Last updated 2 years ago
There’s a lack of educational DAO content within the Cardano ecosystem.
Build a comprehensive course about DAOs and provide educational resources.
This is the total amount allocated to ADAO: Comprehensive DAO's Course.
Build a comprehensive course about DAOs and provide educational resources.
ADAO comprises 11 Working Groups developing in a decentralized, community-driven way since November of 2021.
The Blockchain Learning Center(BLC) is working towards developing educational resources that can be used to help bring people into the blockchain space.
Work with ADAO and other prominent DAOs within the Cardano ecosystem to craft an exhaustive course on DAOs whose target audience will be those at the beginner and intermediate levels of learning. Videos, infographics, presentations, articles, and other educational resources will be created and used to compose the course. The resources created will also be deliverables on their own and should be useful for anyone trying to effectively teach others about DAOs. The course content and resources created will be made available free of charge to the community.
The content created may be used by many DAOs within the Cardano ecosystem as examples and help to promote those communities to the students taking this course. We want to highlight the productive and positive culture created by the DAO work environment and teach the cultural benefits of such a system for its participants.
We believe DAOs, in conjunction with blockchain technology, will change the way we organize in the future and the way we think about companies, clubs and organizations. We also believe Cardano is uniquely designed to benefit DAO structure. By creating educational content about DAOs, we can make a positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem by increasing adoption of our blockchain.
The course and all materials will be made available in English and Spanish.
By creating an approachable and comprehensive course, infographics, and articles in multiple languages we can make sure that as many people as possible see the ocean of benefits that come with participation in a DAO. We’re passionate about the culture and the alternative work model that DAOs present. By gathering industry leaders and creating quality, educational content, we hope to share our passion for DAOs with the Cardano community.
The main challenge will be producing content that is well received by community members of diverse learning styles, language and culture. We will work closely with the community to test and revise content until learning experiences are optimized. Our process includes creating content and obtaining feedback to determine it's efficacy. This will ultimately lead to the creation of high quality, educational content.
We’ll be producing a series of educational content on DAOs (Videos, infographics, presentations, articles) tying into the Cardano DAO ecosystem. These resources will be used to create a course about DAO’s that will serve as an entry point for those getting into the blockchain space as well as those that are already here and want to learn more about how DAO’s work.
Step one: Gathering our Resources
We’ll be inviting members of DAO’s, blockchain experts, and other interested parties to participate in the assembly of this course and the resources we’ll be developing for it. We’ll also be gathering examples of these tools being used effectively in our ecosystem and other ecosystems. By rooting the concepts surrounding DAO’s in real world case studies we can make sure that our education is relatable and useful.
Step Two: Making a Plan
With the help of the Blockchain Learning Center and the many educators that are already present within the ADAO community we’re putting together a strong outline for the course using well established methodology within the education community.
Initial Objectives
Learners should be able to:
1. Describe the organizational and governance structures of DAOs.
2. Distinguish governance protocols from human-layer governance procedures.
3. Describe custody solutions.
4. Given a DAO, produce an analytical chart describing governance, custody, and voting protocols.
5. Evaluate alternative governance and voting strategies, including legal interfaces.
6. Create a new DAO implementing an arbitrary set of protocols which support a given intent for a community.
Rough Draft Topics:
1. What is a DAO?
2. Governance
1. Tokens
2. Algorithms
3. Humans
4. Models (working groups, etc.)
5. Constitutional revision provisions
3. Protocol design
1. Smart contracts (incl. languages)
2. ZK
4. Custody
1. Single-holder, multi-sig, etc.
5. Governance theory
6. Legal forms & interfaces
1. LLCs, cooperatives, etc.
7. Case studies
1. The DAO, MakerDAO, etc.
Step Three: Create the Content
Once the outline is completed and we feel that it’s comprehensive enough to cover the full scope of the DAO’s course we can move on to the content of the course.
The basic structure that we’re using to build this course is:
Topics: A subject we’re trying to teach
We’ve been working towards designing some best practices for building courses like this in a group so that this process can be repeatable and so that we make sure to use the time of all parties involved efficiently.
Building the content for each topic
After completing this checklist for each topic we should have all the videos, infographics, and text that we need to build out the course ready! This is a big step and where most of the time in the project will be spent.
Step Four: Delivering the Course and Content!
This is the fun part! Now that we’ve got everything made we can assemble the course and make all the individual assets developed available!
We’ll be assembling the course in the Blockchain Learning Center’s LMS( It will be listed as a course here and will be freely available to anyone that wants to take it!
There will also be a wealth of assets in the form of infographics, videos, and more that will be available on youtube, publicly accessible albums, and as articles. It’s our commitment to make sure that all resources developed are distributed in whichever manner makes them most usable to the Cardano community!
Graphic Designer for course graphics / infographics
Video Production / Video Editing
Content Planning/educational content developer
Total for Proposal
ADAO is made up of a wide variety of talented individuals that will be able to build and maintain this DAO content. The education workgroup within ADAO will help oversee this project. The work group currently collaborating on this content includes a diverse group of individuals with experience in education in many settings from universities to healthcare.
Blockchain Learning Center is made up of talented individuals that are making all blockchain education and learning materials their mission.
David Baxter
Senior Frontend Developer, Founder of Blockchain Learning Center / Beanchain
We don't anticipate needing to request more funding for this particular purpose. We may want to work on other topics and create more courses that could help the Cardano and Blockchain community though. We may come back with ideas for those courses and request funding!
We plan to measure the number of education modules, number of module participants, and the number of infographics and videos produced. We will also plan to gather information on the efficacy of the courses with a post-course survey. This information will be used to further refine the content for maximum impact.
Our teams have already begun working on the development of this course and we have set a time frame of 5 months to complete the project and deliver it to the community. Based on our work to date and the detailed plan above, we are confident we can meet this deadline.
This project will be considered successful when we have completed a comprehensive course that is effective in teaching beginning and intermediate students about DAOs. We will have created high-quality deliverables that could be used by anyone in the community for educational purposes. The content will be easy to access, relatable, and delivered in multiple languages to reduce as many barriers as possible.
Our team believes this will be of great value to the Cardano blockchain because an increase in DAO education and participation will lead to greater adoption of Cardano. The Cardano blockchain is uniquely suited to host DAOs and can become the industry leader in this sector.
This is not a continuation of another proposal
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
ADAO comprises 11 Working Groups developing in a decentralized, community-driven way since November of 2021.
The Blockchain Learning Center(BLC) is working towards developing educational resources that can be used to help bring people into the blockchain space.