Last updated 2 years ago
For projects that want to operate as DAOs there is no easy way to understand the legal & implementation risks and paths forward to operating as a compliant DAO.
Research & lay out paths for operating as a compliant DAO in different jurisdictions and publish a report & interactive content environment that defines paths and considerations to be a compliant DAO.
This is the total amount allocated to DLT360/CC: Building Compliant DAOs.
Research & lay out paths for operating as a compliant DAO in different jurisdictions and publish a report & interactive content environment that defines paths and considerations to be a compliant DAO.
Team of senior lawyers with many years of experience in leading international law firms, combined with a team of talented junior legal analysts to provide the legal research background necessary to fulfill this objective and founding team of Clarity DAO infrastructure.
Offer clear guidance on how to incorporate and operate as a compliant DAO in the United States and other jurisdictions. We will create a comprehensive report & map challenges, risks & opportunities from a legal & implementation perspective in our interactive implementation compass (provided by DLT360).
We will push for community contribution and collaboration to build this framework by gathering data through surveys sent to DAO members in both the Cardano ecosystem and broader blockchain ecosystem.
This proposal will enable DAO creators to understand the challenges, risks and opportunities when wanting to operate their organization/community as a DAO, both from a legal perspective, as well as from a practical implementation perspective.
DLT360 and ClearContracts aim to establish this partnership because of the complementary nature of our strengths and expertise. DLT360’s legal segment includes both senior lawyers with many years of experience in leading international law firms, as well as junior analysts providing in-depth research capabilities. ClearContracts, through building up it’s DAO Management Infrastructure aims to provide practical implementation solutions to organizations and groups that want to create and operate DAOs. Thus, together we aim to provide a full-stack blueprint for DAO management, both from a legal as well as from a practical implementation perspective.
This project will be the beginning of a longer term partnership between ClearContracts and DLT360 to provide legal certainty and practical implementation solutions to the Cardano Community and the broader blockchain world.
Lack of legal certainty:
In many jurisdictions, the main challenge to operating a DAO in a compliant manner is that there is a lack of legal certainty, which means that legislation and case law on this topic has not progressed sufficiently to provide clear answers to legal questions. Some jurisdictions however (such as the United States) have made significant progress in the quest for legal certainty. Where clear answers can be ascertained, we will lay these out in our implementation compass. In cases where we find there is not enough legal certainty to provide clear answers to the questions posed, we will lay out the general considerations and possible framework answers for these jurisdictions. We will also continuously update legislative developments to provide up to date information in our implementation compass.
Week 1:
Legal: Research United States Jurisdiction
Practical: Data collection survey given to DAO creators to gain insight into how individuals/orgs go about creating DAOs right now
Week 3:
Legal: Research Hotspot* Jurisdictions (Singapore, Brazil, Cayman islands, etc..)
Practical: Analyze Data collected to recognize trends and common concerns from DAO creators.
Week 7:
Legal: Research France Jurisdiction
Practical: Summarize the Data in a readable format to communicate findings to community
Week 8:
Legal: Research Germany Jurisdiction
Practical: Initiate development of an interactive environment that will synthesize the research findings.
Week 10:
Legal: Research Switzerland Jurisdiction
Practical: Development of interactive environment
Week 12:
Legal: Synthesize research to find commonalities and differences across jurisdictions
Practical: Beta testers to test the interactive environment to give feedback
Week 14:
Legal/Practical: Meet with blockchain Lawyers in different jurisdictions to further validate and complement research
The plan is to meet with as many lawyers as possible to validate our research and get further insight into how different jurisdictions are handling regulations of DAOs.
Meet with French lawyer: TBD, we are discussing with Cardashift about the best person to get in contact with here.
Meet with American lawyer: We work with Cogent Law out of Washington D.C.
Meet with Swiss lawyer: As part of the F10 incubation program we have access to many lawyers in Switzerland and will organize a meeting with the correct party.
If anyone know who else we can get in contact with let me know and happy to collaborate.
Research Hours:
100 (50 /hr)
Development & Implementation hours:
100 (50 /hr)
Budget for meetings with Lawyers
DLT360 Legal Segment:
Maury Shenk (Senior Advisor)
Maury Shenk is a senior lawyer and investor, as well as senior advisor at DLT360. Formerly Managing Partner at an International Law Firm in London. Maury holds a B.A. from Harvard University and a J.D. from Stanford University.
Michiel Van Roey (Senior Advisor)
Michiel van Roey is a senior lawyer, co-founder & general counsel of Profila as well as senior advisor at DLT360. Michiel holds a Master of Law from University of Antwerp, University of Bern, and University of Virginia School of Law.
Jonas Weinberger (Team Lead, Legal Analyst)
Jonas Weinberger is team lead and legal analyst at DLT360, as well as research assistant at the Brussels School of Governance.
Further members of the DLT360 team. See:
Clear Contracts Practical Segment:
Logan Panchot: Logan is a recent graduate at Stanford University and has been part of the Catalyst community since fund4. Logan is a deep believer in the potential of decentralized organizations to create a better world. At Clarity, Logan is responsible for business operations, community growth, and client adoption.
Justin Schreiner: Justin has a background in Computer Science and is a Plutus Pioneer. At Clarity, Justin is responsible for business operations, talking with users, and implementing improvements to the platform.
Shannon Wu: Shannon is an investor and entrepreneur in the blockchain space. I love working with and investing in transformative technologies in Defi, Big Data, Blockchain, Automation and AI. She was an early team member of MakerDAO and part of the founding team for Bloom Protocol. For Clarity, Shannon advises on go to market strategy, fundraising, and strategic decision making.
Potentially, there might be features we want to add to this proposal that could be funded by catalyst :)
Success for this project means that communities and organizations that want to operate as DAOs have a reputable source to understand the path to operating as a compliant DAO.
This is a new proposal, hoping to enable the budding DAO ecosystem on Cardano to prosper further and create real world impact.
Team of senior lawyers with many years of experience in leading international law firms, combined with a team of talented junior legal analysts to provide the legal research background necessary to fulfill this objective and founding team of Clarity DAO infrastructure.