Last updated 2 years ago
How can all Blockchains minimize potential staff & bad players predatory practices against vulnerable Senior Citizens globally with resulting bad press and potential government regulation pressures?
Certification of Senior Education & Riskmanagement in DeFi-CSERDeFi. A global SRO (Self Regulatory Organization) formed for training & certifying Staff & Companies in a proactive & continuing process
This is the total amount allocated to C.S.E.R.DEFI.
Certification of Senior Education & Riskmanagement in DeFi-CSERDeFi. A global SRO (Self Regulatory Organization) formed for training & certifying Staff & Companies in a proactive & continuing process
C4S-Cardano4Seniors is a community platform for the education of Seniors about Cryptocurriencies, DeFi with emphasis on Risk Management. One of the members founded Risk & Safety Management in the late 1980s and worked with the Senior Market. Team combined experience 150+ years!
CSERDeFi(CERTIFY) is a proposal is for Cardano Catalyst to initiate this SRO (Self Regulatory Organization) for the entire ecos of Defi and Cryptocurrency to protect Senior Citizens globally from predatory or dangerous actions.
The press will brush off the news when one or two of the current Two Billion Seniors loses their life savings due to a bad actor. It will not ignore it when it happens to thousands. The Defi world should not get a black eye in a sector where it can anticipate and avoid. The US Sec has special rules for Seniors. Let us not ignore that at a time when Regulatory Agencies are sharpening their knives over who will regulate.
Cardano should demonstrate its Principled behavior and lead the industry towards Self-Regulation of its treatment all “at risk” investors starting with the niche 2 billion Seniors whose population will double in the next ten years.
Our proposal will elevate Cardano as the founding member as we draw up the framework, education and self-certifying criteria. We will market this SRO to the industry with Direct Mail, Social Media and in person marketing at Conventions and Coferences. This marketing process will be to educate and onboard other Blockchains, DEXs, CEXs and employees to Cserdefi themselves in Senior Risk Management.
Cardano as the founding member of CSERDeFi will be elevated to the Primo principled Blockchain company. It and any other co- founding companies will receive a 20% lifetime discount on annual membership.
By reaching out to Algorand, Helium, Coinbase, Wingriders, Etherium, and other businesses in DeFi whether Layer 1, Layer 2, Web 3, a Dex or Cex we are reaching out to Colab and be inclusive of the entire industry.
C4S believes Cardano needs to be at the forefront of the massive Silver Tsunami that is headed for DeFi in the next ten years. This is one part of the strategy to aggressively onboard into the Catalyst ecos the brain currency and liquidity of this soon to be 4 billion niche market.
Regulatory actions of the US government and other jurisdictions could hamper or bury the actions of a developing industry to form SROs.
The best mitigation is a united industry front and public sentiment. By forming CSERDEFI and other industry SROs the public will begin to understand the DEFi system is working as other financial industries have towards effective self regulatory actions.
Lack of Capital to achieve the goal is the biggest risk. To be effective globally, CSERDEFI will require buy in from many of the Industry giants and will require a large budget.
The marketing and face to face sales campaign is the prime mitigation factor. Without an effective campaign leading to onboarding new members and Co- Founders this initiative will not reach full effectiveness.
Regulators rejection of Intent. Without global regulators buying in to the SRO model for DEFi the initiative will not be effective.
The mitigation strategy is to have a united industry front for self-regulation. A strong financial figurehead will also help.
Phase 1
Q3 & 4 , 2022
Hourly estimate $50 per hour except research at $35 per hour.
Estimate. $8,645
Phase 2.
Q1 &2 , 2023
Hourly rate of $50 except artist at $70.
Estimate. $ 26,556
Phase 3
Q2-4 2023/Q1-3 2024
Direct Marketing
Breakdown of trade show expense:
5 people each - 3 hotel rooms 1 week @$1,200 = $3,600
Travel 5 people @$1,000 = $5,000
Booth shipping =$1,000
Give away Merch = $1,000
Show registration =$2,000
Food 1 week 5 people = $2,500
Local travel expense = $250
Compensation 5 pep 7. -8 hr days @$35 = $9,800
Estimate. $189,000
P1 = $. 8,645
P2 =. $. 26,556
P3 =. $189,400
misc. $. 399
The budget was provided along with plan in above step. A more detailed description is included here.
Research $35/hour
Concept $50/hr
Artist. $70/hr
Show attendance. $35/ hr
talent Compensation
Phase 1 = $8,600
Phase 2= $26,556
Phase 3= $41,220
Material, Show Expense & Travel
Direct mailing = $15,000
Trade booth = $12,000
Trade Shows. = $109,878
Conference. = $ $11,385
misc. =. $. 361
The Project will be headed by Kevin who was a NYC broker dealing with Regulators and has an understanding of SROs and now is living in Florida, focused solely on Crypto and the Cardano Platform. He has become more involved since attending Consensus 2022 and meeting with Charles Hoskinson.
He will be assisted by the Cardano4Seniors team: father Tommy Frey former Risk Manager NYC, now retired farmer and Cardano community member including acting as a CA, PA, CT , Proposer, Voter and active in several groups including C4S, C4C, Catalyst, Swarm and others; Gustavo Oduber an Artist and Catalyst member, PA and NFT Guild; Tkolomi our primary researcher and a Catalyst member including a PA.
We recognize we will need to outsource several issues and either hire or expand our Colab with other community members to accomplish this important project.
We will approach for annual membership dues, discounted at 25%, though this may and should become an internal Foundation, IOG and Cardano expense.
Phase one and two will be measured and reported via an agile system. We will open and include a Miro Board and utilize Slack for our communications and weekly (updated Fridays) accomplishments.
Our measurements will align exactly with the steps laid out. Most work will be synchronized and measured as complete. The few pieces of research that can and will be done asynchronous will be reported via slack and Miro. All workflow and goal accomplishments will be open for public view.
Phase three will mostly entail the initial public outreach via mailings, social media, and direct contact at conferences and shows.
The measurements here will be 1. Initial contact., 2 sale made to Crypto platform., 3. Onboarding and dues paid by Crypto Platform., 4. Certification online course enrollment by individuals., 5 Measurements of a) onboards, b) dues, c) online course enrollment, d) course completions awarded, e) # of Blockchains enrolled.
This is an entirety new Proposal, though it is part of the Community platform C4S is building within Cardano.
SDG goals:
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget, by sector (or by budget codes or similar)
Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services
Proportion of members and voting rights of developing countries in international organizations
Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information
Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed in the previous 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
C4S-Cardano4Seniors is a community platform for the education of Seniors about Cryptocurriencies, DeFi with emphasis on Risk Management. One of the members founded Risk & Safety Management in the late 1980s and worked with the Senior Market. Team combined experience 150+ years!