Last updated 2 years ago
Within 3 year, 75% of clinical trials will be patient-centric, decentralized clinical trials.
This requiress an integrated platform. Personal DataWallets on Cardano are the basis of this solution..
BioDao effort is to create a hybrid DataWallet Inukshuk HealthData Wallet™ (IHW™).
This Node contains all information the individual allows to be shared with Clinical Trial Groups.
This is the total amount allocated to Inukshuk Healthdata Wallet.
BioDao effort is to create a hybrid DataWallet Inukshuk HealthData Wallet™ (IHW™).
This Node contains all information the individual allows to be shared with Clinical Trial Groups.
In prior work during the early stages of the new millennium, our CSO Brian Harper helped develop a global health ecosystem with individual users and health providers..Our team's extensive work on modules of the Atala PRISM code supports the effort.
BioDao has been developing a Web3 version of the Healthnexxus personalized global health EcoSystem. This platform invites participation from the developer communities to open the limited personal engagement in the development and effective deployment of sensitive verifiable health interactions. The Inukshuk Health Wallet™ is part one of a three part platform. Using the IHW™ as the basis for the decentralized storage of historic and current information, a new era of personalized health interaction is born.
BioDao’s decentralized Inukshuk Health wallet will offer individuals real time collection of health data, accessible in the palm of your hand, while ensuring interoperability with standards-based health systems. It will also allow individuals to build their own records from existing health agencies where permitted.
The IHW™ records all activity associated with sensor inputs, and when enabled will formally allow those wishing to participate in research, clinical trials and studies of chronic health conditions to reward to individual.
Steps two and three are subject to separate proposals for Catalyst funding. They integrate the concept of a Health Digital Identity for the individual.
Recruitment of specific health factors using the IHW can be done using only biographical information so identity can be preserved.
The proposal is designed to address the challenge of decentralization and its relationship to the Cardano Blockchain.(Mainnet). In health informatics a constant theme is the preservation of identifiable personal data.
Our approach extends the limits of decentralization of personal health information by generating individual IHW™ which can be located in a variety of user-selected environments. Each is independently created and has links the individual agrees on.
This approach serves to ensure the data framework is truly decentralized. Individuals can specify the who, what, when and how the IHW™ can release information yet preserves a record of immutability of action and not the data itself.
BioDao has access to frameworks and data previously developed for the Web2 platform which was Healthnexxus. Healthnexxus was sold in 2008. Leveraging our CSO’s undertaking to convert the test model from C++ to Haskel was undertaken. The single biggest risk is scalability.
The proposal includes trialling with an increasing number of users beginning with 25, then 250 and capping at a targeted 12,500 users.
Acquisition of additional engineering expertise with knowledge in Haskel, Plutus and AtalaPrism.
As the key function of the IHW is to generate decentralized individual wallets the risk is minimized as each individual will act in a random manner in selecting the location of that wallet thus minimizing the scalability risk.
The proposal has five (5) key elements of time.
These are:
Total time 825
BioDao works with Asobria LifeSciences team of engineers and programmers. The three leadership resources will be dedicated to ensuring the project is meeting its objectives. The proposal has been budgeted with 3.5 full time programmer/engineers.
If funded we will likely look to apply for funding in future rounds as the IHW™ becomes more broadly scaled.
Weekly progress reports are made available for audit each Monday.
An external code Audit is part of the budget. these folks will be engaged as coding is begun.
The completion and rollout of the Inukshuk Health wallet with all the features mentioned in our solution making it the first fully Decentralized Health Ecosystem for those interested in managing chronic health conditions with innovative new products. It will also establish the initiation of a Cardano blockchain framework for individual participation in Clinical trials, anonymously, with rewards.
This is an entirely new one.
ESG principles applied to effectively meet the SDG objectives.
Our principles include but are not limited to:
In prior work during the early stages of the new millennium, our CSO Brian Harper helped develop a global health ecosystem with individual users and health providers..Our team's extensive work on modules of the Atala PRISM code supports the effort.