Last updated 2 years ago
People spend lots of time arguing over everything on the internet, but important discussions get drowned in meaningless chatter or are siloed behind patents and paywals in academia / corporations.
Build Soil - A decentralized knowledge graph, which everyone can contribute to, curate, and fractionally co-own. Like Wikipedia, but with 2 revenue streams - referral fees from hiring and selling.
This is the total amount allocated to Scalable Open Innovation Ledger.
Build Soil - A decentralized knowledge graph, which everyone can contribute to, curate, and fractionally co-own. Like Wikipedia, but with 2 revenue streams - referral fees from hiring and selling. I’ve been a software developer for almost 10 years. Interested in ideation platforms for more than 5.
Soil is an Open Ideation platform with internal economic incentives to share and curate ideas openly. Put simply - It pays you to share your ideas and evaluate the ideas of others.
How does it work?
When you join Soil you will start receiving a regular income of the internal token, BIT. You can use this token to claim ownership of any idea posted to the platform. Or trade it freely. All goods and services are assessed by the community and tagged with all ideas they are related to.
And every time a purchase is made through the platform or partners, a flat fee is added to the price and distributed to the owners of these ideas and the treasury.
Very much like Amazon's referral fees, but instead of influencers, it is distributed to innovators interested in the development of the product.
The main outcomes of these interactions are:
Imagine being able to look up any technology and innovation that contributed to the development of every product or service! And contact or collaborate with everyone involved!
I hope to be able to integrate this with the Decentralized Knowledge Graph from Origintrail, which would provide much of the core functionality, which I'm hoping to outsource with a second proposal in Cross-chain collaboration.
Previously funded proposal (Fund7) -
Related links:
This solution can be a great entry point into the Cardano ecosystem.
It incentivizes people to join and interact regularly and establishes a verified identity that can be utilized by other projects.
It also requires a robust fractional ownership solution which can also be reused.
The main risk is not attracting enough high-value users. The current knowledge ecosystem has established stable revenue streams and favors a slower regulated release of information. Be it patents, research journals, or book publishing.
We need to convince these that our approach is more beneficial in the long run. Or make sure our crowdsourced knowledge analysis can out-scale them.
Another risk is my private issues, which prevented me from completing the first stage of the project funded in Fund 7.
I need to put more effort into communicating these ideas and attracting more collaborators.
I’ve decided to focus mainly on this for the rest of the year, and build it up as a normal business. Sorry for the delay!
A rough first version should be launched before voting starts. This will be completely off-chain, most probably on Firebase. A Whitepaper explaining the tokenomics and business case will also be published.
I’m able to finish this by myself but would welcome any help, especially from designers.
Don’t vote for this proposal if nothing is published!
After launch, I will either dig into Plutus and implement the BIT token with fractional ownership contracts or hopefully find a Haskell developer.
This should be done by September.
I’m also applying for the Ontochain open call for further funding, which will be announced in September. Depending on this I will either focus on integrating Origintrail’s DKG or E-commerce solutions next.
I’m again only asking to cover my costs of living for ~3 months ($6000)
And hopefully some design ($2000) and Haskell ($2000) contractors.
I’m still working alone on this project, but am very open to collaboration and should start publishing on Github soon.
You can find me on!
I want to build this as a viable business (multi-chain), which will start generating revenue soon.
If all goes well I will not need further funding from Catalyst, but might ask the community to fund specific Cardano infrastructure improvements.
This will be open-sourced soon, and progress regarding development and further funding will be visible in the Github repository
After the initial platform is launched the main KPI will be registered users, and after the token is implemented, SSIs issued on Cardano.
An active community of at least 200 people contributing to our Knowledge Graph by the end of the year.
Revenue from selling consultations or finding new employees for companies.
A couple of products or services are being developed on the platform.
This project was first partially funded in Fund7 ($5000), which I’m still working on as it was a side project. I’m now committed to this for the next 6 months. I’ve been a software developer for almost 10 years. Interested in ideation platforms for more than 5.