Last updated 2 years ago
Lack of NFT analytics APIs that can be integrated into any NFT-based platform on Cardano.
Allocate greater ADAO resources to the continued development of the RoundTable open source Repos.
Add new features to enable staking, dapp interoperability, and user focused upgrades.
This is the total amount allocated to ADAO - RoundTable v2: Staking +.
Allocate greater ADAO resources to the continued development of the RoundTable open source Repos.
Add new features to enable staking, dapp interoperability, and user focused upgrades.
Core members of ADAO have been working closely with and collaborating with various Cardano community organizations such as, Staking DAO, SCAT DAO, Liqwid Labs and others to develop best practices, streamline design, and to ensure longevity and feasibility of our approach.
RoundTable ( ) is an open source, decentralized multi-signature wallet dapp for Cardano developed and hosted by the ADAO Community. It is intended as a "Blockchain Public Good" and for that reason it is free to use or even run locally. The Code is open source (Apache 2.0) and therefore can be forked from the ADAO Community GitHub if developers wish to contribute. At time of writing there are 14 forks from the RoundTable repository and a total of 88 commits.
RoundTable is the first of kind "Decentralized" multi-sig dapp on Cardano due to fact that it uses Gun.js for coordination, removing the need for a centralized data base to store and coordinate signatures.
As adoption of RoundTable has grown the community of both users and developers have offered great feedback and insight. This feedback has been used to direct the next stage of development for RoundTable.
This proposal seeks to fund and incentivize the next stage of RoundTable multi-sig development. Developers from within ADAO and the greater Cardano community have teamed up to enable even more user friendly features for RoundTable.
More recently teams across Cardano from popular NFT marketplaces, DeFi protocols, and Metaverses have inquired about RoundTable multi-sig directly integrating with there platforms. This funding will also be used to incentivize this integration work.
RoundTable is the leading multi-signature solution on Cardano today, used by a growing number of individuals and projects. This proposal will bring greater usability to the RoundTable dapp and attract even more users.
This proposal aims to encourage more contributions to the RoundTable code base from outside development teams and organizations. Utilizing the pre-existing bounty system developed within ADAO we can encourage more developers to work on the code base and reward them with fair compensation for doing so.
Multiple developers from within Cardano have already started to contribute and more are showing interest everyday, including, popular NFT market places and Metaverses who wish to implement RoundTable multi-sig directly into their platforms.
This proposal intends to not only bring new features to RoundTable the Dapp but also to bring Native RoundTable multi-sig support to the most popular Cardano Platforms and Metaverses.
As you can see in the team description section, the people who are working on this proposal have experience in Project Catalyst and have already delivered working products. So we feel confident in being able to deliver what is outlined herein. However, we have outlined a few of the main risks and how we plan to mitigate them.
This project will be maintained in the ADAO Community GitHub, 'round-table' repository.
Features currently in development can be contributed to via the ADAO Community GitHub and proposal/bounty submission is handled through the ADAO Discord server.
New features and development initiates can be proposed both via the ADAO Community GitHub or Discord server.
A DAO vote will take place to outline development specifications and general reward incentives.
Once features are code complete a retroactive overview of all the work will take place and consensus around exact bounty payouts will be established. Bounties are paid out automatically, on-chain, via multi-sig vote from within ADAO development working groups.
Exact details and timelines for software and blockchain development projects are extremely difficult to predict and it is not an exact science. Any funds awarded to this proposal will be sent directly from Catalyst to the ADAO foundation treasury, on-chain. Any funds "paid out" for work that has or has not been outlined in this proposal will be requested through the ADAO Community bounty system, and paid out retroactively. Below is an educated breakdown on the technical hours going into this proposal based on previous experiences developing RoundTable and similar products.
Breakdown based on technical hours:
Setting up GitHub project and contributor flows/documentation - 60
Technical documentation and developer content - 100
Collaborative research (vital for integration with other dapps/marketplaces) - 120
General testing - 100
open source auditing - 100
Technical Specification - 60
Community outreach, workshops, and education - 120
Miscellanies unforeseen tech. and development issues - 40
Total development hours = ~690 = 450 @ 75per., 240 @ 40per. = 43350
Tom aka: TCT has over six years of experience in Decentralized Finance and DAO governance as a researcher, builder and practitioner. His latest achievements include Co-founding and team building within the ADAO Community, prominently known as being the first smart contract DAO on the Cardano blockchain. Responsibilities for this project included: Project management, promotion, and team building.
Riley is a developer trained in Haskell and other programming languages with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Washington. He has experience with a large set of functional languages and constraint programming; as well as with infrastructure provisioning tools from his time at Smartsheet. Riley served as the Development Working Group lead for ADAO and contributed to the Agora DAO repositories. Responsibilities for this proposal include: Backend development lead.
DzCodes is a professional problem solver who started as a potential web designer/frontend developer around seven years ago but quickly moved through the frontend to the backend. He is currently contributing full time to ADAO and other open-source and blockchain projects. Responsibilities for proposal include: Open source project management in GitHub.
Siegfried is a full time contributor to the ADAO development working group and since day one has been the leading developer on RoundTable. Responsibilities for this proposal include: Implementing code changes and upgrades, product testing, product design.
Yes, this proposal is designed to fund 4-6 months worth of development upgrades and integrations for the RoundTable multisig dapp. This includes direct feature upgrades to RoundTable as well as integrating RoundTable into the popular Cardano Market places, DeFi protocols, and Metaverses.
Success for this project would be found in the continued interest and contributions from ADAO development working groups and an increase from outside individual developers and development teams contributing to RoundTable.
By the end of Q4 we expect to see RoundTable multi-sig integrated into:
Native support for RoundTable in these popular Cardano dapps is the main goal for RoundTable by the end of 2022.
This proposal is a continuation of a fund 8 proposal:
We believe that Cardano is inherently aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it empowers every individual to make a difference in their community and the world. In particular, this project helps encourage Decent Work and Economic Growth by opening up new ways for individuals to collaborate together from all over the ecosystem.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Core members of ADAO have been working closely with and collaborating with various Cardano community organizations such as, Staking DAO, SCAT DAO, Liqwid Labs and others to develop best practices, streamline design, and to ensure longevity and feasibility of our approach.