Last updated 2 years ago
There are 2 billion Seniors age 55 plus which will double in 10 years. This niche market has unique market needs. How can Cardano establish itself as the go to Block Chain for 4 billion Seniors?
Our solution is the Formation of a C4S single stake-pool and to initiate a Cardano4Seniors Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO) to fund the DAO and create a sustainable platform for future operations.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano for Seniors SPO.
Our solution is the Formation of a C4S single stake-pool and to initiate a Cardano4Seniors Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO) to fund the DAO and create a sustainable platform for future operations.
The team has a diversity of tech talent and while we have the experience we are also smart enough to know to bring in experts, which is what we plan for the C4S Stake Pool.
2 Billion current Seniors, globally. UN studies indicate a doubling of this demographic within 10 years. C4S is focused on propelling Cardano to be the ecosystem for this huge niche market through education and Risk Management. With the overwhelming community support in F8 and vote tally we now have an internal team mandate to form as a DAO and become self-sustaining. We are actively seeking additional team members to grow our DAO.
This proposal and several other f9 proposal are focused on Community development of C4S and in becoming a self-sustaining DAO. The formation of a Single Stakepool targeting the 4 billion niche Senior market is one big step towards helping with Cardano Decentralization, propelling Cardano to the forefront of this Silver Tsunami, creating our DAO and an ISPO for liquidity of the DaO.
With the formation of the C4S Stakepool the DAO will begin its journey towards self-funding and self-sustainability. The Stakepool will be stage 1 to our journey to a ISPO.
“Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem”is one of the four Strategic goals of Catalyst Fund 9. C4S is building a Community Platform to directly address this and other strategic goals.
This Proposal in phase 1 & 2 also, directly addresses a number of the major Challenge statements in this specific category including :
a) Defi- Total Value locked. As a new Stakepool C4S will increase the number of users, in a previously overlooked niche market. It will increase the number of active daily/weekly/monthly/ users as we develop and grow our Senior Community. Also the SP will increase the TVL.
In phase 2 we will also introduce:
b)Physical products - Cardano4Seniors will tokenize a new native asset for the ISPO
c) Nation Governance System - we will onboard a large number of new users through our targeted Senior Pool.
d) there are several other minor areas per the Challenge brief that our proposal addresses.
The number 1 Risk to creating and operating the Stakepool is not finding the correct technical talent.
Mitigation: a) we will seek additional DAO team members with relevant experience, b) we have held talks with other SPOs to run a for Service operation, c) exploration of Genius X and Maestro during Consensus 2022 was started by attending team members. Tommy, attended IOGs Hackathon and was updated by their team. A decision on which path to take will be made during team meetings and further due diligence.
The second Risk to successfully operating the Stakepool is failure to attract sufficient liquidity to achieve a solid ROI.
Mitigation: The team has sufficient $ADA to start the pool and run it for a term even if it is not profitable. The DAO formation and ISPO should bring sufficient liquidity to boost our SP fund, if we do not properly market and attract sufficient liquidity from our targeted multi billion Senior market.
The third Risk is identical to all SPO and that is properly running, maintaining, upgrading and generally maintaining operations.
Mitigation: This is entwined with our mitigation from item 1. We need to set up a professional and redundant operation.
We plan on working with Snapbrilla to find a talent to operate the Stakepool.
The decision will be made to go with and purchase the bare metal rig or use a service such as AWS - Amazon Web Service. The expense is similar. A third option is Stake Pool Community Service. The funds requested for staking the pool will perpetually belong to the Community.
Phase 1
Step 1 Qtr3 - Make the decision on which direction is best for C4S to pursue: a) operate a bare metal SP; b)use AWS or similar web service for the SP; c) utilize a community pay for service.
Step 2 Qtr4 - Initiate and fund the SP and complete all operations for phase 1
Phase 2
Qtr2-4, 2023 Initial Stake Pool Offering. This will require a Tokenomics study.
To start a Stake Pool certain funds are required. These are essentially a deposit which upon success C4S would look to return these funds to the community.
ADA required Stake Pool Stake. $ 500
Basic Stake Pool funding. $ 3,000
bare metal computer equip, or AWS fees $ 2,500
operator paid expense - initially 50 hours x $40 $ 2,000
Total. $ 6,200
Tommy Frey will be the coordinator of the project which will be headed up by @tkolomi and @Nate. TK has a degree in technology and Nate is our Server tech. Though either one could develop and operate the SP they realize they do not have the time or resources to operate one professionally. So together we will be interviewing other SPOs as a Service for fee arrangement, and working to engage the right talent.
We will also be doing due diligence on using Maestro or Genius X, Adao and others as a vehicle to SPO, DAO formation and ISPO. We will choose the path that will provide the greatest security level for our Senior Target market.
For Phase 1 C4S should not have to return. The question we are looking at is the Tokenomics needed for Phase 2. Depending on depth and expense of a full Tokenomics we may need to revisit.
The measurements in both Phase 1 & 2 will basically be against a time baseline. We will need to make decisions based on certain information. The measurements are:
1. Did we request the info from a sufficient number of sources;
2. Did we receive the info;
3. Did we have sufficient input to make the decision? And,
4.did we make the decision?
5.did we initiate & fund the Stake Pool and when?
This will be a transparent Agile operation with full information on the C4S web, discord, telegram and other SM, including Twitter.
Phase 2 measurements will be:
a) how much funding/staking did we attract?,
b) did we finalize our Tokenomics?,
c) when/did we issue our ISPO?
Success is our first block in our C4S single Stake Pool.
Success is the Initial Stake Pool Offering.
Success is first 100 Seniors that stake with the C4S Stakepool.
This is a continuation of the C4S-Cardano4Seniors F8 funded proposal. That successful project was to develop an understanding of Senior learning patterns, develop an ELI65 dictionary and begin marketing to Seniors via YouTube segments. The project is on track!
The second part of that funded proposal was (submitted in different concurrent proposal) to be to animate learning segments so the lessons could be translated for global distribution. We have had a discussion with Claynation at Consensus 2022 about potential Collaboration.
This proposal is a spin off to make the project C4S self sustaining as a Community Project.
The team has a diversity of tech talent and while we have the experience we are also smart enough to know to bring in experts, which is what we plan for the C4S Stake Pool.