Last updated 2 years ago
There is no adoption of blockchain solutions on Amazon. In addition, computer products in the local market are two to three times more expensive than the value practiced in the international market.
To promote the use of cardano cryptocurrency in the main capital of the Amazon, we intend to create a megastore of subsidized computer products, which will only accept Cardano as a form of payment.
This is the total amount allocated to Amazon Cardano Store.
To promote the use of cardano cryptocurrency in the main capital of the Amazon, we intend to create a megastore of subsidized computer products, which will only accept Cardano as a form of payment.
We have been running a solar-powered mining farm in the Amazon for 2 years. Our infrastructure meets all the regional legal requirements, with legal entity, place of operation, logo, website and suppliers. The same as will be required for an infostore.
The main objective of this project is the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the Amazon, mainly ADA Cardano, by locals. In a broad vision, we will promote actions that use clean energy and stimulate technological development in an increasingly free market, but in a region with little access;
We chose to sell computer-related products because they are the type of equipment that we have the most knowledge and contact with, and also because they are in high demand in the Amazon and Brazil. Our intention is to create a megastore of subsidized computer products, which will only accept Cardano as a form of payment.
The project will engage youth and the public with an interest in technology, there are. We will use part of the resource to publicize Cardano, renewable energy and our actions to protect natural resources in the local media. Today, 2 million people live in the metropolitan region of Belém.
Green Crypto farm will be the foundation of this project. It is an organization with active legal registration at Belem-Brazil, its own building with a large area still unused and with public access. The project will be implemented in 3 phases. The first, purchase of sales equipment from suppliers and training of 3 employees for sales and maintenance; the second phase, marketing and opening of the store to the public and the last phase of engagement, when ecological gifts will be provided (seeds for planting, biodegradable pens, ecological bags) and a folder explaining how to create a cardano blockchain wallet to stake ADA and to make new purchases in the future.
As project results, we expect large cardano cryptocurrency adoption in the main capital of the Amazon and its surrounding. We also expect the store to be self-sustaining, including increasing the pledge of our Cardano pool, greencripto, ticker CRIP.
Trading at attractive prices is one of the main reasons why consumers have engagement, we will not sell products below the market price, but we will reduce margins to the point where the decision is obvious. There is room for this in the domestic market, as there is little or no activity in the area or in cryptocurrencies, there is also interest for the local government, as taxes will be properly collected. In addition, local companies, due to low competition and privileged information, increase the profit margin at exorbitant prices, harming consumers.
As the benefit of purchasing at competitive prices will be intrinsic to the use of ADA Cardano, as it will be the only payment method accepted with special discounts, we hope that this initiative will reach other commercial centers here in the region.
The main risks and their solutions are:
As a self-sustaining project, we do not intend to make new catalyst proposals
The company has an accountant, responsible for the store's sales and stock statistics.
Monthly we will count the number of sales, number of store visits, number of social media followers and the number of direct sales with ADA Cardano.
This is an entirely new one project
SDG goals:
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG subgoals:
Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such resources, as internationally agreed
By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally
By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
We have been running a solar-powered mining farm in the Amazon for 2 years. Our infrastructure meets all the regional legal requirements, with legal entity, place of operation, logo, website and suppliers. The same as will be required for an infostore.