Last updated 2 years ago
CNFT is exploding. But there is no Smart Contract-based One Stop Shop for everything CNFT on Cardano Blockchain yet.
Providing Smart Contract-based One Stop Shop for everything CNFT for those who want to work with NFTs on Cardano blockchain
This is the total amount allocated to Cardahub-One Stop Shop for CNFT.
Providing Smart Contract-based One Stop Shop for everything CNFT for those who want to work with NFTs on Cardano blockchain
Ten years of experience in software application development, Ph.D. in distributed systems;
The vision of Cardahub is to be Smart Contract-based One Stop Shop for everything CNFT on Cardano blockchain.
We aim to provide a wide range of services for any type of users who are interested in Cardano. Our user could be content creators, who want to digitalize and bring their assets on to the blockchain, in the form of an NFT. Or they could be digital assets collectors who want to buy and sell their asset, or our user could be a Team who have a collection of NFT, and they want to distribute those NFT to their users, in a decentralized manner.
These are some Tutorial Videos that you may want to refer :
For more information, please join us 👉Cardahub's Social Media Channels :
The key is definitely The Team.
Just take a look at our Team, you may know how possible to address the challenges we are.
So Who is the Team?
Actually, we at Cardahub have been getting along with each other for a long time.
Everyone in the team has very strong background on their field. More than half of our team have PhD in computer science, informatics and related fields.
Giang and Loan both have master in Korea, Giang got his PhD in Sweden, Loan did her PhD in Switzerland, Son Hai got his master and did his PhD in France and currently working for kpmg in Germany. Hoa is a very talented engineer with more than 10 years of experience, who is playing the role of the senior architect for the product. Quang - our Business Manager, is professional with extensive experience in business intelligence, analytics and corporate functional operations.
And last but not least we are lucky enough to have Cuong as our community manager. Cuong has been well known in Vietnameese Cardano communities for his dedicated effort on growing and helping the community.
Even though we spread on over the world, everyone in our team has known each other for years, and we have been working together for many projects. Most of the team were with me in the last blockchain project that I mentioned above. Together we built a relatively successful project, and now we are together again, building the next big thing.
Please refer our team's profile here:
Long Le : Egg head, Switzerland ; Ph.D in Distributed System
There are quite a few direct competitors and Indirect competitors on the field of NFT marketplace on Cardano. We could put them into two categories:
And Cardahub provide unique features that you can't find anywhere in any NFT marketplace out there. Dual Listing is one of them.
And an extremely hot Feature is coming soon on Q3 2022. To the best of our knowledge, Cardahub is the very first platform in the whole CNFT Space to have this unique feature, and is the only one that could provide this offer. (we'll update in comment below when it's ready. Stay tuned! )
Cardano Smart Contract is quite hard for Developers.
We are pioneers building projects on Cardano so it can be risky.
But that is also an advantage compared to later projects.
Cardahub is proud to be a 100% Smart Contract based project on Cardano.
1.1. Q2/2021-Q1/2022 :
1.1.1. Team Up
--> DONE
1.1.2. NFT Minting
--> DONE
1.1.3. NFT Marketplace
--> DONE
1.1.4. NFT Distribution (LaunchPad)
--> DONE. **These are some collections that have been being minted by Cardahub:
Some Recent Distributions :
1.1.5. NFT Artist Royalty support.
--> DONE
1.1.6.Release Closed Beta version for NFT Minting / NFT Marketplace (Simple Listing, Dual Listing, Buy&Sell) : Done on Dec.5th 2021.
Check it out here:
1.1.7.Release mainnet for NFT Minting / NFT Marketplace (Simple Listing, Dual Listing, Buy&Sell) / NFT Distributio : Done on Jan.1st 2022.
Check it out here:
1.2. Q2-Q3/2022 ~ : Review & Improve (if any) —> Upcoming features
Budget (for 3 months)
Total = 33,600 $
Cardahub is a strong technical background team
Everyone in the team has very strong background on their field. More than half of our team have PhD in computer science, informatics and related fields.
Giang and Loan both have master in Korea, Giang got his PhD in Sweden, Loan did her PhD in Switzerland, Son Hai got his master and did his PhD in France and currently working for kpmg in Germany. Hoa is a very talented engineer with more than 10 years of experience, who is playing the role of the senior architect for the product. Quang - our Business Manager, is professional with extensive experience in business intelligence, analytics and corporate functional operations.
And last but not least we are lucky enough to have Cuong as our community manager. Cuong has been well known in Vietnameese Cardano communities for his dedicated effort on growing and helping the community.
Even though we spread on over the world, everyone in our team has known each other for years, and we have been working together for many projects. Most of the team were with me in the last blockchain project that I mentioned above. Together we built a relatively successful project, and now we are together again, building the next big thing.
Please refer our team's profile here:
Long Le : Egg head, Switzerland ; Ph.D in Distributed System
We have been writing down idea for Fund10...
So we'll definitely come back to later round eventhough we are not funded.
One more reason, we really would like to build Cardano ecosystem.
And Catalyst is the key.
This question is very close to what I answered in [FEASIBILITY].
So please check our detailed plan again for what Cardahub has been achieving.
And for upcoming feature, we'll keep updating right here (in the comment below) and via our social media channels.
Yeah, that is Smart Contract-based One Stop Shop for everything CNFT on Cardano Blockchain.
This is an entirely new one.
Ten years of experience in software application development, Ph.D. in distributed systems;