Last updated a year ago
Japanese developers of the Everscale Blockchain and Japanese Cardano community see Gimbalabs' Plutus PBL as a good tool to learn how to develop in Cardano. However, it is only available in English.
To meet the immediate needs of the Japanese community, the Plutus PBL must be translated into Japanese.
This is the total amount allocated to Evescale Devs on Cardano.
To meet the immediate needs of the Japanese community, the Plutus PBL must be translated into Japanese.
The Everscale blockchain and the Japanese Cardano community have started to work on the planning of common projects that will allow Everscale engineers and the Japanese Cardano community (engineers, students, enthusiasts) to actively develop on Cardano.
For Everscale, the strategic importance of developing on "the most important blockchain in Japan" (quote from the Everscale representative) is indisputable. For the Community Manager of the Japanese Cardano community, it is imperative to find ways to consolidate the development skills of the growing community in his country, facilitating access to tools of proven efficiency at a practical level and a record of results (startups or projects created in Cardano).
In this scenario, Gimbalabs enters as a partner that can contribute to the achievement of the objectives in the development area.
Gimbalabs is a project born in Cardano, which over time has excelled in building a quality technical, educational and community infrastructure for people who want to show the world what Cardano can do.
At our first meeting, as a member of Gimbalabs, I had the opportunity to present our Plutus PBL. Plutus PBL stands for "Plutus Project-based Learning". It is a learning program based on the practical development of real-world tools and use cases, which progressively creates a space in which the student can develop a deep understanding of what Cardano can do while getting better and better at building on Plutus, Cardano's native development platform. Among some of the startups and projects supported by the first version of Plutus PBL are:
Loxe Inc (
Martify ( (
Rarety (
Gods of Block NFT (
There was agreement on the benefits Plutus PBL educational program can bring to the purpose of integrating Everscale into Cardano and to the consolidation of the Japanese Cardano community in the development area. Educational material of Plutus PBL characteristics is non-existent in Japan. However, the language barrier arises as a possible obstacle in the teaching process in particular, directly impacting the adoption factor of Cardano in one of the most creative places on the planet.
The second version of Gimbalabs' Plutus PLB educational program will be released on July 18th. From this second version it is worth noting:
Each module of the program (see image Plutus PBL - Curriculum in attachments section) is a mix of text and video delivered in plain English, low jargon and technical language, suitable for self-paced learning. The technical context is supported at a visual level with the video material: the student can identify specific technical aspects and their effects on the code and actions he sees on screen.
Plutus PBL is divided into four main sections:
It is estimated that each section will take one (1) month to translate. The translation will include the text material and the video material. The final result will be a Plutus PBL translated into Japanese that will be assigned its own space in our educational platform (, so that Japanese students will enjoy the benefits of a quality educational material translated into their language and an educational platform with recognized functionalities for online learning.
Justification for the proposal
Immediate action must be taken for the following reasons:
As stated in the Challenge, the purpose of this proposal is to foster collaboration between blockchains while strengthening our own subserved communities.
The path to interoperability and collaboration is cultivated once we provide other blockchains with adequate tools to understand and build upon our infrastructure. A mutual understanding begins when we start speaking a common language.
Our educational project is a successful project that seeks to open the gateway to other blockchains and existing Cardano communities: both groups looking for ways to take action by building on Cardano.
We are a solution created in Catalyst that wants to be adopted by other blockchain and sub-served Cardano communities.
We are completely in line with the ultimate goal of the Challenge:
"Let's create an enriching, open and safe environment, where people from different communities can find common ground and share knowledge, resources, skills, ideas and visions with one another."
And we are definitely aligned with the Challenge's strategic objectives for Fund 9:
Inadequate translation of the material: linguistic differences or inaccuracies in the translation process may make the Plutus PBL program translated into Japanese unreadable and incomprehensible to Japanese students. To counteract this possibility, the Everscale - Cardano Japanese Community - Gimbalabs working group will be consulted frequently during the translation process to test the partial results obtained in the translation of each module.
Plutus PBL is divided into four main sections:
Each of these sections defines the translation stages of the program. The translation process begins once the proposal is funded.
Stage 1: Onboarding section translation (1 month)
Stage 2: Building Background Knowledge (BBK) section translation (1 month)
Stage 3: Specialize section translation (1 month)
Stage 4: Contribute section translation (1 month)
Translation work: ~40 hours/month
Verification work: ~20 hours/month
Correction work: ~20 hours/month
Total hours/month = 80 hours/month
Total months = 4
Total hours project = 320 hours total
Hourly rate = ~ $30,62 usd/hour
Total: = ~$9800
Sebastian Pabon: Teacher. Plutus instructor European Business University of Luxembourg. EMURGO Academy council member. Gimbalabs Plutus PBL working group member. Experienced in translating Plutus educational software into languages other than English (F8 funded and closed proposal: Linkedin:
Gimbalabs. Gimbalabs builds technical, educational, and community infrastructure for people who want to show the world what Cardano can do. We believe that people learn best by doing things. If you've been looking for an entry point into how you can participate in Cardano, we think you might find it here. We are piloting a "Plutus Project-Based Learning" (PPBL) team that gives developers a chance to gain hands on experience with Plutus by working on real projects. One outcome of PPBL is that we are creating documentation and task suggestions for additional developers to learn Plutus by using it. Another is that we will apply what we are learning about Project-Based Learning to other tools, like Atala Prism and Dandelion.
Support: Everscale - Cardano japanese community - Gimbalabs working group. This working group is represented by a representative of Everscale Japan, the Community Manager of Cardano japanese community, and Sebastian Pabon member of Gimbalabs. This working group will assist during the translation process.
No. This proposal is a one-time project. If necessary, improvements to the project after completion will be made without requiring additional funds.
Initially, the greatest measure of progress will be the monthly completion of each stage of translation described in the timeline of the Feasability section. At the end of the 4 month project duration, the greatest measure of progress will be to have the Plutus PBL translated into Japanese on our educational platform, ready to be accessed by Japanese students.
In the long term, we expect to impact the following metrics of the Challenge "Cross-Chain Collaboration":
These metrics will be tracked after the launch of Plutus PBL translated into Japanese. Especially, the number of events / workshops / sessions arranged with Everscale students and students from the Japanese community of Cardano will be an indicator of the health of this proposal and the role our Plutus PBL is playing among Japanese students.
Two are the results we expect in concrete terms once this project comes into effect:
As a collateral effect we seek with this proposal to permanently open a gateway to Cardano for the Japanese development community in general.
No, this proposal is not a continuation of a previously funded project.
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here