Last updated 2 years ago
Catalyst generates massive data siloed in zoom chats, discord, spreadsheets, & on Ideascale SAAS product, limiting the community's ability to learn from the talent and wisdom within Catalyst.
LIDO Nation has a reputation for visualizing Catalyst data on our website. Create an open-source component library that allows Catalyst and Cardano visualizations to be integrated into any website.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano & Catalyst data Web Embeds.
LIDO Nation has a reputation for visualizing Catalyst data on our website. Create an open-source component library that allows Catalyst and Cardano visualizations to be integrated into any website.
Darlington is a co-dreamer at Lido Nation & the developer behind lido's catalyst research tool, voter too, and visualizations.
James is a co-founder at Gimbalabs and is currently focused on creating tools that make it easier for other people to start building on Cardano.
Activity on the Cardano blockchain and within Project Catalyst has grown exponentially. There are more ways to tell these stories than a single person can count.
“Web Components” is a technology supported by all modern browsers that let you bring in rich data as if it was part of your own website.. We will build an open source web component library that has rich visualizations and presentations of up-to-date Project Catalyst data. These components will help companies, educators, and storytellers enrich their content with visually interesting charts, graphs, and lists that stay automatically up-to-date.
For teams wanting to use the open source library, you can simply plugin your own data and be off to the races.
For simple websites, or teams that do not want to host their own Catalyst API or Cardano infrastructure, you will be able to use our platform, copy a few lines of code snippets already loaded up with Catalyst data ready to be embedded on any website!
We will launch a website so teams are not required to host their own infrastructure. You will be able to come to the site, sign up for the service, then grab embed code, the same way you might copy and paste a Youtube video or Paypal button html embed code. These will be simple few lines of html that once added to your site or web content, it will show rich data that updates as the source changes with little to no maintenance.
Who Will Benefit?
Tech Stack
We will leverage Cardano metadata support and client side computing as much as possible with this product. As much as we can, we want transactions and interactions to be between you, your Cardano wallet, and your browser.
Building blocks: leverage browser technologies and Cardano APIs
* Support at least five Cardano wallets to start - to cover as many of the community as possible.
* Dandelion APIs - Distributed APIs for querying the Cardano blockchain
* Catalyst Proposal API - powered by Lidonation to get proposal, funding, and proposer data
* Cardano browser library
* Angular - framework for building super dapps that run directly in your browser
* - framework for creating and managing web components
* Github - Github will provide transparency for the project's code base and allow the community to participate in discussions on the project itself
* node.js
A new revenue model
To fund and sustain the cost and effort of maintaining the tool over time, we will be using the new RisingTide revenue model, which is uniquely enabled by the blockchain.
RisingTide is a win-win business model designed to encourage and increase community engagement and participation. The idea is that the service is available for FREE for anyone participating in some way with Cardano communities who are focused on education, open source blockchain tooling, DAO enablement, and community building. In some cases, these modes of participation are themselves free, such as staking to a particular pool. In some cases they are earned, such as collecting Contributor NFTs from Gimbalabs. In every case, they are meant to be affordable and accessible; the primary motivator is to encourage community engagement.
Cardano Components will be provided FOR FREE to anyone participating in any of these communities.
* Delegated to LIDO with 100 or more ada
* Hold at least 100 gimbals
* Hold at least 100 ADAO tokens
* Hold at least 100 of any LIDO Nation Token
* Hold at least 100 FLZ (freeloaderz) token
* Hold any LIDO Nation NFT
* Hold any of the Gimbalabs NFTs
* additional community groups will be invited to join in the future!
This project addresses many key areas of the "Dapps, Products & Integrations"!
The Challenge brief:
Increase the number of integrations that bring existing solutions together for a more seamless and connected experience between different products.
These components will lay the groundwork for the community to create a rich library of composable products and services, stake pool data, DEX data, db-sync data, to name a few. This will allow teams to remain focused on their core competency and leave the storytelling and data visualization to the community.
Increased quality of existing products & integrations through suggested improvements that is supported by customer feedback or increased usage by the community.
These components will do exactly that. Giving the entire Cardano community the ability to visualize their favorite dApp, or DAO data is foundational for inspiring improvements, interactions, and increasing interest in new people groups.
Community Buy-in
We're experimenting with a novel "RisingTide" revenue model. The biggest risk is the unknowns and challenges associated with this concept. We’re not sure how the market and community will respond. Will it truly raise-the-tides for both Gimbalabs, Lido Nation, and other communities to incentivize continued development?
We have a small ADA incentive budget line item to incentivize individual developers not associated with any project whose token or NFT will be included in the subscription coverage.
We’ve also been speaking with communities and many potential users of these components. We received overwhelming positives and excitement to use the service. Also, a couple of tool builders are interested in experimenting with this model as well.
We think with the organic marketing that comes from including community projects in the subscription coverage and continuing evangelism, we stand a great chance of getting community buy-in.
After we launch the initial repository, Gimbal labs will build a Project Based Learning course to teach new developers how to create new components. This will grow the components simply by students going through the course. This will increase the value and usefulness of the library as more students complete the course.
Step 1: Getting Started
--> Bootstrapping
Setup open source repo, contribution guide, license, deployment pipelines and tooling.
--> Start Development work on initial components. Use and lidonation catalyst api to create these components that can be embedded on any website:
* Proposer Report Card
* Company/Group Report Card
* Catalyst Numbers
* Registered Wallet Voting weight histogram
Getting Started effort complete by end of Month 2
Step 2: Develop PBL Modules
With example components built in Step 1, develop Project-Based Learning Modules that support:
* Developers to use existing Cardano Components in their own projects
* Developers to contribute additional Cardano Components to a growing library
Beta Testing and initial rollout complete by the end of Month 3
Step 3: Public Library, Documentation, and Initial Implementation of incentives for building Components
* Finalize documentation for people wanting to embed components. Create documentation and launch component creation incentivisation
Based on this roadmap, the total project length is 6 months. (Within 6 months, Steps 1-3 will be complete.)
Beyond this Proposal (Steps 4 - N):
* Run collaborative experiments bridging Lido Nation, Gimbalabs, and additional DAOs to further develop the RisingTide model.
Individual Developer Incentives: $1000
We will write a bounty for four additional components at $250 in ada/component.
Component & Blockchain Developer: $9,000
This pays for 100 hours of Senior Developer work time, at a rate of $75/hour. We estimate that 2/3 of this time would be spent in the first three months for this initial build/test phase.
Project Manager: $1,200
This pays for Project Manager to manage meeting once a week, plus 1 hour per week of prep work, for 30 weeks, at a rate of $20/hour
Server and hosting for 1yr: $720
This will pay for minimum server infrastructure at 60/month
Documentation and course creation: $3000
Write open documentation and publish a Project-Based Learning module 50 hours x $60/hour
We are Cardano enthusiasts and a growing collective of dreamers who believe in providing insightful education about Cardano in plain English, Swahili, and Spanish. Most online blockchain content is written by and for developers and finance geeks. We break down complicated technical ideas for everyday people, and provide relevant news in quick bites, and build tools that everyone can use.
Our website is a resource for rich Catalyst data for anyone wanting to glean insights from all the happenings within Catalyst. We want to make these insights accessible to as many people as possible.
Darlington is an engineer by day and at all times a dancer, humanitarian, idealist and entrepreneur. Darlington has deep knowledge about blockchain technology and broad experience in the Cardano ecosystem.
James is developing Project-Based Learning modules that help community contributors move from lurking, to ideation, to contribution.
LinkedIn Pages
If funded, we will not need future catalyst funding. The plan is that Gimbalabs, Lido Nation, and communities covered by the subscription receive enough delegation or NFT sales to incentivize their participation in creating new components. Students at Gimbalabs will also be contributing to the library as outputs of Project-Based Learning modules.
Tracking for this project is fairly straightforward. Codebase will be open source for the entire community to follow. Each component will be deployed to the hosted service as they are ready... the community will immediately be able to use the components as they are ready and watch the site's new releases.
Specific Outputs:
The community will be able to track and measure community buy-in by contributions made by teams and developers around the ecosystem.
The community will be able to track adoption as catalyst users start embedding and using the components around the web.
Success looks like community participation in creating new components. Community adoption of using creating components across the web.
This is a new proposal
Darlington is a co-dreamer at Lido Nation & the developer behind lido's catalyst research tool, voter too, and visualizations.
James is a co-founder at Gimbalabs and is currently focused on creating tools that make it easier for other people to start building on Cardano.