I will return in to the Catalsyt for further funding. I believe there is much innovation to be explored and in the Cardano ecosystem.
This is an entirely new, and necessary proposal.
1.No poverty. As the project will provide employment opportunities
4.Quality education enhanced by the free educational resources in the the hubs or workshop we will offer
5.Gender equality through opportunity offering equal opportunity to any one who would like to be involved in this project
8.Decent work and economic growth through the impact of the project implementation.
9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10.Reduce inequality through the ecosystem Cardano offers equal rights to people of different social class, income gap or even ethnic groups when conducting the said project.
17.Partnership for sustainable Development A well acclaimed partnership between the workshop and the Cardano Ecosystem.