Last updated 2 years ago
Agricultural business leaders need to prove that they have carbon negative farming methods but don’t have the tools to PROVE the sequestration of carbon.
Seniors do not adapt quickly to technology and learn differently. Clubhouse, an interactive verbal social media platform will be used with YouTube to host Senior friendly educational “chat rooms” .
This is the total amount allocated to C4S - Cardano for Seniors Hub.
Seniors do not adapt quickly to technology and learn differently. Clubhouse, an interactive verbal social media platform will be used with YouTube to host Senior friendly educational “chat rooms” .
This is phase II of C4S f8 funding. Our team experience, previously documented includes work with Seniors in the Risk Management, Insurance, Tax and Investment fields. Also, hosting a weekly radio call in show and Technology and Research experience. Combined team has +150 years.
Cardano4Seniors Hubs is a continuation and expansion of the Community Platform C4S which was funded in F8 to begin to develop an educational and YouTube outreach based on our ELI65 language.
There currently are two billion Seniors globally that UN studies state will double within the next ten years. That will be a 4 billion niche market.
Everyone of us lives with, knows one or is a Senior Citizen. We are in every nation and social profile and are often marginalized due to age with LGQBT seniors even more so, often due to no support from children.
Project Catalyst needs talent to be part of our community for proposal assessments, proposal mentoring, community governance, and so much more. Seniors, often retired incorporate some of the brightest, highly trained minds. Teachers, medical professionals, coders, business people, housemakers, farmers and more that would enhance the Catalyst infrastructure.
Globally, seniors have control of a great amount of wealth. A Crypto platform requires liquidity to remain stable and to expand. Four billion Seniors are certainly a market that could bring enormous liquidity to Cardano or any other Ecosystem. It is critical for Cardano to posit itself as the crypto for Seniors, without being or appearing to be predatory by educating Seniors about DeFi with Risk Management principles. Cardano needs to begin to design and build Dapps specific to the needs of this Huge niche. But, we need to set up the infrastructure to attract, educate and onboard Seniors using tools suitable to their style of learning and socializing.
The Seniors of the world are the demographic of the first global environmental movement. The Conservative movement started with the current Silver Tsunami. Earth Day, Green Peace and so many more Global initiatives were founded by our seniors who may now be retired with their true potential ready to be harnessed. Cardano as the Green Cryptocurrency should consider the potential good the Seniors of Cardano can do for Mother Earth.
Cardano for Seniors thru several initiatives is building a community platform that in effect will be a wide spread funnel to attract, educate, and onboard Seniors to the Cardano family, while performing Socially positive activity.
This proposal is a second spoke of wheel so to speak. The first was the funded C4S-Cardano4Seniors proposal in F8. This will utilize and expand on that thru the use of Social Media Clubhouse.
C4S will initiate and moderate several hourly chats in the Clubhouse Platform for Seniors to have a safe place to participate or just listen. There will be a coffee hour, an hour with the RN, an hour for LGQBT, a 5 o’clock somewhere hour, delivered through this funding stage. With plans to expand to a Spanish, Italian and other languages and topic social hours. Some considerations include: Senior Woman’s topics, Sex after 60, Cooking on a Senior Budget and Global Climate Activism for Seniors. These social hours for seniors are intended to engage Seniors and provide a virtual community hub.
Do you have a concept for our Clubhouse?
Fund 9 has several stated Strategic Goals that require every Proposal to align itself witin each Challenge. The very first Strategic Goal is "Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem" . It even states in the Proposal Assessors Guide that if the proposal does not meet one or more of the above attributes then assessment prioritization by PAs and voters should favor proposals which do meet these goals.
Clearly this and all of the C4S Community based proposals are specifically targeted at 'Preparing Seniors (a group of people) to make contributions to Catalyst'!
One of the other Strategic Goals is to "Build real-world solutions based on the Cardano blockchain". C4S is building this Community platform for global Seniors to that end. Eventually, there will be a Senior Community with specific DApps, native Token, and more. In summary of the Strategic Goals C4S-Cardano4Seniors is being built as a Community platform that meets two of the four Strategic goals for Fund 9.
Cardano4Seniors -hubs, also directly addresses two of the main statements of the DApps, Products and Integrations Challenge and the third under ‘Many Others’. Social Media (SM) and Nations Governance systems are direct solutions to those stated in the Challenge.
Social Media including Facebook, which studies indicate is the largest used social media by Seniors will be used for marketing, advertising and initial engagement, as well as a Senior attraction funnel.
Clubhouse, a newer bi-directional chat room social media will be utilized to engage Seniors in educational, moderated conversations within social hour topics.
Youtube will be used for PR broadcasts as funded in f8. It will also be integrated in this new initiative with Clubhouse so chatters can see and interact with the social hour moderators.
Some readers may notice some similarities to Twitter spaces or Discord channels or Zoom and ask why or criticize this initiative. Fair enough, though our F8 successful proposal was based on learning how Seniors (studies indicate we change how we absorb new material as we age) learn. One noted statistic regarding Seniors & Social Media use from Pew Research is while Seniors shun most ‘new’ social medias, over 60 (aged 50+) percent use Facebook. FB was a safe, easy and early adoption by many, now Seniors. They do not by significant numbers use Twitter, discord or many other Socials.
Clubhouse, while new is an easy adoption social media. There are little distractions or new skills to learn such as with Telegram, Discord and Zoom. With Clubhouse you enter your Clubhouse room and listen or talk. If the Senior desires they will also be able to open YouTube to the C4S channel to see their host for a more dimensional experience. This SM is easy to learn and adopt. Because of this we expect a higher utilization rate.
Due to its high rate of Senior adoption Facebook will be utilized as the marketing SM to initially attract Seniors to The Cardano ecosystem. By utilizing targeted Facebook paid ads our funnel will begin attracting Seniors to our YouTube, Web and other SM based awareness. The purpose is to tradition them onto the Cardano4Seniors Clubhouse with any one of the hosted programs. This is all designed to have multiple educational touches as we funnel them into the Cardano community.
The second direct Challenge Statement addressed ‘Nations Governance’ is by the process directed towards onboarding Seniors to Cardano and Catalyst. There are many talented Seniors who may welcome a side gig to supplement their fixed income by putting their experience to work in Catalyst Governance. Retired educators, legal professionals, technology experts, health workers, environmentalists, etc are some of the seniors we are looking to attract and onboard.
The talent pool within the billions of global Seniors is a goldmine for Catalyst. C4S through this proposal will set up a long term Community based platform to attract, educate with an emphasis on Risk Management and onboard the growing number of talented Seniors.
Please join our Community team in this outreach!
The main risk would be not receiving funding for this continuation proposal. Our successful fund 8 proposal stated that it was the initial stage in developing our platform. This proposal is part of phase II in the establishment of our Senior education outreach platform. The mitigation would be to coast until future Catalyst Challenge fund and apply again.
The secondary risk is insufficient traction with our target audience to achieve sufficient onboarding. In traditional, established industries there are algorithms designed to calculate how much a customer/client/community member is worth on a lifetime basis and how much should be invested to convert that person to a customer.
Resarch has not provided reliable data for customer conversion costs specific to DeFi. We are not aware of any such formula, but after attending Consensus 2022 and witnessing the displays, giveaways, expensive booths and other trappings we estimate this number to be very high.
Our proposal, proposes to spend the majority of our marketing budget on targeted Facebook ads as data shows ~51% of Seniors 65+ and ~60%of Seniors 50+use Facebook. The closet SM platform used are LinkedIn at 13 & 24. % respectively and Pinterist at 9 & 14%. While Twitter and Instagram see percent numbers of 5 & 9 and 1 & 6 respectively.
Since this is a new initiative to create a funnel for Senior attraction, engagement, involvement, education and Onboarding of Senior Citizens it is beginning without a Prospect or Suspect list. Such phone and email lists are available but are an aggressive, intrusive and typically - ‘a not trusted by Seniors’ approach.
These robo-phone & email “marketing” approaches may be a mitigation strategy but are typically low return and not as trusted as the SM insertion approach. Insertion into trusted Social Media is typically better, higher success rate and with a ‘more trusted’ result. Our mitigation strategy is to not rely on just one SM but rather use a multi-channel approach. The Cardano4Seniors YouTube programs will be airing by f9 funding and should begin to gain traction by November/ late Q4 2022.
Along with the YouTube channel we have started using Linktree(see media link) to begin to imbed all SM pushes. So a multi faceted social media build up prior to media spending on FB, along with Press Releases and Medium articles would be our mitigation strategy, currently.
Already under development from F8 Proposal -
Q2 2021 - Research Senior Learning Processes & develop a educational methodology
Q2-3 - Develop the ELI65 language/FAQ
Based on this Proposal CardanoforSeniors- Hubs successful funding C4S will provide and deliver the following:
Q4 2022:
Q1-2 2023
The Clubhouse rooms will be maintained and if possible expanded on to other interest concepts and languages.
Closeout report and video will be presented to the Community. The key milestones to be delivered will be a major increase in educated awareness of Cardano within the Senior demographic.
C4S will have:
The budget totals $49,541 rounded to $50,000 for the initial trial period of 29 weeks with 26 of these being live in Clubhouse and YouTube.
Approximately 60% of the budget is for live talent to prepare and host the live chats.
The other 40% is for marketing on Social Media to attract and funnel the target market to the chat rooms. Of that 40%, seventy five (75) percent is focused on Facebook advertising as data indicates it is the most used social media by the targeted demographic.
Budget is $30 per hour for script writing and segment support; $40 per hour for Clubhouse moderators and $60 per hour for professional moderators e.g. the RN moderator. 1.5 hours are budgeted per hour segment, the extra half hour for preparation. No travel is included as the hosting is planned to be remote.
Nurse:1 @$60 x (5 sessions x 1.5 hr) x 26 wk.=$ 11,700.
Mods:2@$40 X (5 sessions X 1.5 hr) X26 wk. =$ 15,600
Mods:1@$40 X (1 Session X 1.5 hr) X26 wk. = $. 1,560
Script:1@30 X ( 4 sessions X .5 hour) X28 wk. =$. 1,680
Talent = $ 30,540
Fb Ads 30 weeks X$500. =. $ 15,000
Pinterest 24 weeks X $85. =. $. 2,040
Instagram 28 Weeks X $70. =. $ 1,960
Ads total = $19,000
TOTAL $49,541
MISC = 459
REQUEST $50,000
Coffee Hour will be hosted by Mark H. who is a Senior, an early riser and a likable chatterbox. Mark has over 20 years as a Chef, loves people and must do at least one good deed per day. He is a trained counselor in substance abuse.
Talk with the Nurse will be hosted by Dianne, RN. With over 45 years of nursing, mostly Getiatric, Dianne recently retired as the Director of Nursing in an 90 bed Senior care facility.
It’s Five O’clock Somewhere will be hosted by Tom. He is a farmer of wine grapes, a wine and hard cider maker and paid for at least two years of college bar tending. He listens well.
LGQBT is still looking for a person who identifies as LGQBT and is an excellent communicator. The team has someone in mind but needs to educate them in Cardano.
Our team, should we expand has other talented individuals that speak several languages including Spanish, Dutch and Italian. Each have different life experiences and are Seniors.
The planning and show scripting will be shared by staff members including @tkolomi, and Kevin.
Cardano4Seniors is working to achieve a sustainable educational ecosystem within Cardano that includes Senior Risk Management to fend off any criticism of Cryptocurrency in general but Cardano specifically of Senior citizen skimming. Also we are seeking to be a platform for social positivity for Seniors - globally.
Many seniors are marginalized but in particular LGQBT Seniors due to (generally) no children to provide support structure. C4S would like to emerge as the pre-eminent Blockchain organization for Seniors under the Cardano umbrella.
Towards that goal we believe we will need to return for additional funding to achieve self-sustainability, though we have a SPO formation parallel Proposal in that we are using to create a self-sustaining platform.
The Audit data is divided into three stratum: 1. Social Media (SM) advertising spend to kickstart this projects engagement, 2. The talent spend for the Clubhouse social engagement, 3. The engagement and Onboarding metrics.
The majority of our ad spend will be in the Facebook family. As previously stated Pew studies indicate Seniors of all ages use FB more than any other SM.
FB also has a marketing platform that is easy to fine tune. It provides detailed reports on engagement metrics that will provide in-depth insight to effectiveness with Seniors.
We will be able to self-audit engagement, post sharing, clicks, click through, share, views and so much more. Their reports should provide a detailed ROI report on our Senior Community engagement.
The team will also measure YouTube metrics. These will be based on viewers, likes and shares.
Website metrics will be measured. We will look at hits, click through, landing page hits and downloads.
Clubhouse will be tracked thru user stats and engagements.
2.The talent will be measured through self completed time sheets by each talent for their preparation time and their “on-air” time. The script writer will also keep a weekly time sheet for writing, admin duties and miscellaneous work. All time sheets will be verified by the team leader and available for external audit.
3.The post engagement and Onboarding will be the most difficult to have audited.
Onboardings into the Cardano community of engaged Seniors at this stage of quantitative data available will be based in part on anecdotal information. Through our C4S Discord and Telegram channels we can measure our growth of members which will provide a sense of Onboarding effectiveness. At this time we do not have our own wallet or native token to provide quantitative data .
an important measurement for this project. One methodology to meet our auditable goal is to request voluntary input on how many individuals onboarded via our efforts.
Success is a community of Seniors taking part and lending their wisdom and years of experience to the Catalyst platform.
Success looks like a large number of Lace wallets and others, populated with Senior Investments, receiving a fair staking return for their dotage.
Success is having regular Clubhouse hours with Seniors globally, all the while educating them to Risk Management in Crypto. And, providing them a safe, welcoming place to socialize, have a cup of coffee or wine or complain about the pain in their arm, no matter race, religion, orientation or self identity.
C4S-Cardano4Seniors was funded in F8 as the first part of developing an Education Platform on Cardano for Seniors globally. The project is on track with its stated timeline and deliverables. Link to the F8 funded proposal that stated it was part 1 of Proposals.
In full disclosure to the Catalyst Community this is one of several smaller proposals put forth in Fund 9 to assist in the path to a self sustaining platform to Target the 2 billion Seniors. Our goals include education, teaching Risk Management, and onboarding Seniors, into the Cardano ecosystem and doing social good for Seniors.
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.5.1 Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated
This is phase II of C4S f8 funding. Our team experience, previously documented includes work with Seniors in the Risk Management, Insurance, Tax and Investment fields. Also, hosting a weekly radio call in show and Technology and Research experience. Combined team has +150 years.