Last updated 2 years ago
With google chrome's plan to sunset manifest v2 in chrome extensions the Nami wallet project is no longer accepted as a public submission to the chrome extension store.
Our solution is to, fork Nami wallet, update manifest to v3, develop new and innovative features, improve the UI/UX further and resubmit to google chrome store, thus creating a new wallet called Lucem
This is the total amount allocated to Broaden open source wallet options.
Our solution is to, fork Nami wallet, update manifest to v3, develop new and innovative features, improve the UI/UX further and resubmit to google chrome store, thus creating a new wallet called Lucem
7 years of engineering experience in the Aerospace and Automotive. and 3.5 years of software development experience
10 years of business/operations experience.
With google chrome's plan to sunset manifest v2 in chrome extensions the Nami wallet project is no longer accepted as a public submission to the chrome extension store. Our solution is to, fork Nami wallet, update manifest to v3, develop new and innovative features, improve the UI/UX further and resubmit to google chrome store, thus creating a new wallet called Lucem. The impact that ADA holders will benefit from this project is ensuring Nami wallet remains functional, but also providing open source opportunities for new wallets to fork (with SPOs being a main beneficiary of this opportunity). Target audience being not only SPOs, but also any holder of ADA or potential holder of ADA.
Our solution is to speed up and decentralize the wallet infrastructure across the ecosystem. Being an open source project, both Nami and our intended fork would be accessible to all the community, SPOs and ADA holders alike, to benefit from, build upon, and utilize. This proposal would retain Nami access across the community, provide a new wallet deliverable (Lucem), and give other contributors an opportunity to fork their own wallet. As an SPO ourselves, this is truly a project by the community, for the community.
The initial release will marketed as a eco friendly offering to the community on behalf of our stakepool [HODLR]. Channels of communication will include Twitter, SPO's website, Telegram, Discord, and public meetings (Twitter Spaces, Zoom, MeetUps with established community partners)
Developing features and updating the project's dependencies are fairly straight forward but the manifest version update is more involved and there is a risk that some or all of the wallet's external interfaces could could be disturbed.
Phase 1 [Fund 8] (FUNDED)
Fork the Nami Open Source Project and release it on the google chrome store. This is not a trivial update and is currently a blocking item for many potential contributors to this project. With this update, other Ui/Ux upgrades, and theme refactoring, the Nami project will not only survive but thrive for years to come. Expected timeline of completion Phase 1 being August 2022.
Phase 2 [Fund 9]
To validate the security of our wallet, Lucem will require a 3rd party cyber security audit of the changes made after forking Nami. In this phase we will find and hire a web development security agency to review our code. We will also begin upgrades and improvements to our decentralized infastructure to handle the demand of Lucem's back-end migration.
Future Development:
Phase 3 [Fund 10]
Cardano's super power is the energy efficiency of Proof of Stake protocols, making it the "green" blockchain. We would like to move our wallet infrastructure to a more sustainable and decentralized direction. We propose to connect the backend of the lucem wallet to a submit-api/dbsync enabled collection of nodes that are running on 100% renewable energy, making it the premier sustainable wallet offering on Cardano!
Phase 4 [Fund 11]
We encourage and help fellow SPOs to Fork the Nami project as well. This phase creates tools to documentation to follow in our footsteps and drive the decentralization of Cardano's wallet infrastructure.
Phase 5 [Fund 12]
Porting extension to Android and iOS (mobile)
$3850.00 (110 hrs x $35 hr) + 5000.00 (Security audit)
Proposer has been working as SPO for one year as Hodler Coalition. Has MBA and 10 years of business, operations, and project management experience.
Co-Proposer has a B.S. in Computer Technologies. Advanced Senior Engineer at a large technology company. 7 years of engineering in the Aerospace and Automotive industries. Stakepool Operator for one year.
Yes, we hope to secure funding for each phase of our project.
Github Commits towards Lucem Dev and Pull request submissions to Nami repository.
Acceptance of Lucem Wallet release on google chrome store as well as the completion of an 3rd party security audit.
Phase 2 of 5:
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG subgoals:
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
7 years of engineering experience in the Aerospace and Automotive. and 3.5 years of software development experience
10 years of business/operations experience.