Last updated 2 years ago
The growing Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystems needs innovative & effective ways to engage, motivate and reward community contributions by participating in DAO systems
Creating a Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board system to explore & establish new possibilities to support & reward Community contributions & engagements
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Swarm DAO Tools.
Creating a Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board system to explore & establish new possibilities to support & reward Community contributions & engagements
This Proposal is a SwarmLabs Collaboration and includes the Catalyst Swarm, Treasury Guild, AIM & Fluid 7. All participating groups bring a profound experience in building at Project Catalyst & the Cardano Ecosystem
Hey there and happy Fund 9 :)
In this proposal we will introduce the Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board Experiment. We believe that Bounty Boards provide some massive opportunities to emerging DAOs & Community Projects which are building on Cardano.
And there we go
What is a Bounty Board
A Bounty Board is a public Board with open tasks. Tasks can be open to specific individual roles ( like discord roles ) or open to everyone. The Tasks are mostly related to rewards which are distributed once a task is done. The Tasks themself can represent various activities. Bounties are mostly small tasks which can be done in just a few hours, however, with adding multiple sub-tasks, a bounty can become a whole project on its own, the use of bounties often finds its limit in the Bounty creator's creativity only.
Why it is important
Community engagement & interaction is key for the heatly growth of DAOs & Communities, however there is a lack of tools, systems and processes to incentivize and reward project contributors in an easy and auditable way. Bounty Boards allow a wider participation and an easy trackable contribution on which rewarding systems can be built upon. Bounty Boards help to outsource work, to increase participation and to
The Catalyst Swarm currently uses the Dework Platform for project management & Bounty Boards. Dework is a platform on w3, currently bridged to the Ethereum Blockchain. However, Dework allows us to have first hands-on experience & practice which can be used to develop Bounty Boards on the Cardano Blockchain
Our Goal
Explore and establish a Catalyst Bounty Board linked to a treasury & accounting system
Gathering experience & best practises for DAO Tooling & usecases
Knowledge sharing amongst catalyst community projects
Improve and evolve bounty board, DAO tools and platforms
Provide high quality insights and experience to projects in the Cardano Ecosystem building DAOs & DAO Tools
DAOs rely heavily on its contributors and the quality of their work. Yet, there is a lack of tools and platforms which allow to engage and reward community members outside of core teams in a fast, safe and motivating manner for their contributions.
Bounty Boards have the potential to unlock next levels for DAOs & Communities and to create new incentivisation models to increase the performance of project developments, social dynamics & community engagement
Here some examples how Swarm experiments & explores Bounties
Bounties can be used to motivate & recognize community members to participate in workshops, events and sessions. The Bounties are set up as a “multiple submission” which allows several people to participate in one single bounty
Swarm Sessions ( Event )
InsightFest ( Event )
After Town Hall ( Event )
Roles & Processes
Bounty Board can help to experiment & improve processes. In our case a first example on a serie of bounties which aims to increase the experience & education of important Catalyst Roles
Bounties also can be used to design whole processes and support the Catalyst funding rounds at its phases and roles
Proposer Support
Co Write Proposals
Experimenting with bounties to effectively & collaborative Co- write Proposals for Project Catalyst.
Assessment & feedback support
Pre Assess Proposals
Setting Bounties and to incentivize the Community to review finalized proposals before submission phase to allow proposals stronger feedback & input for their Proposals
Review Pre Assessments
Allow experienced Community members to review pre assessments and to give constructive feedback to assessors
Using Bounties to engage community contributors by offering easy tasks with great outcome
Timestamping Community Event Recordings
An additional feature we explore is to support and to collaborate with other projects via Bounties.
Swarm Bounties for SingularityNet
Swarm Bounties for NFT Guild
Contributions & Contributors ( & reputation ? )
Linked to a token, in our example with the Gimbalabs gimbal token, a bounty board provides also an effective opportunity to track & document contributions on chain. Based on the contributions, a contributors board is emerging which displays & proofs contributions from the engaged community.
Reputation & meritocratic systems
As our system tracks contributions via recognizing community engagement via token, we are able to design first rails of achievement & proof of engagement.
Task is rewarded with ~200 tokens
Contributor earns ~4000 tokens
Earned Tokens unlock x amount of “contributors token”
“Contributor tokens” are able to mint Contributors NFTs
“Contributor tokens or NFTs” are able vote on project decisions
Treasury & Accounting
Linked to a treasury system which the Treasury Guild develops in collaboration with the Catalyst Swarm, we are able to track & proof contributions on chain. The now developed systems are still at its very beginning and further development will increase the impact & scalability of the developed treasury & accounting tools and systems.
All transactions are tracked on:
We do not think that Dework is THE Platform to which we will stick for years. However, the currently used Platform allows us to have hands-on experience and the possibility to develop bounty systems in action with real resources & real impact.
Maximizing Insights
As we keep a detailed track & documentation of executed bounties, we are able to get a first impression on emerging categories & patterns and to generate strong experience on Bounty potentials & use cases. By implementing our Bounty Board tools, platforms and services to local communities we are able to sensor authentic needs & use cases for Bounties & emerging systems.
Documentation on sheet
Maximizing Impact
The experience and knowledge we earn is shared to other projects and swarm invests a serious amount of time to ensure that other communities have a direct & easy access to our experience. The Bounty systems which Swarm explores are introduced to close collaborators such as the Catalyst School, the Eastern Town Hall & the LATAM Town Hall Teams.
Catalyst School Bounties on Swarm Bounty Board
Introducing Bounty Board & Gimbal token system to the LATAM Town Hall Team
Introducing Bounty Board & Gimbal token system to the SingularityNET Ambassador program
Introducing & implementing our experience to other communities allows us to create an amazingly effective experience in which very different groups & projects use the same tool sets & platforms. This generates a maximum of diversity, and by keeping strong communications between the groups we are able to provide very effective feedback loops & accelerators.
Based on those insights, we are able to gather valid data and experiences to develop Community Bounty Boards on the Cardano Blockchain. To avoid duplication of effort and to maximize a collective development, we aim to communicate & collaborate closely to projects which already invest time and resources to DAO developments on the Cardano Blockchain. ( Such as Snapbrillia, ADAO & Gimbalabs )
To wrap things up.. We heavily experiment & explore different options on how Bounties could be implemented in Cardano DAOs, Communities & Projects, however, we do not have any real resources to maintain & focus on further development of the bounty board. The current resources for the Bounty rewards are coming from the Catalyst Swarm [SWARM] Stake Pool who generates ~300/~400 ada per epoch. This proposal aims to enable additional resources to improve & boost the experimentation of Bounties and to provide strong insights and real impact to projects which are building DAO structures and tools on the Cardano ECosystem.
The envisioned outcome of this proposal are strong insights & experiences on how to build DAO structures & Tools. Based on those Insights, we are able to generate blueprints and playbooks of best practices and to provide effective support to our DAO Building Cardano Community :)
Bounty Boards and open tasks require a high level of coordination and it might become difficult to moderate & coordinate Bounty Boards while scaling up
Educating Bounty Board Coordinators is our way to mitigate those risks. We will spend all needed time to onboard and educate project & community leaders to dework and to ensure that the platform and related tools can be used to its maximum :)
The Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board is already in action and is further developed and experimented on the Dework Platform.
Q2 2022 - done
Setup Dework space for the Catalyst Swarm
Introduce Project Manager, Admins & Contributors
Setup Project Management on Dework
Experiment first Bounties on dework
Q3 2022
In q3 2022 we focused on Introducing & implementing the Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board Concept to our partners & collaborators. This will allow us to install a diverse & wide use & experimentation on the Bounty Board through different communities and use cases. Main goal is to roll out a diverse use of the same tools and to identify best practices.
implement the Bounty Board to the global Town Halls to increase global outreach & engagement
implement the Bounty Board to the Guilds
Q4 2022
Further development, exploration & maintenance of the Bounty Board System + Treasury & Accounting systems
Development of a first general Project Catalyst Bounty Board on Dework to allow any projects and individuals from the Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystem to submit & take tasks
Setting up Communications & Collaborations to projects which are building DAO Tools for the Cardano Ecosystem
Generating a play book on best practises & use cases of the developed Bounty Board system.
Project Management
Management of Swarm Bounties & systems, establish effective data structures to easily manage bounties & transactions
= 12.800 usd in Ada
Knowledge Coordination
Sharing knowledge & implementing discoveries & identified best practices across different projects & communities.
Organizing Workshops & Community Toolmaker events
2 People - 10 hours per week for 4 months ( 40 usd per hour )
= 12.800 usd in Ada
Treasury & Accounting
Maintaining & developing the Treasury & Accounting system & tailor made solutions to the Bounty Board Projects
2 People - 10 hours per week for 4 months ( 40 usd per hour )
= 12.800 usd in Ada
Dev Team
Developing improvements and features to the Bounty Board system with special focus on contribution, achievement & reputation systems
3 People - 10 hours per week for 4 months ( 40 usd per hour )
= 19.200 usd in Ada
Bounty Treasury
This Budget will be fully allocated to public Bounties and to public tasks which directly supports the Swarm Bounty Board
4000 usd in ada per month for 4 months to engage & reward high quality contributions via rewarded Bounties
= 16.000 usd in Ada
The Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board Project is a collaboration of several highly experienced & engaged groups from the Catalyst Community, so we will have a bunch of contributors. We will list the responsible people for each participating project which engage to ensure a further development of the Bounty Board
Catalyst Swarm
Felix Weber
Tevo Saks
Treasury Guild
André Diamond
Miroslav Rajh
Phil K
Jonathan Adjei
We definitely envision developing sustainable models to run and maintain bounty boards, however it might require time & made experience before getting to a sustainable point, therefore, if the bount board projects keep a success we will most likely return to a future Catalyst Funding Round.
All actions & development are tracked on the Catalyst Swarm Dework
and on the Swarm Bounty Category
The Project Management & development will be tracked via Dework & Discord Integration on the Catalyst Swarm Discord & Dework Server
All transactions & payments are fully tracked and documented via the Treasury Guilds Treasury & accounting system on Discord, Github and Gitbook.
A successful introduced & developed bounty system across a diverse range of Projects and Communities.
Successful bootstrapped & pioneered Bounty Boards across different communities
A rich pool of different use cases to identify best practices and processes
Communities actively use, develop & evolve bounty boards
Large community participation in open tasks & projects
Gathering strong Insights to generate Blueprints & playbooks and to support projects building DAOs & DAO tools for the Cardano Ecosystem
This is a whole new proposal from the Swarm Community :)
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
This Proposal is a SwarmLabs Collaboration and includes the Catalyst Swarm, Treasury Guild, AIM & Fluid 7. All participating groups bring a profound experience in building at Project Catalyst & the Cardano Ecosystem