Last updated a year ago
DAOs in & out of Cardano don't have access to more advanced voting systems with Sybil resistance and resort to 1-coin-1-vote that doesn't always resolve in optimal decisions, funding, & collaboration.
Plural Voting with Proof of Reputation, Identity, and Quadratic Sybil Resistance to improve DAO Governance for all without requiring full KYC to increase voter participation and lower voting disparity
This is the total amount allocated to Plural Voting and Identity for DAOs. 2 out of 4 milestones are completed.
Implement Quadratic Plural Voting on Snapbrillia
Cost: ₳ 27,300
Delivery: Month 2 - Jan 2023
Integrate KYC Solutions to Decentralized IDs on Snapbrillia
Cost: ₳ 27,300
Delivery: Month 3 - Feb 2023
Implement KYC-to-DID/VCs - Version - Version for DAOs on Snapbrillia
Cost: ₳ 27,300
Delivery: Month 4 - Mar 2023
Implement Sybil Resistant Quadratic Plural Voting - Version for DAOs on Snapbrillia
Cost: ₳ 9,100
Delivery: Month 5 - Apr 2023
Plural Voting with Proof of Reputation, Identity, and Quadratic Sybil Resistance to improve DAO Governance for all without requiring full KYC to increase voter participation and lower voting disparity
We are a diverse team of four self-taught founders with over 97 years of combined experience learning and implementing AI and Blockchain solutions in Healthcare Tech, FinTech, E-Commerce, Legal, Non-Profit, and HR Tech. We successfully ran $60 million funded AI and Web3 startups.
In a collaboration with Cardano's best DAO tooling teams, Clear Contracts and ADAO, Snapbrillia will help accelerate the research and development of a refined Open-Source Plug-n-Play Quadratic Pural Voting DAO tooling.
DAOs need to have the ability to orchestrate accessible and fair elections to make critical governance decisions, fundraise, allocate resources, and scale effectively. Voting systems are generally available in 3 forms:
Per each of these forms, there 3 lenses through which we plan to view, assess, and design our Plug-and-Play solutions:
Snapbrillia is implementing both Hyperledger Aries and ATALA Prism DID solutions for users to facilitate Verified Credentialing, to lay the foundation for users to build up their Proofs of Reputation through Snapbrillia Mentor-Mentee Bounties & eLearning network, and beyond. With DAO tooling, Snapbrillia will combine these technologies with Quadratic Plural Voting logic to enable DAOs to invite their users to begin to build an organization-specific Proof of Reputation from within. This Organizational Proof of Reputation (OPOR) can be utilized to inform DAO-specific rules around ‘Voting Power’ allocations in any given election.
Snapbrillia cares deeply about both non-crypto-native and crypto-native users being able to easily onboard and participate in such systems, especially in a future where users may belong to multiple DAOs. For users who have an existing DID wallet, we will strive for interoperability by adhering to the W3C Credential Community Group's OBv3 Badge Specifications for all Organizational Credentials issued so that they can participate in Quadratic Plural Voting systems with minimal onboarding and without being required to create a duplicate or additional DID wallet that is use-case specific.
Likewise, for users who are not familiar with DID technology or who may be intimidated by the idea of creating and maintaining a new DID wallet, we can provide a custodial Reputation store solution that allows DAOs to provide a secure, on-chain custodial wallet and DID to new users with an ability to issue Verified Credentials relevant to organizational and DAO use cases. This is utilized for the sole purpose of allowing users to build a Proof of Reputation respective to nuanced governance and culture structures within a variety of DAOs. The end-users are holders who own the private key(s) of their custodial DID wallets and are able to export wallets at any moment to a private edge mobile DID wallet or a local Credential store.
DAOs may prefer a custom form of KYC or non-KYC authentication. As part of this DAO Tooling Plug-and-Play tooling, DAO operators should be able to efficiently configure the rules of Identity verification to their liking. With our multi-framework DID integration, DAOs are able to issue custom Proof of Identity Badges and Credentials upon users satisfying their specific authentication (and KYC requirements if any).
Another approach to facilitating Proof of Identity tooling during an onboarding process is to partner with existing SSI, Web3, and Web2 OAuth or Single sign-on (SSO) or KYC authentication providers for custom integration. The research and development are included in the scope of this proposal. We will identify potential reputable 3rd-party partners such as for example OpenID, a decentralized open-source identity solution, and others for both non-KYC and KYC authentication. Together with ATALA Prism and other partners, we will orchestrate strategic partnerships to support any DAOs who seek deeper forms of Proof of Identity for their users either prior to participating in a voting process or prior to any organization-specific activities which are up to the discretion of specific DAO operators and communities.
Identity and behavioral risk modeling built on top of identity data partnerships, Reputation, and Decentralized Identity IDs will eventually enable DAOs to govern, operate, and collaborate without the need for full or any KYC to avoid requiring every identity and financial documentation from users. This should be a possible mid to long-term result for wallets where an email or a social profile or other details of the users are known.
Sybil Resistant Probabilistic Quadratic Plural Voting "Governor Charlie"
Governor Charlie is a fully decentralized Sybil-resistant Quadratic Plural Voting system and a smart contract built as a scalable open-source for the further DAO ecosystem activation. However, it is built on Chainlink VRF. We plan to implement its core Probabilistic Quadratic Voting (PQV) logic with Haskell and Plutus on Cardano natively. This adds further quadratic resistance to any Quadratic Plural voting system because splitting one's voting power makes the expected value of voting power lower than executing one voting power. The contract receives a random number every time the user cast a vote and this will make the contract more decentralized and cost-efficient. Systems Design:
Snapbrillia, Clear Contracts, ADAO, and our partners (MLabs, GimbaLabs, Emurgo, RootsID, ProofSpace, Charli3, and beyond) will strive for collaborative code review and systems architecture review at every step of this process together. Architecting on-chain logic with Haskell, Plutus, and any supplementary off-chain logic (preprocessing, GUIs) for the betterment of the community at large is a process that requires an open-source ethos and spirit of collaboration. Snapbrillia is preparing to launch V1 of its Quadratic Plural Voting and Funding logic in late July as part of its Mentor-Mentee Bounties & eLearning network public beta launch. The lessons learned from architecting, failing, improving, auditing, and fine-tuning a Cardano-native Quadratic Plural Voting and Funding system that's Open-Source will be applied here as well.
We are clearly addressing the challenge directly:
How can we make Cardano the go-to choice for building DAOs? What tools can we provide to enable effective DAO Creation & Operation?
Quadratic Plural Voting is not available on any other chain because it lacks the reputation and identity layer that we have built and are continually improving to power Quadratic Sybil resistance. There is a huge demand from communities in and out of Cardano who want to form their DAO or upgrade their DAO with a fairer DAO tooling that enables more collaborative community governance and operation.
Cardano needs:
This proposal provides just that natively on Cardano, making our blockchain of governance, the new best destination for DAOs and communities thinking of forming a DAO with a distinct advantage to fundraise, operate, govern, and attract new users.
The main risks to successfully delivering this project and our risk mitigation strategies are clear and sufficient:
Q3 2022 (Already part of our current product timeline)
Q4 2022
Q1 of 2023
A full detailed technical plan is available upon further request.
Our current full-time dev team consists of:
We also have dedicated product, design, and growth teams that manage our product, web design, marketing, and branding. We have a committed team of full-timers who work six days a week, 12 hours a day, the support of other projects that could help us in case of any unforeseen event, and partnerships such as the IOG ATALA Prism, Clear Contracts, ADAO, Mlabs, Charli3, Emurgo, RootsID, GimbaLabs, Yoma Foundation, EBU, SANADA, Phoetrek World, Konma Labz, and HireEZ.
In addition to AWS/GCP cloud hosting fees and Cardano transaction fees, we will need to hire additional senior developers in Vietnam to upgrade our Decentralized IDs and integrate with Identity Partner Solutions. We also need to hire professional Cardano developers to help us build the Quadratic Plural Voting - Governor C smart contract and improve the Proof of Reputation on Snapbrillia. Salaries are market-rate.
Total Budget: $91,000.00
With that said, money as a resource without proper execution only goes so far. We are absolutely open to collaboration with other existing projects, teams, and individuals who want to contribute to any aspect of this platform. Together, we can create and share value with everyone.
Frank Albanese is the Chief Scientist and Co-founder at Snapbrillia and Y Combinator alumni. He is a Solidity, Rust, and Haskell researcher, Henry Ford Health System alum, and Co-founder of the Ucratic DAO, an organization founded to accelerate the innovation of interoperable Open Metaverse tools, to allow anyone to design, mint, transport, and own virtual space and avatar across multiple Metaverse ecosystems like Cryptovoxels, The Sandbox, Dreams, and Decentraland. Ucratic DAO combined Three.js with web3.js and Hardhat to mint composable ERC-721 NFTs of 3D models in virtual spaces to Polygon and IPFS. With Ucratic, Frank also helped research ways to bring self-hosted virtual spaces to the Internet Computer and Dfinity canisters. Frank admires Gitcoin’s utility in the Web3 space and feels this architecture could thrive in Cardano’s ecosystem along with an eLearning and immutable, composable Practical Resume standard that serves as Proof of Reputation. Frank is also interested in the applicability of zero-knowledge proofs, and their potential role in Proof of Reputation and Proof of Identity solutions. Reach Frank on LinkedIn:
James Willingham is the CIO and Co-founder of Snapbrillia and TechStars alumni. James brings his vast expertise in UX/UI design and full-stack development to the team. He is a seasoned leader in the startup space working within multiple industries ranging from FinTech, where he designed and built the first true peer-to-peer lending platform on both iOS and Android in hopes to minimize the predatory pay-day loan cycle. In Healthcare, he designed and built a platform that allows doctors, patients, caregivers, and researchers to easily collaborate and work toward better health outcomes for everyone. James thrives on the mission of helping others get the help they need when they need it, life can be hard and challenging so he works to make them easier and more positive for everyone. Reach James on LinkedIn:
Beatrice Thelisma is the CTO and Co-founder at Snapbrillia and TechFuturesGroup alumni. Beatrice has an amazing knack for leading engineering teams to execute web applications whether back-end, front-end, or DevOps. She has vast experience with nonprofits empowering women and children with critical survival funds and education for financial literacy. She is passionate about accelerating diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and empowering and promoting the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic, or another status. Reach Beatrice on LinkedIn:
Ninh Tran is the CEO and Co-founder of Snapbrillia and Google alumni. Ninh brings his expertise in product management, business development, and startup execution. As UC Berkeley alumni, Ninh founded Trucksome to empower emerging local food economies to thrive and create jobs for the previously incarcerated. After joining Google, Ninh co-founded an executive search firm HireTeamMate placing hundreds in a year while building HireEZ (formerly Hiretual), an AI recruiting platform used by Google, Facebook, Amazon, and thousands of others, to hire millions of people every year. Reach Ninh anywhere:
Other members of our Dev team:
We are fellow humans. :) Check our team pictures:
Unlikely. This freemium smart contract product will generate revenue after it's out of beta and battle-tested. The only case where we would require additional funding is to provide additional funding for go-to-market for this DAO governance tooling product, to provide funding for extra developer maintainers, or implement extra features for any future community requests.
The audibility of project development and impact is clear:
We measure progress daily based on:
Transparency and community involvement:
The success of this project is very clear:
Snapbrillia's Mission:
Snapbrillia was born over one year ago with the mission to accelerate the world's transition to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce and guarantee fair opportunities for all through the adoption of AI and blockchain technologies globally. Earlier in February after deep research and much deliberation, we decided to work with Cardano then 2,282 Catalyst voters decided to fund Snapbrillia in Fund 8. Ever since we have been hacking away to launch Mentor-Mentee Bounties and OpenSource Quadratic Voting & Funding in beta in July 2022. Funding this proposal will help us launch the Cardano dApps community into the Metamask world and strap Snapbrilllia along for the wild ride to the moon and back.
Snapbrillia's long-term goal is to build a platform that gets one million people who are underrepresented and self-taught into tech that otherwise wouldn’t break into tech at all.
This proposal is much-needed research and implementation of Quadratic Sybil Resistance and a DAO tooling extension of our F8-funded and soon-to-be-delivered proposal for OpenSource Quadratic Voting Funding:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation, including through a focus on high-value-add and labor-intensive sectors
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.b Support domestic technology development, research, and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
8.1.1 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita
8.2.1 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
8.3.1 - Proportion of informal employment in total employment, by sector and sex
9.b.1 - Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value-added
9.5.1 - Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
9.5.2 - Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are a diverse team of four self-taught founders with over 97 years of combined experience learning and implementing AI and Blockchain solutions in Healthcare Tech, FinTech, E-Commerce, Legal, Non-Profit, and HR Tech. We successfully ran $60 million funded AI and Web3 startups.