Last updated 2 years ago
LATAM is very underrepresented in the Decentralization space, but has amazing opportunities to catch up, specially with CARDANO
Sharing, awareness on Cardano and places to meet and collaborate are key
Thanks to our community, LATAM now has an adequate and frictionless entry point to the Cardano and Catalyst Communities, providing a local center of gravity for decentralization to flourish and thrive
This is the total amount allocated to LATAM TownHall.
Thanks to our community, LATAM now has an adequate and frictionless entry point to the Cardano and Catalyst Communities, providing a local center of gravity for decentralization to flourish and thrive
In our team there are CA, vCAs, Founder Proposers, Cardano ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, developers, marketing specialists, media influencers and Stake Pool operators. A uniquely qualified team to spread the values and philosophy of Cardano & decentralization
LATAM Cardano Community is a decentralized alliance that inspire and empowers individuals, organizations, initiatives and governments with interest in Latin América, to foster collaboration and to expanda adoption of Cardano to facilitate its impact in and from the region to the world.
LATAM TownHall
The LATAM TownHall is a central activity of recurring sessions, performed in our own languages, Spanish and Portuguese, where people can collaborate, present, share and discuss ideas and projects. Every week we present different topics, and foster people's own choice for discussion or activities, facilitating the grow and expansion of the community.
Some characteristics of our TownHalls are:
All these events are documented and recorded, to maximize reach and to build trust and transparency. You can have access to the previous ones in our youtube channel: more than 22 TownHalls produced, with more than 16 speakers, a Top audience on a single event of 77 people the LATAM TH has proven that it can deliver on its promises. We also held two LATAM Ideafest (F7 and F8) with more than 63 proposals being presented in Spanish and Portuguese and recorded for their promotion. We are also going to hold the F9 LATAM Ideafest on July 7th.
We have more than 15 outstanding speakers from the Catalyst community, such as Dor Gabash (IOG), Victor Corcino (Loxe), Yoram Benzvi (C4C), Rodo Miranda (RootsID), Seba Pereira (NFT Dao), Nadia Hopkins (CA Rep), Diego Torres (Rats Dao), Adirano Fiorenza (GameChanger), Thiago Nunes (Cardano Ambassador), Maria Carmo (LoveLace Academy), Mercedes Etchegoyen (CryptoGirls), Jose Iadiccico (Ada Pool one) and James Dunsheit (Gimbalabs) among others.
We have also produced the first FUNdFest event, to celebrate and promote the Catalyst F9 fund, aiming to reach new people outside Cardano, teaching how to become a proposer and what is Cardano and Catalyst and offering an NFT as a prize of attendance, minting 49 NFTs and facilitating the creation of nearly 30 new Cardano Wallets.
Latin America is a fertile region for mass adoption and create value based on Cardano. It has talented and passionate people that with the proper tools and opportunities will create its own path and ways to succeed; failure is an option but not a surrender.
By providing a meeting point where people can express in its own languages and cultures we expect:
The Challenge objective claims:
There are no better ways to manage your DAO than to use Cardano DAOs. From Small Business to Global Communities.. Cardano DAOs deliver.
So we align 100% with that objective by nurturing, promoting and create DAOs and decentralization out of what we do by engaging LATAM people, producing impact not only at regional level, but rather at global scale by our collaboration and coordination with Swarm, East Asia TownHall, Africa TownHall, Wada and Pacific TownHall.
How Key Metrics to measure as expressed by the challenge
This metric is aligned with the grow of our diverse and unique community
This metric is aligned with our reach out strategy to bring new people from outside the Cardano community and from other Blockchains.
RISK1: Community not growing at the pace we want
At the LATAM TH we don't just simply repeat recipes, we innovate and disrupt, seeking news and better ways to engage new people, while maintaining our current member base. This has proven very successful in the 6 month of operations we already have.
RISK2: Centralization of decision making
We have created several autonomous groups and support several DAOs and SPOs, so the community can keep growing in a decentralized fashion. In order to secure the purpose, we have co-created and voted a LATAM MANIFESTO, which holds our Purpose, Values and Principles, so anyone that joins the community adheres to those and is able to produce whatever they want, whilst going in the same direction as the whole. All the decisions we take are transparent and published in our gitbook, as well as our spending. We are also starting to adopt DEWORK so we can decentralize tasks and incentives among the community.
The LATAM Cardano Community ecosystem provides:
F9 Spanish Translated materials
F9 Portuguese Translated materials
Incentivized Voting Survey translated into Portuguese
Incentivized Voting Survey translated into Spanish
This proposal includes a budget for the second SIX MONTHS of operations that will cover LATAM Town Halls each week from July 2022 to December 2022 and all the related activities.
As per our previous experience, and the demonstrated outcomes, we have validated, prorrated and determined that the cost for each event is USD 1,125, covering following activities:
Total requested funds in USD: $27,000 (24 TH x $1,125)
LATAM Cardano Community core team will help to set up the program and appoint the 3 staffs, as we have the experience and contacts to be able to do it on time and with high quality results
Among our core team we can cite:
Alex Pestchanker (Mentor, Host and Speaker, Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano, Funded Proposer subcircle member, Swarm Veteran)
Rodolfo Miranda (Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano and F8 Self Sovereign Identity)
Lucas Macchiavelli (Funded Proposer in F7 and 8, CA in F8, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor)
Jaime Martinez: (Funded Proposer in F7 and F8, CA in F6 and F7, member of the Catalyst community since F4, Advocate and builder of educational initiatives for LatAm Cardano Communities)
Mauro Andreoli
Juanita Jaramillo R
Victor Corcino
Juan Sierra
Yes we are planning to continue our operations as per the success the LATAM Community is bringing to Catalyst and the Cardano ecosystem.
The idea is present proposals like this every 6 months, as the TH is a service to the LATAM Cardano Community, does not have any other source of income to make it happen.
This is being constantly evaluated, as per seeking innovative ways to not depend only on Catalyst.
THE METRICS (measured over 6 months operations)
We are committed to transparency internally and with the community. We will document and keep track of all activities and expenses in a github/gitbook repository.
After our 1st year of operations, keep building and growing a diverse, inclusive and vibrant community from people in LATAM and abroad.
Fostering more projects presented by Latinian people in Catalyst.
Nurture more Cardano users in LATAM.
Be up to the challenge with the focus and traction other Blockchains are having in LATAM, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Polkadot.
Yes this proposal is a continuation of our F7 funded proposal, LATAM Town Hall by Catalyst Swarm
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
17.16 Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
17.9 Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the Sustainable Development Goals, including through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological, and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing States
In our team there are CA, vCAs, Founder Proposers, Cardano ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, developers, marketing specialists, media influencers and Stake Pool operators. A uniquely qualified team to spread the values and philosophy of Cardano & decentralization