[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Our solution is to create an event and job app for people to instantly act on the information they see. From a Twitter Space to a job opening.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
We have a full agile team onboard. 3 developers and a product manager.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
The Problem
The demands of keeping up with the Cardano ecosystem let alone the entire crypto ecosystem is grueling. This is a true statement for people that are heavily involved in their particular crypto ecosystem and even more true for people that are curious about crypto/Cardano but haven't fully dived in.
- We are approaching it from this manor because it allows for the user to choose the time horizon that suites them.
- Do you want to find information that is happening on that particular day? No problem.
- Are you looking to do more research as a project anticipates a mainnet launch? We have that too.
How we accomplish this
- Our site will cater to many different personas based on their crypto/Cardano knowledge.
- allows people to find out exactly when an event is happening they can put themselves in position to get the information that they desire.
- We do this by allowing projects to easily post their key events to be highlighted on the site.
- It provides a win-win situation for community members as well as projects to gain extra exposure and alert their community on what is going on.
The Result
- A newbie will be able to find an educational Twitter space or new blog post.
- A veteran will be able to hawk out a new project that looks promising.
- Allows anyone of any knowledge level to get up to date info to educate themselves.
- Ushers in people that are new to Cardano, new to crypto and also further equip people already in the community.
- A network of information hunger people can start connecting, networking and sharing what they have learned.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
Getting any project from an idea to a company or DAO is difficult work. Most believe in a cross-chain future but the reality is that most also put themselves in an echo chamber within their preferred chain. Woolly Map provides a baseline for individuals to get up to speed on Cardano ecosystem events so that productive and insightful conversations can start to occur among different chains.
This project addresses cross-chain collaboration because:
- It serves as a great entry point for those that are curious about Cardano but spend majority of their time on other chains
- It provides a one-stop shop for people who are limited on time.
- removes the friction as much as possible so those that seek information can get it right away.
Persona Rough Draft:
- Crypto Curious Individuals
- Entry Level
- Info about crypto (basic stuff)
- Fraud / Scams
- Quick info
- Make initial earnings safely
- Mid Level
- More in depth stuff
- Fraud / Scams
- Make some decent money
- Fraud / Scams
- Comparisons
- Seasoned Curious
- Give me the meat (mature projects)
- Comparisons
- Alpha on up-and-coming projects
- How do we connect seasoned people with new projects?
- Project Owner (bullets based on project maturity)
- Entry Level
- Get my project initial traction (bootstrapped)
- Build community
- Mid Level
- Get to know the competitors
- Best practices to push to the next level
- Build/Grow community
- Stable Level
- Get even more publicity
- My info is already somewhere, make me import that
- Reinforce/Grow community
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
- The main risk is that the barrier to post on the site is too high.
- We will mitigate this by providing as much value as we can to projects that list events on our site.
- This is done by making writing events easy
- Providing services (like being able to stake to a pool directly from the site). This will be enabled by feedback and iteration from the community.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
MVP - Complete - https://beta.woollymap.com/
Iteration #1 (in-progress will be complete in July)
1 month:
- Re-architecture using NextJS and PrismaDB
- Add authentication and password-less logins
- Get feedback on user experience and build out backlog of feature requests
Iteration #2
1 month-2 months:
- Wallet connection capabilities
- Build out staking feature for SPO community
- enable edit capabilities
Iteration #3
3 months:
- Create more robust profile page
- Add ability to post jobs
- Add ability to search candidates and resumes
Iteration #4
Scope in progress
- Smart Contract functionality for job agreements
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
27k: Software Engineers - (3 for 3 months)
- 2 Front-end - @3k a month
- 1 Back-end - @3k a month
Overall this is low but we have a great core dev team that has bought in and see the upside to what this project can bring
3k Marketing/Graphic Design - (2 months)
Our marketing & graphic design team will be able to help get the word out to projects about what Woolly Map has to offer as well as provide material for those projects to use
2k Product Manager
Will be the glue to the project to make sure that engineers, marketing, and users are aligned.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
Keith Hedges - a software engineer for four years at fortune 500 company before shifting to work on Cardano full-time. He has worked on a music NFT platform called https://artistdrop.io/, is a core contributor to Freeloaderz, and has been running the Hedges Stake Pool since epoch 254.
Erick Avalos - has many years of software engineering experience at a publicly traded company dealing with high integrity code. He is also a core developer of an NFT project on Cardano
Vadiraj Kulkarni - multiple degrees and experience with many different languages. Although he does have experience with smart contracts on Ethereum is focus has shifted towards Plutus because of his interest in Cardano and prior experience in Haskell .
Gledsley Müller - after many years as a software engineer he has now shifted towards work as a technical product management. He uses his experience to lead teams towards shipping quality products.
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
Yes, we are of the conviction that Project Catalyst is a tool not a crutch to allow projects to prosper.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
- Steady increase month over month of the amount users signing up to the site
- Measure engagement through ability for users to provide feedback on the user experience
- convert users -> job applicants -> projects
- Goal - for every 5 users on the site one project joins
- Once a project is onboarded on the site measure the trend of events posts a month
- Once a project is onboarded on the site measure the trend of events posts a month
- Gain insight on what type of events are the most popular
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
- A community hub
- A site where people go to when they begin their day to see what is happening around the ecosystem.
- Give individuals that aren't as in-tune with what is going on in the Cardano ecosystem an outlet of any time horizon
- Turn lurkers into participants
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.