Last updated 2 years ago
Connecting UN frameworks like the SDGs to Proposals require analyses + evaluation. Support our research work in Fund 9 as in Fund 6, 7 and 8. Comparative cross chain research is lacking.
Cross-chain comparative research and analysis of Project Catalyst Fund 9 funded proposals and their connection to UN SDGs, in addition to another blockchain’s system of funding ecosystem growth.
This is the total amount allocated to CrossChain Blockchain4Good Research.
Cross-chain comparative research and analysis of Project Catalyst Fund 9 funded proposals and their connection to UN SDGs, in addition to another blockchain’s system of funding ecosystem growth.
200+ team of active Cardano community members. Cardano AIM team (voter-tool, CA-tool, vCA-Tool, SDG Proposer Tool, SDG Search Tool). Globally diverse multidisciplinary team of professionals: Catalyst, sustainability and impact research. Fund 5,6,7,8 winners.
AIM SDG Proposer Tool Tutorial UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) measurements are key for Cardano
About the SDGs -
We would like to highlight some of our achievements thus far:
Here is a link for an excel that shows the proposed tasks and achievements for the proposals:
* We have developed a SDG Search tool to help proposers integrate SDGs into proposals
* Members of our team have are continuing to map the Cardano ecosystem of Catalyst impact projects that connect to SDGs, and porting them over into the open access Positive Blockchain database as part of a partnership and collaboration with
* As a result of our work, submitted 7 proposals for Fund 7, and received funding for 3 proposals.
* Participated in Building Bridges conference and in talks with the Accelerate 2030 organisation and with relevant partners to bridge their ecosystem and stakeholders with a Cardano Impact Network
While we continue our work based on Fund 8 objectives, we ask the community to continue supporting our work also for Fund 9. Giving our team the capacity to provide the data and analysis that helps measure and track how Project Catalyst and its projects are financing solutions that solve wicked problems, using global frameworks in a common language as used by Governments, the United Nations and Multilateral Organizations. This time taking a step further and carrying out a cross chain comparative analysis with Project Catalyst’s Fund 9 funded proposals.
How can we ensure future efforts benefit from the work that is funded today?
Our research proposal seeks to continue the work of fund 6, 7 and 8 and build upon the current research we are carrying out this fund. We will analyze Fund 9 funded proposals and present our analyses in an accessible database format search tool, which is currently live as and open access:
It will continue to be open access, and richer with up to date proposals that have been evaluated as to their connections to UN frameworks (SDGs, Human Rights, planetary pressures adjusted HDI) providing stakeholders with insights into how Project Catalyst is financing projects, the type of projects, impact both actual and forecasted.
This open access data and information can help inform decision making within the Cardano ecosystem, and across the different open source communities and sectors to facilitate multi stakeholder decision making, problem sensing and solving using the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Human Rights and planetary pressures adjusted Human Development Index as common frameworks.
How do we align between different open source and cross chain community efforts?
We include a quote from SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals:
"17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts"
Essentially, open source data is KEY to achieving all sustainable development goals:
"We must undertake a concerted global effort to encourage and invest in the creation of digital public goods: open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content." (United Nations, 2020)
"Even when the relevant digital public good or open source solution is found, support and additional investment are still required to scale them up and successfully implement them" (2020, p. 9). Hence here we are, in this decentralized innovation fund experiment that is Project Catalyst! *-*
What are the next steps to fuse IOG development with the community?
We have successfully collaborated with IOG with integrating the SDG Proposer Tool into the Fund 7 proposer submission form. Now, we want to carry out continued research into the activities of our Cardano community of Catalyst stakeholders for Fund 9 and in conjunction with another blockchain community, and share the learnings with Cardano entities, #Blockchain4Good actors and public benefit to catalyze a positive multiplier effect.
How can we encourage experts to collaborate and share their knowledge and work?
We are actively working on this front. Our team is currently wearing several hats, part of interconnected teams and projects that make up a constellation of Impact oriented projects. We are in talks with, and have developed working relationships and partnerships with stakeholders within the Cardano for Impact ecosystem, and the wider Blockchain 4Good Collective, and Impact Investor world. Examples include:
How can we develop a sustainable ecosystem while sharing knowledge and efforts?
As we approach the community to fill out a voluntary survey to evaluate their own project proposals, and self-report how it connects to the UN frameworks, there is the risk that proposers don’t complete the form due to a lack of capacity and time. Also there may be a gap in understanding the UN frameworks and how they connect to their projects.
We factor this in our research approach and methodology, by triangulating with our own team of experts evaluating each proposal, and interviews with the teams where appropriate.
Stakeholders and members of the Cardano community may be sceptical of the relevance of UN agencies, frameworks and concepts in this decentralized community of changemakers. As we are focusing on impact related collaboration, and have developed strong multisectoral relationships, with a common vision to build a better world FOR ALL, we are building bridges for global communities to connect, and collaborate for impact and at scale. Working together on projects that are inclusive and diverse builds trust. We propose to facilitate a continuation of this.
The UN SDGs framework has its critics for being too overwhelming, too ‘big picture’ and with too many indicators that can be worked on in siloes . Challenging to measure and translate into measurable, easy to communicate and understandable impact on the ground. Furthermore, a research that seeks to carry out an analysis of the connection to SDGs across chains including Cardano’s Project Catalyst and another blockchain is an unventured field of research.
Our research used mixed research methods; qualitative and quantitative, and we accept that evaluating a proposal and how it connects to UN frameworks can be subjective, but we have endeavored to use a scientific approach and will make all resources and results of the study open access.
We have a globally diverse, multicultural and multisectoral team, who have been funded since Funds 5,6,7 and 8, that understands the needs and challenges within the Catalyst community. Also the needs and challenges in synergistic, interrelated networks that stand to mutually benefit with a clear and coherent plan of action to collaborate and share resources and knowledge, to move the needle and reach a tipping point whereby our collective intelligence feeds a movement that not only thinks, but acts, with integrity. We propose in both word and deed to bring together people to tackle real problems, create new and leverage existing solutions. This research is intended in this spirit.
We encourage the creation of new key performance indicators that align with the global SDGs e.g. Quality Education for All, and to provide an open access educational resource that can provide a fertile ground for further impact and research.
We will help facilitate cross chain impact backed up with and facilitated by research and knowledge exchange, across existing cross chain communities. Communities from groups and organisations such as Positive Blockchain, Cardano4Climate, Sustainable ADA and the Cardano Impact Network Collective.
Our research team are exploring another chain to research and seeking to collaborate with another researcher/s from said chain.
Currently we are exploring a possible comparative analysis between Project Catalyst and Gitcoin grants:
How will the outcomes of your project be communicated or marketed once completed?)
The development and outcome of the project will be regularly published on our social media and website.
Key Metrics to measure (we create these kpis for ourselves to track and measure success)
Published on and SDG Search Tool
Currency exchange volatility - We shall exchange ADA received into a stable coin (Djed) or fiat where appropriate.
We see no other risks that would prevent us from delivering the project successfully, as our team is experienced in working as a decentralized team and carrying out such research as demonstrated since receiving funding across Fund 6,7 and 8.
September 2022 - November 2022:
Go through all Fund 9 funded proposals, in addition to a voluntarily completed survey by proposers. Determine and assess the current state of Catalyst proposals using the sustainable theoretical framework lens. Analyze the results and compare to previous fund’s results.
November/December 2022:
Collate results into a publicly accessible database (SDG Search Tool) and prepare a written paper and PowerPoint to share the findings internally in the Cardano ecosystem, as well as with related journals, media, and potential partners (coordinated with Cardano foundation & IOG)
Continue improving the open access database and SDG proposer tool and promote through our network, blockchain4good and SDG networks.
The deliverable/s and KPIs will be:
Summary report/article and PPT of connecting Fund 9 funded proposals to SDGs and at least 1 other chain, for a comparative analysis.
Managing workload:
As we have a globally decentralized, experienced, multi skilled and diverse team, working across timezones, and connected to various networks and communities, we can tap into our multiple connections and resources, to ensure we have a sustainable approach to managing our workload if we are to receive funding from Catalyst.
Here is a link explaining how members of our team, who are actively working on previously funded proposals and supporting this proposal, shall manage their workload:
Cole Bartlett: Cole Bartlett | Work Load Managment
Project Management = $1500
Collection of data and analysis, evaluation = $9000
Article and PPT = $1000
Database integration and improvements = $1000
Communications and Promotion = $500
Total = $13000
Razali Samsudin
Yoram Ben-Zvi, Partnership lead:
A social entrepreneur. In the last five years, Yoram has been focusing on combining impact and business. A mentor with international board, operations, and startup experience. Yoram is an active catalyst member, CA, and part of the Cardano4Climate community. In addition, active in promoting the Catalyst and Cardano community to impact companies and networks to connect them to the ecosystem (i.e.
Ninh Tran
As funds continue to grow, research into how these funds are used is important. Questions such as how much is going towards financing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, and other measures of progress towards solving local and global problems need answers if we are to be able make decisions and communicate using a common language as used by international and multinational stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society actors. So with that being said, if funded, this research will seek to find answers to such questions. In order to understand Project Catalyst’s impact and to compare it with other funding mechanisms in the Blockchain space, this research will need to continue and as such, future Catalyst proposals may be submitted in order to carry out such research sustainably due to the resources and time commitment it would necessarily entail.
We will publish research on public channels including and make the research updates publicly viewable in the open access tools SDG Search Tool.
We have quantitative and qualitative results and learnings from our findings into how Fund 9 Project Catalyst funded proposals are connected to the UN SDGs, how much $USD (in ADA) is financing impact according to the SDGs, not just on Cardano but compared to another funding mechanism on another chain/s.
This is a new proposal in that it is the first cross chain analysis comparative analysis of Project Catalyst with another chain. This proposal builds on the research currently underway supported by the Fund8 funded proposal:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG subgoals:
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.7.1 Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment
200+ team of active Cardano community members. Cardano AIM team (voter-tool, CA-tool, vCA-Tool, SDG Proposer Tool, SDG Search Tool). Globally diverse multidisciplinary team of professionals: Catalyst, sustainability and impact research. Fund 5,6,7,8 winners.