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In Fund 8 C4S was funded to develop an educational language-ELI65 & start SM marketing. Phase2 was to create animated characters for global translation and distribution of this educational platform.
This is the total amount allocated to C4S-Cardano4Seniors-Animation.
In Fund 8 C4S was funded to develop an educational language-ELI65 & start SM marketing. Phase2 was to create animated characters for global translation and distribution of this educational platform.
Tommy Frey, a Senior has been a Risk Manager, Tax & Investment advisor to Seniors for over 20 year & hosted a call in Radio show. Gustavo Quigley, has been an International Artist for over 40 years with experience in many different styles and mediums including animation.
The successful F8 proposal was for researching how seniors learn, and developing a language to help seniors acclimate to Defi. The language name was borrowed from an existing one but upgraded to ELI65 to acknowledge how Seniors learn differently. The project included the promotion of this educational platform via various SM(Social Media) most notably YOUTUBE channel shows. The goal was to begin to build a virtual Community Hub for Seniors to educate and attract this demographic to Cardano both for their liquidity but also their brain assets into the Catalyst Community. We are on track with our milestones.
The second part and the purpose of this proposal is for the solution of animating our educational messages and having the conversations of the animated characters translated to many languages.The educational conversations will be with four animated characters of representing different demographics within a Senior population.
The purpose of the limitation of four characters represents how many seniors learned and were entertained on TV as we grew. There are/were four main personality types which were reflected in many shows such as All In the Family, GoldenGirls, Sanford & Son, Seinfeld and I Love Lucy. As comedy evolved into younger learning they evolved into six and eight personality types to attract the sub personalities. This style is for the demographic just behind the current Senior demographic.
So this proposal will create four animated characters, with four different personalities and write scripts to hold educational shows on SM. These animations will be fairly easy to translate without lip sync issues.
This global outreach is all towards building a global community hub for Seniors.
The proposal directly addresses the first of the Strategic Goals of Fund 9 of " Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem".
The proposal also addresses the Challenge in this category such as “ Build real world solutions based on the Cardano blockchain”.
The major risk is with the animation. While we do have an artist on staff, his skills may not be sufficient for the professional finished product we currently envision. We have had a conversation with CLAYNATION as a mitigation strategy. Their clay figures may fit the genre as Seniors did grow up with a Gumby clay figure and were part of SNLs Mister Bill clay figure. We also were on the cutting edge of SouthPark and the Simpsons.
Effective translation is another risk. We plan on using Google translate if we can not find human translators.
Budget shortfall for the actual animation is a Risk. Like any film budget there may be overruns. Mitigation is cutting the planned number of segments down to who we are funded for.
Q3-2022 Conceptualize the 8 segments, topics to cover and basic methodology for each segment
Deliverable = the storyline for each segment.
Concept design of the four characters- personality, physical looks, voice and demeanor.
Deliverable = the characters
Q3-4 -2022 script writing and editing of 1st two segments. Producing and editing the first segment with private showing for review and critique purposes.
Deliverable - first segment produced/second segment written.
Q1-2 2023 - segments 3-8 written and edited. Segments 2-8 produced.
Deliverables - balance of segments produced.
Q2/3 Segments release through Social Media (SM), primarily C4S YouTube channel.
Brainstorming and Conceptualization of characters, segments and direction of message. Write up.
8 hours X 6 x50hr. $ 2,400
6 hours x2 X $50 hr. $. 600
Script Writing segment
5 hours X 2 segments x $50 $ 500
Editing script
2 X 2 segments x $50 hr $ 200
Animation Production visual
10 hours x $65. $ 650
Editing 2 hours x50. $ 100
Animation vocals
1 hour X4 persons X $50. $. 200
Editing 2 hours X $50. $ 100
Post Production
Compilation & Assembly
5 hours X$65. $ 325
Segment Production Total $ 1,375
Writing Segments 3-8
$350 X 6 $ 2,100
Production Segments 2-8
$1,375 X 7. $ 9,625
Production Wrap, publishing
1 hour eaX 8 segments X $50. $. 400
Administration. $2,500
Software & Consumables. $. 800
Gustavo Odebur Quigley is an international artist and team member who will head up the art and animation segment of this project. He is a Senior and has over 40 years in the art world.
TKolomi is the researcher behind the ELI65 research and language. Almost a Senior she will be working on the scripts and animation segments.
Tom Frey is the team leader and get it done person. He will be the project coordinator. He is a Pa, Proposer, Voter, has been a CT and is active in the Catalyst and Cardano community
The other team members will all have support roles in script ideas and writing of the segments.
The plan is to become a self-sustaining Community organization thru a ISPO proposal. If we do not and our budget falls short as mentioned in mitigation efforts, it may be necessary to return.
The team will use an Agile system to track and measure our process. We will utilize the Miro board and we use Slack for team communication and goals.
The project will be transparent on its projects via Telegram, Discord and a weekly update newsletter which will be published.
We will track the timeline per the proposal and report to the community.
The animation will be the most difficult to measure due to the creative nature, art involved and vocal dubbing. We will be transparent via our Agile reporting. We will follow a timeline for producing each segment which will be tracked and posted in SM for full accountability.
Sucess is a series of 8+ PSA type videos on YouTube translated to different languages about Senior education using ELI65 with an Emphasis on Risk Management.
Sucess is an increase in wallets in Cardano, (though it will not be likely to measure by age) during the time the YouTubes are playing.
This is part two of C4S funded proposal from F8. This is the direct continuation of F8 link:
C4S is also working on other F9 proposal in conjunction with this continuation proposal to in order to build a Community Platform on Cardano. Links are:
C4S Hubs. ¥
C4S-Educating Seniors as DRepps ¥
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
Volume of official development assistance flows for scholarships by sector and type of study
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Tommy Frey, a Senior has been a Risk Manager, Tax & Investment advisor to Seniors for over 20 year & hosted a call in Radio show. Gustavo Quigley, has been an International Artist for over 40 years with experience in many different styles and mediums including animation.