Last updated 2 years ago
You can not trade real world assets using crypto. DeFi traders want to invest into real world assets but either can't or don't want to convert crypto in fiat.
Unmarshal will be indexing the Cardano chain to gather encrypted information in the hash format & provide simplified, human-readable data endpoints. This would reduce 60-65% of development time.
This is the total amount allocated to API Datapoints & Notification Frame.
Unmarshal will be indexing the Cardano chain to gather encrypted information in the hash format & provide simplified, human-readable data endpoints. This would reduce 60-65% of development time.
Unmarshal is live since March 2021.
Uptime: 99.3% (Q1, 2022)
Latency: 193 ms
Average daily API calls: 32M
Total notifications: 200M
Daily notifications: 2.5M
Total exclusive partnerships: 43
Total Dapps using Unmarshal services: 1000+
We propose to partner with the Cardano Foundation to index Cardano Chain data and provide Data Endpoints for Dapps builders to get quick, easy, seamless and simplified On-chain data.
Our Endpoints will be able to provide wallet balances, Transactions, and Transaction details to begin with. Based on the needs of Cardano and the Dapps built on the chain we can customize the data responses to suit the needs of the requestor.
Unmarshal has the best-in-class notification framework that allows Dapps to notify their users immediately on any on-chain events like a token transfer, token staked, tokens received, tokens claimed, and much more in a simplified yet informative way. Unmarshal will be enabling infrastructure for the notifications framework on chain where Dapps on the Cardano chain will be able to notify its users immediately.
In the Challenge description we fall under the category of APIs, and we provide Data read APIs in three different formats, Rest APIs, Notifications & Webs ockets.
We take away the redundant workload any Dapp developer has to go through and reduce development time by around 85% and reduce the cost incurred significantly.
Like other blockchains with our chain agnostic solution will allow all our existing dev base and projects to easily migrate to the cardano ecosystem, and opening up easy development on Cardano through our easy to use, well documented APIs
Our dev team has gone through cardano tech stack and are very confident that there is not going to be any hickups and challenges in this integration.
As we have expertise in implementing our product suite in both evm and non evm chains, thus we are fairly confident
Unmarshal will be setting up its own nodes for indexing the Cardano data. Once the entire data is synced the nodes will be set to pull live data. The following will be done once the data is completely synced
Decoding the encoded raw data
Build the basic API suite for Cardano
Enabling Notification framework for Cardano
All future Cardano network upgrades will be integrated into the system.
About our Data Endpoints:
Any of the on-chain transaction data including the asset balances will be made available in various formats as APIs, GraphQL, Web Sockets, CSV and so on. The basic API suite consists of asset balances, list of wallet transactions and transaction details for a particular transaction hash.
Unmarshal Smart Notification Framework- an overview:
Unmarshal smart notifications can be delivered directly to mobile applications using firebase, websockets etc. or Clients (Dapp developers can pull real time data using webhooks)
Decoding the data and serving it in the formats required by our partners is our core mission. Notifications will be decoded and converted in a single line description for the apps to read.
DApps can choose a template of their choice to customise the outcome. .
Unmarshal has already built the notification for the Binance Smart Chain and the Ethereum Ecosystem, Polygon(Matic) and XinFin Network for the following transactions:
Add liquidity
Remove liquidity
Smart Notifications enabled:
With the help of Unmarshal’s Smart Notification framework, DApps built on Cardano chain will be able to notify and update users of the relevant transaction, liquidation alerts and any event that occurs on a chain.
Unmarshal will be able to read all the transactions from the Cardano Network and provide a crisp note of what has actually happened on a particular transaction. The Cardano Dapps will have the privilege of providing smart notifications without having to spend a lot of time and effort decoding the data. It can be integrated into the DApp with very minimal code
Indexing the Node
Reading through the entire chain and procuring all on chain data
Decoding the Data
Understanding the technical on chain data and converting them to human readable format but in a raw shape
Constructing Cardano API Services
Making meaningful endpoints for quick Integration into Dapps
Testing & Verification
Data Verification and Validation
Time to be released to market
On going Integration & Guidance
Support network upgrades as well as future launchpad
Milestone 1- Becoming our codebase to become compatible with the Cardano code base
Estimated Tech Work - 45 days
Number of resources - 6
Approximate Estimated Cost - $100,000
Milestone 2 — Indexing The Node
Estimated Tech Work - 20 days
Time to Sync data - 14-30 days (depends on the volume of data)
Number of resources - 4
Approximate Estimated Cost - $50,000
Milestone 3 — Decoding Data
Estimated Duration - 18 days
Number of resources - 2
Approximate Estimated Cost - $30,000
Milestone 4 — API services
Estimated Duration - 20 days
Number of resources - 3
Approximate Estimated Cost - $80,000
Milestone 5 — Notification Services
Estimated Duration - 30 days
Number of resources - 4
Approximate Estimated Cost - $70,000
Management Team:
Manohar Kolagondanahalli - CEO & Founder -
Shivakumar HG - CTO & Co - Founder -
Yogesh Talurmath - CMO -
Nishanth Sankar Ram - Head of Operations -
Rakshitha Kanakamuthu - Creative Officer -
Product :
Anusiya -
Abhishek Katiyar - Head of Infra-
Chetan Kashetti - Tech Lead -
Senior Engineers:
Arham Jain -
Pujith -
Santhosh -
Suyog -
Abbas -
Jawad -
Marketing & BD
Sreenjoy - CBDO -
Suraj- Consulting BD
More details here. :
Proposal Team Experience
The major tech team that will be working on the project are :
Member 1:
Name: Manohara Kolagondanahalli
Background: CEO & Founder at Unmarshal
With close to dealing with a huge volume of data in companies like Maven Hive, GoJek and Grab Manohar entered into the crypto field as a consultant for one of the biggest names in the DeFi industry today. He has both the technical knowledge and the business expertise to take Unmarshal to greater heights.
Member 2:
Name: Shivakumar HG
Background: CTO Unmarshal with rich backend data experience.
Our Technical Maestro who is very passionate about technology comes with close to 8 years of handling data and research which makes Shiv a perfect fit to spearhead the technological aspect of Unmarshal. He has been our key member in understanding the working of each chain which has helped the team to move ahead with ease for what we have achieved today.
Member 3:
Name: Chetan Kashetti
Background: Our Tech Lead with vast experience in Full-stack experience
Our Tech Lead who supports our CTO and shares the same vision as our founder in making Unmarshal The Google of Blockchains where we extend support to as many chains as possible and providing seamless, simplified blockchain data. Chetan comes with 8 plus experience in varied areas of Technical skills which have aided him in leading the team to achieve beyond and above
Member 4:
Name: Pujith M
Background: Our Senior Full-stack developer
Pujith comes with a rich experience in full-stack development. Our Multi chain Explorer is a fruit of Pujith’s craftwork who has been tirelessly working on perfecting our XScan along with our member console. With close to 4 years experience overall he has delivered amazing products for the Unmarshal suite.
Member 5
Name: Santhosh KS
Background: our backend developer
Santhosh is our first ever backend developer at Unmarshal who has been introduced to Blockchain here at Unmarshal but now works on indexing multiple chains with ease. With over 2 years of experience in the regular IT industry and 1 year here at Unmarshal Santhosh is the key member of our indexing team which is the backbone of Unmarshal
Details of the rest of our team can be found at:
Yes definitely, we have a lot of other tooling we are adding onto our existing set of tooling solution.
If we are funded we will execute the above mentioned milestones, build our reputations and come back to add more tooling to the cardano ecosystem
The best way to measure success in the above mentioned milestones is the number of API calls served on the Cardano chain.
Including DeFi calls, NFT API calls, Notifications etc.
Success in this project would look like seamless integration to the ecosystem and we upholding our track record of awesome uptime and industry leading latency.
Serving close to a million APIs within 2 months of onboarding Cardano APIs into Unmarshals product suite and ecosystem
This is a new proposal.
Unmarshal is live since March 2021.
Uptime: 99.3% (Q1, 2022)
Latency: 193 ms
Average daily API calls: 32M
Total notifications: 200M
Daily notifications: 2.5M
Total exclusive partnerships: 43
Total Dapps using Unmarshal services: 1000+