Last updated 2 years ago
Without accessible DAO tools on Cardano, Wada’s education, outreach and onboarding success in Africa has been a manual process. Lack of scalable organizing tools, limits quality, growth and inclusion
Build a Web3 Education DAO with Cardano’s ecosystem builders and thinkers to develop, modify and test DAO tools. This enables exponential community growth and showcase Cardano as a DAO go-to platform
This is the total amount allocated to Web3 Education DAO by Wada.
Build a Web3 Education DAO with Cardano’s ecosystem builders and thinkers to develop, modify and test DAO tools. This enables exponential community growth and showcase Cardano as a DAO go-to platform
Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. 20+ funded proposals with strong partnerships within the Catalyst ecosystem. A trusted source for both Africa-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.
The proposal seeks to build a DAO platform that will fund and scale education in Africa as a community building tool as well as recognize and incentivize individuals who add value to the DAO. This will be a phased rollout discovery journey and building with other ecosystem partners and collaborators to advance Cardano as secure, scalable and decentralizing DAO platform
Purpose of this proposal
From a human capital perspective, this is a DAO that is already building itself. WadaOrg currently consists of a core international oversight and local groups working to use blockchain to build inclusive systems in Africa and diaspora. This helps increase market share for the blockchain platforms and communities we work with. To date the Cardano community has been our main collaborator and sponsor and has helped us reach over 10,000+ people through our hybrid education and awareness events, targeted Catalyst onboarding programs, projects and social media channels. In return, we have helped to significantly grow the Cardano community in West and Central Africa.
To better organize and maintain this growth, this proposal aims to help build and incorporate known and emerging tools, standards and processes into a distributed governance or DAO model. The many components and complexities to building a truly decentralized governance model necessitates that this proposal focuses primarily on one of Wada’s key pillars; Education, which is our foundational community building and expansion tool.
How DAO Tools will Accelerate Community Growth, Retention and Value Addition
Education is a key inclusive tool for Africa’s young population in the emerging blockchain economy.
WadaOrg has had significant success so far outreaching and onboarding into the Cardano community.
Considering the expansion of our work, our current status quo will result in a centralized command and control behemoth with WadaOrg at the top where a relatively small group of people make decisions, drive growth and add value. The limitation of this model is that it does not scale well, has operational limitations and inhibits broad-based contribution and inclusion.
As we bring more people into the Wada and Cardano communities, we plan to ensure retention by providing defined web3 learning and training options and pathways according to learner needs and interests. For example, those interested in entrepreneurship or proposer assessment can get on the Catalyst onboarding pathway. There will be options for those who want to learn Plutus or similar programming courses, low code/no code learning options, NFT learning, Tokenomics and so on.
DAO tools will help to distribute governance
Specific tools will include but will not be limited to:
Organizing and basic education outreach content tools integration will be the main focus of this stage of the DAO platform build. A layered approach design will enable additional tool add-on
How our proposed solution addresses the Challenge
This proposal will ensure the continued growth of the Cardano community in Africa through our ongoing education efforts whilst simultaneously collaborating with teams within and outside the ecosystem to build, adapt and test DAO tools on Cardano. This will not only accelerate community building but also show Cardano as a viable go to platform for building DAOs
Value Add
Our solution will demonstrate how to onboard, expand and scale Cardano's large and engaged community. Since the Cardano protocol distinguishes itself for being built with security, scalability and decentralization, DAOs offer the best option for effective community management at scale.
Risk and Mitigation
If data is the new oil then human capital is the new gold. As economies go through rapid evolution, the necessity for adaptive education and training to meet ever emerging new demands will grow. Africa’s young and ‘hungry’ population is a latent resource ready to meet this need and a DAO model is the most versatile tool to allow this.
Our DAO will be the base for all of Wada’s and affiliate education and training services. The platform, when completed, will be a place.
Platform Build
This will be a phased rollout discovery journey while building with other ecosystem partners and collaborators to advance Cardano as secure, scalable and decentralizing DAO platform. Genty will be leading the technical aspect of this build. He has completed the Plutus Pioneer Program is a regular contributor to Gimbalabs, an SPO and is a pleasant natural networker. He will work with other ecosystem developers to source, create and adapt DAO tools that fit our purposes
Sustainability, Tokenomics, Governance & Identity
Outputs for this phase of DAO build.
Week 1-6
Week 7-24
Month 3-6
Workload Management:
Wada runs several projects in parallel, aided by it's network and partners to deliver on multiple proposals. A new approach to managing proposal completion is to institute a dedicated project manager for each funded proposal, and ensure that each project manager does not have more than 3 funded proposals to deliver on at any time.
Budget 75k
M.A in Economics, experienced in banking and public policy. Completed the Plutus Pioneer and Atala Prism Pioneer Programs. Haskell and Plutus trainer in Wada and Gimbalabs Education programs, Smart Contract Developer and entrepreneur.
Steve Lockhart - Wada Advisor, Governance Advocate, Gimbalabs Group Member.
Steve is a Funded proposer, community builder, decentralization advocate, arborist, and dog owner who has been active in Catalyst since the beginning
+ Wada network and advisors -
Additional Talent Resource:
The success of making Cardano the go-to platform for easily built DAOs will take a lot of collaboration and leveraging of key partnerships within the Cardano ecosystem.
Wada is proud to have direct and indirect working relationships with the following community builders.
Difficult to say at this point. Wada will be working with Edify CoLabs to value this DAO platform for funding sustainability
Metrics used to track the success of this project will be as follows:
The team sees success as an easily accessible web3 education and community growth DAO platform that is fit for purpose and serves as an example of what tools can be used to build other DAOs easily and quickly on the Cardano platform
This is an entirely new Wada proposal although it builds on some of our previous successes.
This proposal is however linked to:
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG Subgoals
4.3 - By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4.3.1 - Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. 20+ funded proposals with strong partnerships within the Catalyst ecosystem. A trusted source for both Africa-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.