Last updated a year ago
Cardano lacks training in the implementation of distributed collaboration tools for governance that are open source, inclusive and adaptable to a variety of community intentions and actions.
Provide distributed governance services supporting Cardano groups and communities using tools such as dework, Discord and GitHub. Document & incorporate lessons learnt into Project Based Learning.
This is the total amount allocated to Governance Services Guild tools.
Provide distributed governance services supporting Cardano groups and communities using tools such as dework, Discord and GitHub. Document & incorporate lessons learnt into Project Based Learning.
The Governance Services Guild is composed of community members from diverse backgrounds. Team members include: Veteran Swarm Members, PAs, vPAs, Funded Proposers, SPOs, IdeaFest and Governance Day Hosts, ADA Holders, Treasury, Training & Automation and Community Oversight.
Cardano Governance Services Guild is a network of individuals with a broad range of experience in Blockchain governance, administration, and project management. We support the exploration, development, and implementation of decentralised solutions to help teams govern their own initiatives. We do not prescribe or require particular ways of working but aim to identify appropriate people, mechanisms, and/or tools that suit each team’s individual needs.
Our goal is to offer a suite of tools and services to diverse groups or teams within the broader Cardano ecosystem. We seek to accommodate and work with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and communities from a diverse range of geographical and cultural backgrounds.
Revisiting the Problem
Cardano requires more training in the implementation of distributed collaboration tools for governance that are open source, inclusive, and adaptable to a variety of community intentions and actions. While many tools exist to support DAO community collaboration, creation, operation and governance, there is very little training available that is based on real-world implementations.
As the Campaign Brief for F9: DAOs <3 Cardano indicates most of the current options are based on the Ethereum blockchain. Native Cardano tools do need to be built and must be done in a manner where DAO tool development is informed by real world use cases.
Our proposed solution is to implement the Cardano Governance Services Guild on the Web3-native dework project management platform and integrate this tool with our existing working practices on Discord and GitHub. Our team has already been providing services to the community as the CC Admin Team, however, as we have progressed in our operations it has become clear that our services are not only limited to supporting the Circle. In fact, we have chosen to branch out on our own to provide our services to a broader array of groups and projects.
In order to achieve this vision, we need to set up the proper tools and infrastructures to support our endeavours. Through this proposal we will migrate and integrate our current tools and products to the Governance Services Guild Dework, Discord, and Github platforms. To help further drive the legitimacy of our team, all of our working processes will be documented as learning materials on the Canvas Project Based Learning platform, in collaboration with Gimbalabs.
Through self-paced Project-based Learning (PBL), community members can learn critical governance skills, how to use effective tools and mechanisms to drive good decision making and transparency, and complete course work that will bring value to roles that they play within their communities and ecosystems.
We have chosen to submit to the DAOs <3 Cardano challenge because we propose to develop a network of individuals interested in governance across the entire ecosystem. We will begin by creating a suite of products and tools that allow teams to reach their maximal potential. We intend to catalyse the power of the Cardano community’s knowledge and skills to avoid every team needing to recreate their own in-house governance models and services. We model, in our practice and nature, a vision for the decentralised virtual office management processes of the future. We are interested in governance for a decentralised ecosystem where all are welcome, not for the purpose of control.
We believe that our proposal aligns perfectly with the challenge criteria Additional not yet existing tools to give Cardano a distinct advantage. Rather than developing a one-size-fits-all solution uniformly applied to all groups, we will develop open-sourced and community-focused products and tools which each project can implement on an as-needed basis. We will also provide training and support services to equip teams. Our goal is to provide support in a variety of areas that can be tailored to a team’s needs.
Our proposal also aligns directly with the challenge criteria Effective Collaboration Management Platforms to Organize Community Intentions and Actions. Each individual or team has their own strengths and weaknesses, we aim to assist clients with building and implementing their own processes while maximising their efficiency and the effectiveness of the GSG. We believe that this approach will appeal to a broad range of groups and provide significant value to the growing ecosystem.
Risk 1: Insufficient human resources
A major risk to any project is insufficient availability of human resources. Often the scale of a project is not matched by the human resources supporting it. This can lead to significant delays or failure.
Mitigation 1:
Our mitigation strategy to address human resource availability is to maintain a level of redundancy in our resource allocations and commitments. We are also part of an extensive Cardano network and have connections to a variety of other “sub-communities” within the community, such as Catalyst Swarm, Gimbalabs, Community Governance Oversight, and QA-DAO. Our participation in these additional community groups will allow us to expand our network and continue to grow our list of products and services. Our intention is to maximise existing tools, such as the Dework bounty system, to incentivize and reward additional contributions from the broader community.
Risk 2: Not being funded
We are not funded and are unable to pay our members to develop the necessary tools and products.
Mitigation 2:
We are here to provide value for the ecosystem and without funding will explore other opportunities where our time and energy is recognized.The long term goal of the Guild is to be directly funded by the projects and groups with which we engage and provide services. Because of this, over time, the success of the Guild will not be strictly dependent on Catalyst for funding.
This proposal complements our Governance Services Guild (GSG) proposal ( Details of our governance services are explained more fully there.
Implement Cardano Governance Services Guild on dework
The first part of our proposal will see the integration of Guild activities across Dework to allow the use of token payments, credentialing, and bounties to deliver our services. The use of this platform will support the Guild in meeting its goal of decentralised service delivery whereby a diverse group of community members can participate on an autonomous basis. Using Dework will allow the team to easily adapt its already existing services to this new Web3-native platform.
While the proposal mainly relates to the bounty-focused service delivery, through this proposal we also seek funding for a small core group of existing service providers to actually develop, organize, and implement the necessary components to get the Guild up and running, including product development and web integrations (Discord, Github, Dework). We foresee this core group playing the catalysing role, but our plan is to expand this group on an ongoing basis through the bounty efforts.
Working processes documented as PBL learning materials
The second part of our proposal relates to our partnership with Gimbalabs, we will develop PBL courses, starting with best practices and operational training for setting up and using Dework, Discord, and Github as the core collaboration toolset. Other PBL courses that we aim to facilitate over time can include (and not limited to):
The PBL model is structured as follows:
Onboarding: “This is something we are working on and what you need to know about it.”
Building Background Knowledge: (BBK) “Here is how we built it and what we understand so far”
Specializing: “Here are some closer looks at the component parts of what we've built.”
Contribution Node: “Where investment starts”
Project-specific Nested Onboarding + BBK as needed
Governing: “Here is how we'll decide what to do next.”
Roadmap / timetable
If successfully funded, we foresee this proposal taking place over the following four month time frame:
August 2022
September 2022
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Implement Cardano Governance Services Guild Tools
Members : Design and run a stand-up based on Dework. Explore implementation of GMBL
Treasury Guild : Integrate dework tool with existing working practices. Tech integration on Discord and GitHub
Consultants : Integrate dework tool with existing working practices. Tech integration on Discord and GitHub (Stephen). Explore implementation of GMBL (Felix)
Sub Total : $ 12,800
Working processes documented as PBL learning materials
Members : Participate in PBL workgroup sessions. Draft PBL modules.
Treasury Guild : Participate in PBL workgroup sessions. Draft PBL modules.
Consultants : Document and edit CSG processes in PBL modules (Stephen). Coordinate PBL working group (Felix)
Sub Total : $ 12,800
Dework bounty incentives
This is also an onboarding fund provision to pay new people for straightforward tasks. And to incentivise composite work.
Sub Total : $ 10,000
Contingency and fixed costs
(Software, subscriptions, marketing etc) = $ 2000 total
Total budget = $37,600
Existing Guild Members
Jonathan Postnikoff (JP) -
JP has been a member of the Cardano Community since December 2020 and has been active in Catalyst since Fund4. Originally beginning as a Swarm member, JP became a proposal assessor (previously CA) during F5 and has participated as both a PA and vPA in all subsequent funds. JP has also fulfilled the CC Admin Team’s secretary role since the election of CCv2, and is a funded proposer in F6 and F7 in support of the Circle and admin team. On a professional level, JP’s strongest skills include meeting secretarial services, one-on-one and group facilitation, proposal drafting, editing, and ideation support, and community engagement.
Nadim Karam
Nadim is an enterprise consultant in the blockchain space; specialising in DAOs, DeFi, and decentralised identity. Nadim graduated from MIT Sloan School of Management in Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation & Application. Within the Cardano ecosystem, Nadim is part of the Catalyst Circle Admin Team and runs a mission-driven stake pool. Nadim also manages ‘Cardano Middle East’, the largest Cardano community in the Middle East and North Africa region.
Nori Nishigaya
Nori Nishigaya is the Founder of the Salmon Nation Decentralised Alliance (SANADA) and co-founder of Bridge Builders. He is a current member of the Catalyst Circle Admin Team since it’s inception, core team member of Cardano4Climate, a Cardano Ambassador, PA, and Funded proposer. He is passionate about radical inclusivity and community and devoted to making Cardano the best community on the planet. Nori brings over 30 years of experience in software development, agile methodologies, leadership in managing teams, and founding and running technology startups. His current passion is discovering governance and organisational best practices for radically decentralised and self-managed communities through experimentation and hands-on practice.
Peter Wolcott
Peter Wolcott is the CEO NeuroNova Project, Owner of Ansula Systems, Early Contributor to Done Collectively and a Catalyst Swarm Veteran. Peter joined the Catalyst Circle Admin Team as a Secretary beginning of September 2021. Peter is Freelance Project Manager and a Community Organizer.
Treasury Guild
Andre has experience in small business operation and accounting. Andre joined the Catalyst Circle Admin team as treasurer in Nov 2021 and has expanded this role by starting the Treasury Guild alongside Miro to support projects across the Catalyst community. The Treasury team has integrated GitHub Actions to automate some of the tasks for Catalyst Circle and treasury work.
Miro has 20 years of experience in managing finances and organising the business of NGOs and the University, and has also worked as a Human Resources Manager. Miro joined the CC Admin team together with Andre as treasurer in Nov 2021. Currently he is recording, documenting and managing all transactions for CC Admin Team (soon to be Governance Services Guild), Swarm, Cardano4Climate, Community Governance, and Bridge Builders.
Project Consultants
Felix Weber
Felix is the co-founder & community leader at the Catalyst Swarm. Felix recruited the participating members as facilitators, secretaries, and treasurers to the Catalyst Circle in CCv1. Since then, he continues to support & advise the team on its way forward. Felix is one of the first full time Cardano & Catalyst Community Members since Fund 3, CCv1, CCv3 Member.
Stephen Whitenstall
Stephen is the co-founder of Quality-Assurance DAO, Stephen has provided project management consultancy for many Catalyst governance projects since Fund 4 including Catalyst Circle, Audit Circle, Community Governance Oversight, Training & Automation (with Treasury Guild) and Swarm. A Circle V2 representative for funded proposers. He has 30 years experience in development, test management, project management, social enterprises in Investment Banking, Telecoms and Local Government. A philosophy honours graduate with an interest in Blockchain governance.
No, as the Catalyst ecosystem explores additional ways to fund the necessary ongoing governance work, including the services provided by the Guild, we intend to seek alternative sources of funding that remove the need to return to Catalyst on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, as we develop our tools, products and services, we aim and envision self sustainability by providing our services to general Blockchain Community Governance Projects which will be funded directly by those projects.
Cardano Governance Services Guild maintains a record of its progress in a project GitBook at
The Project Management will be tracked via Dework, Github & Discord
All transactions & payments are fully tracked and documented via the Catalyst Swarm Treasury & accounting system on Discord, Github and Gitbook.
Our KPIs include:
This proposal reflects an expansion of what was the CC Admin Team to include a broader group of potential clients in order to avoid sole dependence on the Circle for its operation. In this sense, the proposal presented here is a new proposal that distances the Governance Services Guild members from the Circle thereby making them more accountable to the broader community.
At this time the Guild is not specifically addressing any of the SDGs directly, however, our goal is to support all communities, projects, or teams in their efforts to address any of the SDG goals.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The Governance Services Guild is composed of community members from diverse backgrounds. Team members include: Veteran Swarm Members, PAs, vPAs, Funded Proposers, SPOs, IdeaFest and Governance Day Hosts, ADA Holders, Treasury, Training & Automation and Community Oversight.