Last updated 2 years ago
Currently the Cardano community has a lack of tools that help people create and manage DAOs.
CardanoSharp and Gimbalabs want to build tooling and an interface for the Cardano community. The goal is to provide both off-chain and on-chain tools.
This is the total amount allocated to SharpDAO - DAO Tooling for Cardano.
CardanoSharp and Gimbalabs want to build tooling and an interface for the Cardano community. The goal is to provide both off-chain and on-chain tools.
We have over 20 years of collective .NET experience.
An educational and builders community implementing both off-chain and on-chain governance techniques.
We all have been building on Cardano since the Mary Era when metadata was introduced.
We are proposing to build tooling that will let people manage DAO Structure, Treasury, and Voting. This would be considered an off-chain dao since this iteration will not be using smart contracts. This will help lower fees for members of DAOs using this approach.
We will be able to leverage cryptography, json-ld, and decentralized storage to deliver an off-chain solution.
We will provide the following:
Right now the challenge evolves around DAOs. Currently the ecosystem to even build a DAO is severely lacking. We would provide the base infrastructure to build a DAO, in hopes it can be not only utilized by the community, but used in conjunction with some of the other amazing efforts coming out of this fund.
Scope creep. We are starting small and thinking about how to build methodically by using the tools described in this proposal.
MultiSig Treasury + Off-chain Voting = community can spend and allocate funds in a decentralized way.
Phase 1: Initial Development
So what will we actually develop first:
Phase 2: Develop PBL Modules
We will deliver Project-Based Learning Modules that support:
User Onboarding:
Community Background Knowledge:
Developer Contribution:
Gimbalabs will test these tools by using them in practice across Gimbal Tokenomics Working Groups. Gimbals will be used to test features and processes.
We will host two dedicated Live-Coding sessions that are focused on using and developing SharpDAO tooling.
Beta Testing and initial rollout complete by the end of Month 3
Phase 3: Exploring additional features of DAO Tooling
Using the tools built in Step 1 and the learning resources in Step 2, we will bootstrap the governance process of SharpDAO.
Phase 1: Development Budget = 860 Total Hours * $50 per Hour = $43,000
User Stories - Total Hours 860
Phase 1: Project Based Learning Modules Budget = 265 Total Hours * $50 per Hour = $13,250
User Onboarding - (80 hours learn, document, lesson design)
Community Background Knowledge - (80 hours learn, document, lesson design)
Developer Contribution - (80 hours learn, document, lesson design)
Meetings and Meeting Planning (25 hours)
Gimbalabs will test these tools by using them in practice across Gimbal Tokenomics Working Groups. Gimbals will be used to test features and processes.
Kyle Johns - Contributor of Fund3 CardanoSharp, .NET Serialization and Transaction building library.
Daniel Schaefer - Contributor of Fund3 CardanoSharp, .NET Serialization and Transaction building library.
Keith Tun - Contributor of Fund3 CardanoSharp, .NET Serialization and Transaction building library.
James Dunseith - Co-founder of Gimbalabs, currently focused on developing a project-based learning framework that enables DAO formation
Yes! This is only the beginning for the type of DAO tooling we are envisioning. As we get the foundation built and documentation written, we will look to enhance the tooling to bring non-technical users to SharpDAO.
If a community is able to collectively manage treasury funds and vote on what to do with said funds, I would consider this a success.
This will extend and build off of CardanoSharp Wallet, a successfully funded fund3 proposal
We have over 20 years of collective .NET experience.
An educational and builders community implementing both off-chain and on-chain governance techniques.
We all have been building on Cardano since the Mary Era when metadata was introduced.