Last updated 2 years ago
There aren't proper digital bridges between different Blockchain Communities to collaborate with one another
Create powerful collaborations with other Blockchains at a local level in Latin America. Spreading Cardano´s vision through the region while collaborating with other communities
This is the total amount allocated to Empowering Collabs though Hubs.
Create powerful collaborations with other Blockchains at a local level in Latin America. Spreading Cardano´s vision through the region while collaborating with other communities
In our team there are CA, vCAs, Founder Proposers, Cardano ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, developers, marketing specialists, media influencers and Stake Pool operators. A uniquely qualified team to spread the values and philosophy of Cardano & decentralization
With the creation of several communities, collaboration and communications between projects from other blockchains has been halted by differences between communities, impeding these connections to flourish
Our solution is to Create a powerful & coordinated push of Cardano Hubs throughout Latin America. The LATAM Townhall has proven to be common ground for many Cardano members to interact. From our experience in the Buenos Aires Hub, by removing this digital barrier collaborations occur frictionless throughout each meeting. Making it an ideal environment for collaborations and even best, these encounters will occur in their native languages.
Latin America is a fertile region for mass adoption and create value based on Cardano. It has talented and passionate people that with the proper tools and opportunities will create its own path and ways to succeed.
Throughout our experience of work, multiple members appeared and showed capabilities of becoming Local referents in their respective countries. This proposal seeks to give those people the resources, tools and funding for kickstarting their hubs.
New hubs will be able to leverage from our community while we create a huge center of gravity for new and emerging hubs. Which will allow them to learn and get direct insight, from other hub organizer´s experiences. KEY aspect when starting a new Hub.
These spaces will allow us to drive Cardano´s growth higher, allowing even more people to join this wonderful community, while interacting at a local level.
By providing a meeting point where people can express in its own languages and cultures we expect to:
Our Action Plan is the following:
This proposal will be use as a 1st experiment of how this network of hubs could look like.
Our goal is to unite and kickstart with only 5 Community hubs, while giving them freedom to work as an autonomous group. We´ve done this in the past with the LATAM Translator team and it has proven to be a great way of collaborating between teams, without demands from each other. (The hubs were chosen by leaders who rise from the community and took command of those hubs)
The Hubs will be host in:
Future proposals could scale on this concept and increase the number of hubs. Also, these hubs are free to create individual proposals on their own. Event organization will be taken care by each hub´s referent or team.
Our work has already started, part of the LATAM Team already had the chance to attend to 2022 Polkadot Consensus Buenos Aires event and managed to interact with several Polkadot Ambassadors, Developers and even with Gavin Wood himself, Cofounder of Ethereum and Polkadot, where we managed to discuss how to develop a Multichain Future.
With our proposal we aim to create spaces to bring several key players from the Blockchain industry to LATAM. Vitalik Buterin visited Argentina last December and caused a huge commotion, he appeared in newspapers, TV shows and EVEN met with the most influential politicians from Argentina.
Gavin Wood came to Buenos Aires for Polkadot´s summit and seems like now is the time to bring a Cardano representative right? Maybe someone by the name of Charles...?
If successful we intend to bring Charles to Latin America and sit him with key influential people from LATAM, providing Cardano access to several national governments and hopefully see huge institutional adoption for Cardano.
These spaces will bring the spotlight to all mentioned challenges by educating, allowing collaborations and even leading the way on pushing favorable crypto legislations, creating powerful connections throughout the continent.
“We need initiatives to increase communication, coordination and collaboration between chains.”
This proposal is a key element from several initiatives from the LATAM Community, to increase its presence in the region and become a Main actor in the region´s development
Any potential risks wouldn’t put the proposal in failure risk but rather diminish it´s outcome or expand its completion. Hubs could take longer to organize and kickstart, local leaders could venture into other projects. All of these issues could be solved with efficient communication, organization and proper risk managment
Since Hubs will work autonomously, events will depend on their organization and strategies. For this proposal we will be asking for a minimum of 2 events in the span of 4 months. Size of the event could vary. Each hub will receive equal payment of funds and they will decide how to spend it. Maybe some spend more on locations, others on drinks or marketing.
-5 Hub referent´s Compensation: 500 USD x 4 Months = 10.000 USD
-Each Hub will receive 1.750 USD per event = 17.500 USD
-Risks & Emergencies: 10% of Budget = 2750 USD
Total: 30.250 USD
Among our core team we can cite:
Alex Pestchanker (Mentor, Host and Speaker, Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano, Funded Proposer subcircle member, Swarm Veteran)
Rodolfo Miranda (Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano and F8 Self Sovereign Identity)
Lucas Macchiavelli (Funded Proposer in F7 and 8, CA in F8, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor)
Jaime Martinez: (Funded Proposer in F7 and F8, CA in F6 and F7, member of the Catalyst community since F4, Advocate and builder of educational initiatives for LatAm Cardano Communities)
Mauro Andreoli
Juanita Jaramillo R
Victor Corcino
Juan Sierra
Yes, Catalyst has proven to be a great funding mechanism for community-oriented proposals
Our Key Progress Indicators will be:
Outcomes KPIs:
What does success for this project look like?
With all of these metrics we expect a bigger and impactful LATAM Cardano Community, which will be able to connect with multinational business, institutions and governments.
Is a continuation of several proposals from the LATAM Cardano´s community expansion in F7 & F8
In our team there are CA, vCAs, Founder Proposers, Cardano ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, developers, marketing specialists, media influencers and Stake Pool operators. A uniquely qualified team to spread the values and philosophy of Cardano & decentralization