Last updated 2 years ago
A lack of integration between dApps and products means that projects are often working in silos.
These projects miss out on the benefit of shared user bases and seamless user experiences.
Establishing an independent incubator fund within Cardano to initiate the funding of focused projects on the developing niche Senior Market. The funding would be capped at $25,000 per Proposal.
This is the total amount allocated to C4S-Cardano4Seniors Incubator.
Establishing an independent incubator fund within Cardano to initiate the funding of focused projects on the developing niche Senior Market. The funding would be capped at $25,000 per Proposal.
My experience was as a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years working in the Financial/Risk Management fields marketing to & advising Seniors. I grew an organization from zero to $25mil with five offices. C4S was funded in F8 to develop a Seniors learning project- it is on track!
This is a similar proposal to one in Fund 10 Challenge setting. due to community efforts to Standardize the Challenge Categories.
The proposed solution is to have funded an incubation pool separate and independent from the Challenge setting. The fund would be directed by an independent panel of five community members. The members would vote and award grants to Proposals to kickstart Senior targeted projects.
The Senior Incubator project would solicit and target DApps and projects directly focused on the Senior market. Such Proposals could include: heath, insurance, financial, tax, legal, wills, adaptive tech, etc.
This meets the priorities of fund 9 in Organizing a group of people for the Cardano community.
It specifically addresses the DApps challenge statements of creating Dapps and Real life projects & Open source projects including: DeFi, Marketplaces, Social Media and more by soliciting and growing the Senior niche market.
The main risk of course is not getting funding. There is n mitigation that. The second major risk is if there are none or no qualified proposals and no awards are made. Mitigation would be to return the funds to the treasury.
Another Risk is to the Community and t hat would be should Proposals pass and get funded. While that would demonstrate the confidence of the community it would not be fair. Our mitigation strategy would be to return this funding back to the Treasury and keep the Challenge fund.
Funding would set our calendar to the Fund 10 Challenge calendar where C4S would have a targeted Challenge. Similar to the current F9 Challenge setting of CardaShift. However, we would fund the Senior specific Challenge proposals with ADA, instead of a native token such as Clap.
The fund will be administered by five members of the community - four others and myself. The board of five would be similar to a combined Pa, VPA and CT. The budget suggests slightly more than CT rewards to compensate the additional time and work involved of $800 pp.
Administrators $800 X 5 = $ 4,000
Proposals @25K max = $221,000
The Project will be administered by myself and four members actively engaged in the Catalyst Community with experience as a CA, and either a VCA or a CT. I would suggest, since this is an attempt at an experiment in a different funding style that the board be as diverse, yet well seasoned in Catalyst. I suggest an After Town Hall meeting for discussion and and community vote.
If funded here and not in F10 Challenge setting, I would return and would again Propose it both as a Challenge setting and a Category setting, if such category exists to find the will of the community.
The team will use a transparent Agile system to publish, market, measure and audit all aspects of this Proposal.
First will be the formation, from the community, of the administering team. This should be based on a reputational and Catalyst experience via community input.
Second will be the marketing of this ancillary seeding fund round. This will be a joint community effort to get the word out and be transparent.
Third will be a proposal period - similar to the current Catalyst system and a voting process for awarding funding.
All metrics will be based on a calendar that starts with funding and will run for two months.
Success looks like 9 plus projects focused on the 2 billion global Senior project being funded.
This is an entirely new Proposal from a team developing a Community Platform for the 2 billion global Senior Citizens.
SDG goals:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
SDG subgoals:
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Death rate due to road traffic injuries
Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders
Alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) within a calendar year in litres of pure alcohol
Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution
Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services)
Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
My experience was as a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years working in the Financial/Risk Management fields marketing to & advising Seniors. I grew an organization from zero to $25mil with five offices. C4S was funded in F8 to develop a Seniors learning project- it is on track!