Last updated a year ago
Voting protocols with astonishing security properties have long been a topic in cryptography. For Cardano off-chain voting systems no implementations of such perfectly suited systems are available.
Development of an open-source off-chain solution specifically tailored for conducting Cardano community elections enabling the formation of DAO structures for many projects in the ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Secure off-chain community voting.
Development of an open-source off-chain solution specifically tailored for conducting Cardano community elections enabling the formation of DAO structures for many projects in the ecosystem.
We are OpenSwap Technologies - the team behind MuesliSwap, one of the biggest decentralised apps on Cardano. On top, several team members have in-depth understanding of cryptography and deeper insight into the theoretical research that has been conducted on voting systems.
Privacy, integrity, verifiability, receipt-freeness, dispute resolution – these are only some of the properties that can be simultaneously achieved using state-of-the art voting mechanisms. And this is why they are desirable and in many ways superior even to paper-based voting systems:
Such systems can be implemented even off-chain without sacrificing decentralization. The advantage of off-chain solutions is that they are fee-less and hence elections can be made more available and conducted at a higher frequency which is essential for the well-function of democratized DAO-like structures.
Our team intends to bridge the gap between theoretical results and corresponding implementations specifically tailored to the Cardano ecosystem (i.e. participation via Cardano wallet). All resulting tools will be made open-source. We believe such infrastructure is essential for a thriving community-governed ecosystem venturing into a new era of true democracy and decentralization.
DAOs are inherently based on the ability to conduct digital elections. And the well-functioning of a DAO crucially depends on the quality of the underlying voting solution. With this project we're aiming to bring the best properties of voting mechanisms known to cryptographers (and in many cases these properties are best-possible) to the Cardano ecosystem. Every project having open-source access to high quality election implementations will give a massive boost to community governance of many projects in the ecosystem. Cardano <3 DAOs and DAOs <3 secure elections.
As we already have an overview of state-of-the-art voting protocols, and a lot of experience with writing software that integrates well into the Cardano ecosystem, we don’t see any risk that the project can’t be delivered successfully. Also, we will not encounter any budget problems as any extra costs will be covered by the MuesliSwap team. Since developing DAO-like community governance is also part of the MuesliSwap roadmap, the team has a high interest in developing quality solutions. As we have a big development team, we will also not encounter risks like development staff leaving.
The detailed budget breakdown also presents the different milestones into which the project will be divided. Throughout the entire project we are planning to deliver tech updates informing the community of our development process.
Research: (1 months)
Our research will be concluded by reviewing existing works in the field. We will then evaluate suitability of different methods for the specific use-case as a Cardano community voting solution and publish a paper outlining our results. This will hopefully spark further discussion in the community which we can integrate into the subsequent development stage.
Development: (2-3 months)
The development process of implementing the results of the research stage will be documented through open source repositories. This makes implementations fully transparent and progress immediately observable.
Total: 51,750 USD
As the requested amount will not be sufficient to cover the full costs of research, development, the MuesliSwap team is planning on covering the remaining costs to create the open-source off-chain voting infrastructure.
Research: 150 hours - 11,250 USD
Development: 540 hours - 40,500 USD
The MuesliSwap development team together with external help will work on this project. The MuesliSwap development team currently consists of 9 developers with experience in different fields from which most are long-standing Cardano community members. With Muesliswap being the first major DAapp launching in November 2021 the team has gained a lot of experience in developing Plutus smart contracts and the corresponding off-chain code. As part of the Dapp development process, the MuesliSwap Team gained significant experience in developing decentralized finance infrastructure and Plutus smart contracts. Currently, we are operating multiple different smart contracts on Cardano mainnet (liquidity pools, order book DEX, staking contracts etc.).
Having a very active community that is always eager to participate in governing the future development of our platform, we are very aware of the need for effective and Cardano-tailored community voting infrastructure.
Further, several team members have experience in the theoretical foundations of cryptography as well as the usage of cryptographic libraries in order to turn abstract mechanisms into secure and reliable software.
We are not planning to return for further funding in a later round for that specific project. The remaining cost of development is planned to be covered by the MuesliSwap team.
We are trying to be very transparent throughout the entire research and development process. As part of the research process we are planning to write a survey paper. Development will be publicly observable via GitHub.
Survey paper
Once the research phase has been finished, we will publish our findings in a survey paper, detailing the possible mechanism designs. We will evaluate their suitability for implementation as a Cardano community voting system and explain the resulting up- and downsides of each potential solution. We are confident that any further input coming from the many active and experienced Cardano community members can then be taken into account when deciding for one specific solution and planning the remaining implementation details.
Open Source Development
Once the development phase starts, we will be able to open source the repositories on GitHub so that the progress can be publicly tracked by the community.
The Cardano Voltaire era is all about turning the Cardano blockchain into a self-sustaining system at a global scale. With our development of an off-chain voting solution, we hope to greatly contribute to effective and secure governance at a project-internal scale. We consider this project a success if not only MuesliSwap itself can benefit from our developed community voting solution (which it definitely will!) but also many other projects can reuse our open-source code or even extend it further.
This is a new proposal made by the MuesliSwap team.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are OpenSwap Technologies - the team behind MuesliSwap, one of the biggest decentralised apps on Cardano. On top, several team members have in-depth understanding of cryptography and deeper insight into the theoretical research that has been conducted on voting systems.