Last updated 2 years ago
Many blockchain projects are located in Israel, which is known as the "start up nation", but lack of awareness to Cardano limits the potential for collaboration with the local community.
We have partnered with DAOstack team to produce a joint event to expose the Israeli audience to both projects, and to create a platform for acquaintance and cross-chain collaboration
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst+DAOstack Open Space.
We have partnered with DAOstack team to produce a joint event to expose the Israeli audience to both projects, and to create a platform for acquaintance and cross-chain collaboration
Aharon: A project catalyst member since fund5. Funded proposer (F7, F8), challenge team member, dRep and former CA.
Arava: DAOstack community manager for the last two years.
Israel, which is known as the "start-up nation", is a small country that acts as a blockchain innovation hub. Many projects and teams are located in Israel. One of those projects is DAOstack that provide solutions for DAOs on Ethereum.
While there is a lot of activity, innovation, and entrepreneurship mainly on the Ethereum blockchain, there is a lack of awareness and knowledge about the Cardano ecosystem, and about Project Catalyst.
So we have partnered with DAOstack's team to produce a joint open space to expose the Israeli audience to both DAOstack, their vision and their work and to the Cardano blockchain and to Project Catalyst, and onboard new entrepreneurs, visionaries and users to both projects.
In Open Space events participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme. Open Space Technology is one way to enable all kinds of people, in any kind of organization, to create inspired events.
This event can be a platform for collaboration between those projects and their communities that are working now in isolation due to the fact that they are building on different blockchains.
If this proposal will get funded we plan to approach other projects, communities and entrepreneurs that are building on other blockchains, such as Bitcoin, Algorand, Coti etc, and invite them to take an active part.
By creating an opportunity for builders, investors, larkers and other from both projects ecosystems - DAOstack & Catalyst - to meet face to face and establish friendship, we can:
The tension between Ethereum supporters and the Cardano community can be an obstacle for this initiative. To mitigate this risk I reached out and offered collaboration with DAOstack's team members that I have previous acquaintance.
I have known Arava, DAOstack community manager, for more than 10 years, and worked with her on similar productions before, as have other DAOstack team's members that I have previous acquaintance and consider as my friends.
Based on real life friendship and mutual respect we can transcend the blockchain tribalism, and extend this friendship to many others.
Timeline (from voting results release):
all plus VAT 17%
Total: 48,500$
Aharon Porath: Techno-social entrepreneur.
Founder of consenz - agreement building platform for DAOs on cardano, funded by project catalyst.
Project Catalyst member since fund5. Funded proposer (F7, F8), challenge team member, dRep and former CA.
Arava Gerzon Raz: Community Specialist || Change Maker
DAOstack community manager.
Maybe. If we will get funded and the event will be successful we ask for more funding for future events next year.
Pre event KPI:
Event KPI:
Post Event KPI:
Success will be measured on the event itself by:
After the event we will send a survey to measure satisfaction by the participants and awareness and understanding of the projects involved.
Great success will be if at least one new team will form at the event, that will work on a cross chain project.
It is a new one
Aharon: A project catalyst member since fund5. Funded proposer (F7, F8), challenge team member, dRep and former CA.
Arava: DAOstack community manager for the last two years.