Last updated 2 years ago
Student entrepreneurs in universities, specially in developing countries, when evaluating possibilities for funding have a limited scope to apply for, and are unaware of new alternatives.
Write a Masters thesis (MSc Finance) on Catalyst as a decentralized VC solution ideally suited for developing country entrepreneurs, which can be used to divulge the platform in academic environments.
This is the total amount allocated to Thesis on Catalyst Decentralized VC.
Write a Masters thesis (MSc Finance) on Catalyst as a decentralized VC solution ideally suited for developing country entrepreneurs, which can be used to divulge the platform in academic environments.
MSc Finance candidate at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, based in Argentina, South America, with vast IR/PR experience. Local entrepreneur networks and business/engineering schools have shown a complete lack of knowledge of Catalyst as a funding alternative when approached.
Write a Masters thesis (MSc Finance) on Catalyst as a decentralized VC solution ideally suited for developing country entrepreneurs, which can be used to divulge the platform in academic environments.
Though both Cardano and Catalyst are well-documented platforms, with academic papers regularly publiched in the technical realms, there is a lack of academic production regarding Catalyst´s decentralized VC properties, specially when it comes to focusing on its importance for and appeal to developing economy entrepreneurs. It is this aspect which will be the primary focus of the thesis.
The development of a Masters thesis (MSc Finance) on Catalyst as a decentralized VC solution ideally suited for developing country entrepreneurs, which can be used to divulge the platform in academic and business environments, fits perfectly in a challenge setting aimed at engaging student entrepreneurs and engineers, insofar as the academic production will be framed within a university environment, and the resulting outcome can be circulated to the local entrepreneurship network, as well as to the more extended developing country equivalents.
There are essentially no risks to delivering the project succesfully, seeing as it is a necessary requisite for graduation from the MSc in Finance program, and as such the thesis will be written regardless of funding; the difference that funding will generate is essentially the amount of time dedicated exclusively to its realization, the depth and scope of analysis, the translation into English as the Catalyst lingua franca (seeing as the original thesis will be written in Spanish, as per university requirements in Argentina), and the hours dedicated to community engagement with a finished product to engage local student entrepreneur communities and onboard them to Catalyst and Cardano.
The Masters thesis for the MSc Finance at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella would require the following steps and timeline:
Thesis Memorandum (salary for exclusive dedication, approx. 20 hs) - USD 200.
Final Draft (salary for exclusive dedication, approx. 130 hs) - USD 1300.
Translation into English (translation services, approx. 100 pages) - USD 1000.
Community Engagement (both academic/university with fellow students and at developing country TownHalls, approx. 50 hs) - USD 500.
Myself, as MSc Finance candidate at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, based in Argentina, South America. Aftwerwards, community engagement with local entrepreneur networks and business/engineering schools that have shown a complete lack of knowledge of Catalyst as a funding alternative when approached, so as to use the finished product to generate awareness of Catalyst and aid in the onboarding of new members, specifically student entrepreneurs.
Further funding will not be necessary for this proposal, due to the defined time horizon to create and submit the thesis at the university.
As a written product, the project´s progress will be determined by the milestones previously exposed (Thesis Memorandum, First and succesive Chapters, Rough Draft and Final Draft), and can also be measured in terms of pages.
If funded, an additional measure may involve number of interviews conducted with key members of the Catalyst community that may inform and feed the thesis throughout its elaboration.
A finished Masters thesis (MSc Finance) on Catalyst as a decentralized VC solution ideally suited for developing country entrepreneurs, which can be used to divulge the platform in academic environments and as a key instrument to onboard creative and driven student entrepreneurs into Catalyst to present their projects for funding, and thus incorporate them into the Cardano community in a more permanent fashion.
This constitutes an entirely new proposal, and is standalone in nature.
Essentially, this proposal seeks, through the development and divulgation of knowledge obtained from what still basically constitutes for most of the world a niche decentralized VC experiment, to augment the awareness within developing country student entrepreneurship networks of this funding mechanism, to foster economic growth and decent work mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia, reducing regional inequalities by means of the innovation that is Project Catalyst and, more globally, Cardano.
SDGs impacted:
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 10 - Reduce Inequalities
MSc Finance candidate at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, based in Argentina, South America, with vast IR/PR experience. Local entrepreneur networks and business/engineering schools have shown a complete lack of knowledge of Catalyst as a funding alternative when approached.