Last updated 2 years ago
There is no DAO-specific meeting place on Social Media aimed at interviewing significant people in the world of DAOs, geared towards adopting Cardano as the premier “DAO-Space” across all blockchains.
Build an organic weekly audience through Twitter Spaces that participates, listens, & learns through interviews of DAO builders, tool makers, & avid members––all working on the Cardano Blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to 'What The DAO?' Twitter Space.
Build an organic weekly audience through Twitter Spaces that participates, listens, & learns through interviews of DAO builders, tool makers, & avid members––all working on the Cardano Blockchain.
Benjamin Hartin is a memoir ghostwriter, journalist, blockchain enthusiast, & Proposal Assessor.
His experience includes:
-The Solution-
Benjamin will host weekly Twitter Spaces over four months, engaging with a significant guest in the Cardano DAO space during each episode, with interview questions aimed at the following four main categories:
The Space will include a 45-minute one-on-one interview and a 15-minute Q&A session for audience members.
Perceiving the problem: With no space for people from all over Cardano and beyond to access consistent and educational interviews of people currently working on and in the Cardano DAO space.
Why my approach?: My background in research, scriptwriting, interview, and the blockchain space are skills needed for the Twitter Space I’m describing. The ‘show’ itself (a pilot for a future Twitter Space/podcast when this one is successful) will be advertised through several “Cross-Chain” spaces, Discord groups, and Telegram channels. It will soon become an easy choice for individuals looking to learn why Cardano should be their “go-to choice” for building their DAOs, or participating in one or more already up and running on Cardano!
Who will participate?: At first, Cardano and Catalyst members interested in the topic. Through cross-chain promotions in several social media spaces, we should see an influx of new members weekly. We’ll aim at a total of 100 consistent listers by the end of our four months and will record and share the Episodes for our archive and future listeners to enjoy.
Research: 6 hours are allotted per month for research, analysis, and scriptwriting, where we’ll determine the latest interests & questions about DAOs overall and schedule guests who will be able to speak to those curiosities, as well as questions in our 4 main categories (listed above).
Audience participation: There will be an element of audience participation in guest selection, though creating expectations beyond that simple statement could make managing our schedule tricky. As this will be our first run at this Twitter Space, we’ll learn a lot about what the possibilities are and be able to give finer detail in future seasons of our Space.
Product: We will record, archive, and publish all 16 episodes of our What the DAO? Twitter Space. They will be able to be accessed on my personal Twitter account (@cardanobenjamin) and other areas created for distribution. These will be limited at first and, over time, will be built out, first with low-cost solutions, and later after the minimum viable product (MVP) is successful, we’ll advance our offerings in future funding rounds.
Outcome/results: We hope to end with a consistent live listening audience of 100 active listeners who also participate in the Q&A sessions. We’ll also be listening to new ideas about where the Space could go in the future beyond the scaling ideas we’ve already come up with (written about below!).
The Challenge setting for DAOs <3 Cardano asks, “How can we make Cardano the go-to Choice for building DAOs?”
I can think of no better way than to showcase several current builders, etc., who others can come to and learn from, ask questions, and potentially collaborate with in the future!
What the DAO? will be a fun, inviting, and consistent space that participants will learn to love and connect with from week to week. This continual engagement, and growth over time, will broaden the base of knowledge and assist listeners in finding out what they need to know to get on Cardano to build and participate in the DAO space.
The next part of the same setting asks, “What tools can we provide to enable effective DAO’s Creation & Operation?” What the DAO? answers by being a great tool to spread awareness and bring new creators and operators to the space!
The risks would be 1. the user base not growing, 2. guests falling through, and 3. Q&A sessions having too few questions from the audience. Here is our prevention plan for all three.
1 Month: Research, plan, schedule guests, and host weekly Twitter Spaces. Beyond this, there will be admin work on web presence for the show and advertising to several groups mentioned above. Guests for month 2 scheduled.
2 Months: Continuations in all categories in month 1, several more episodes of our Space, and guests for Month 3 scheduled.
4 Months: Wrapping up the season with our final episode, create an outcome document and video for Catalyst, and begin drafting a new proposal for further funding to continue What the DAO?!
Time period: 16 Weeks (4 months)
Research, Analysis, Scriptwriting @ $70/hour
6 hrs/month x 4 months = 24hrs
Preparation/Hosting @ $45/hr
2 hr x 16 weeks = 32hrs
Admin Work @ $20/hr
1.5 hr/month x 4 months = 6hrs
Web presence
Estimated cost for four months of work on and actual advertising, and other technology incidentals
Total: $3850
Note: The prices above reflect rates charged to recent customers for similar work.
This agile project focuses on building this MVP for future iterations and growth. As such, the ‘team’ this early on is just myself. The guests I’ll host will be participating on their own with the incentive of being an early contributor to the conversation, promoting their products, DAO(s), and helping build this learning process for the greater community.
Benjamin Hartin, host-to-be of What the DAO?, is a creative, musician, and a writer engaged in individual transformation & societal change. For him, his time on Cardano is an extension of both and an opportunity to learn from its vast community and educate others to utilize Cardano through participation in the blockchain and Catalyst. Benjamin is also an active PA.
Yes. We plan to use the What the DAO? Twitter Space as a pilot for a Twitter Space/Podcast that we’ll seek funding for in a future fund after we’ve established success with this first season of What the DAO?
By the end of year one, we are looking to potentially grow into several languages/time zones to have Asian, African, and South American hosts running at least a once-per-month Twitter Space (or equivalent in the region) within one year from the start of What the DAO? This first season will help us gauge what is possible and network in various communities to find the needed collaborations for scaling success.
We are looking for engagement and growth in in the What the DAO? Twitter Space to be our measure of success. The more people contributing to the conversion and engaged in concrete experience, the better.
No. This proposal is not a continuation of a previous proposal.
Benjamin Hartin is a memoir ghostwriter, journalist, blockchain enthusiast, & Proposal Assessor.
His experience includes: