Last updated 2 years ago
The community needs a place to update project information in the most official and convenient way about projects on Cardano
The Cardano Stonerz Club will create integrations into the Cardano ecosystem. We will develop our infrastructure into a high quality product, while supporting the growth of the Cardano Community.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Stonerz Club + Integrations.
The Cardano Stonerz Club will create integrations into the Cardano ecosystem. We will develop our infrastructure into a high quality product, while supporting the growth of the Cardano Community.
Big Joe The Don - Host of the Cardano Stonerz Club, Uncle Charlies homie. Cardano Stonerz Club Host's Twitter Spaces 5 nights a week.
Fractal Fuzion is an experienced community member and organizer at the Cardano Stonerz Club.
Members of the club are representing Worldwide.
The Cardano Stonerz Club is requesting funding to support scaling up of our operations. This funding will go to support the Host and Co-hosts, be used to help organize our events, used to support our CNFT giveaways, and to build our Cardano based infrastructure of our club.
The Cardano Stonerz club is the product we are offering to improve. We work hard on providing fresh, entertaining content on a daily basis. Organization of our group will be a benefit to the Cardano community by improving the end user experience. Cardano Stonerz Club is the premiere destination in twitter spaces for the Cardano community to come together, but twitter is not de-centralized. The Community is better served by integration into immutable Cardano infrastructure.
CSC is really fun and entertaining and we have many popular and frequent guests. The show has included Charles Hoskinson, or as we like to call him Uncle Charlie. Many community members who love Cardano frequent the CSC. The Show often features NFT artists, NFT Collectors, Plutus pioneers, IOG employees, professional wrestlers, musicians, and many different personalities. The Cardano Stonerz Club has many Cardano Community events. We created Shill-a-mania which is a contest for projects to "shill" against each other in hopes of promoting different aspects of Cardano. We would like to broadcast these meetings throughout the ecosystem by integrating with Cardano's existing DApps and protocols.
CSC plans to develop an autonomous organization with the tools currently available to us. This will include formation of our infrastructure, bylaws, and Cardano Stonerz club Constitution. CSC will hire member to be responsible for recording and integrating CSC content into Cardano infrastructure. This will Include minting immutable copies of the show via Arweave into Cardano NFT's. We will also expand our reach on other legacy web 2 systems such as YouTube, twitch, Tiktok, Instagram. CSC plans to facilitate the release of original music NFT's in order to support artists on Cardano.
The Cardano Stonerz Club offers it's members unique insight into learning about blockchain technology which helps develop their skills. This type of interaction plays a role in our communities ability to understand technology and gives them relevant skills to compete in a changing technological environment. CSC atmosphere also promotes peaceful and inclusive societies because of the work we do in innovating art, Tech, science, philosophy.
We have an average of hundreds of people per night on the show with peaks of thousands of people per show. The proposed Solution would expand our reach to improve our community integrations in new world of de-centralized apps and products. We would expand our reach by broadcasting our shows onto more platforms than currently feature Cardano Stonerz club content. Supporting the Host Big Joe the don, and Co-Host Willyboy will allow them to focus on building the Stonerz Club full time.
*CSC = Cardano Stonerz club
We will scale Cardano's most exciting Community product, the Cardano Stonerz Club. We want to increase engagement and participation in the community by Integrating our operations into Cardano protocols and by creating the highest quality content.
This addresses the challenge by creating Integrations with other existing services, products, and protocols that improve the end-user experience. This is really needed to spread awareness about the Cardano blockchain and to make it a fun place to be. Integrations with other existing services include but not limited to a full schedule of live content from our hosts and community leaders from twitter spaces, and live person Cardano events in Los Angeles California. All of which is to be broadcast on the Cardano blockchain and various social media platforms on legacy Web systems.
This funding will allow Cardano Stonerz Club to operate in digital space as a permanent community fixture. This proposal will Increase the number of integrations that bring existing solutions together for a more seamless and connected experience between different products. We will Increase the quality of existing products & integrations through the proposed improvements that will increase usage by the community by providing desirable and entertaining content.
We work with a group of very determined Cardano trailblazers!
Together we are strong! The more funding we have the more work we can do, not getting enough funding is a risk.
Another challenge to this initiative would be to not create interesting high quality content. I think that is one of the most important aspects of this campaign. It cannot be boring, has to be really fun and engaging. We are the perfect group to do amazing things for the Cardano community.
Cardano Stonerz Club hosts twitter Spaces 5 nights a week "sometimes more" and members of the club are representing Worldwide. This Funding will allow the Cardano Stonerz Club to operate and expand for 6 months while funds are distributed. We would like to continue serving as a valued Community Club. These funds will directly benefit the Cardano community because the club can focus on creating high quality content while integrating our show into the Cardano ecosystem.
Supporting the Hosts -preparing for and hosting our spaces and community events.
Supporting the Co Hosts - preparing for and co-hosting our spaces and community events.
Hosting outreach - 10 hour per week Overtime for visiting other shows, cross organization networking.
Creating Integration Specialist position - CSC member will be hired to be responsible for recording and integrating CSC content into Cardano infrastructure. immutable copies of the show via Arweave into Cardano NFT's, YouTube, twitch, Tiktok, Instagram.
Broadcasting equipment upgrades - Host and main co-host have broadcast thousands of hours on old equipment. This is really important to be able to provide high quality content. Funds will be used to upgrade the equipment used to broadcast our CSC content. Audio interface, iPhone, microphone, Laptop PC, Vocal recording Mic.
Autonomous organization -for formation of infrastructure, bylaws, and Cardano Stonerz club Constitution. CSC de-centralized Treasury.
Graphics and Art -to be allocated for graphics and art to support brand development and marketing. Banners, Logos, promotional content.
Event Planning - digital Marketing, location procurement, and execution.
Giveaway wallet - to help promotion by giving away Cardano NFT's to members of community who are engaged via internal lottery system.
Video editing and design - hire professional film artists and Video editors to create video content for the Stonerz Club.
Musical Talents - to commission musical talents who contribute to the Cardano Stonerz Club. We will develop our music catalog to reflect our talent pool. CSC will release Music NFT's.
Develop infrastructure- Including website, managing WEB3 architecture and integrations of created content. Managing and Minting NFT catalog and collection.
Total Requested Funds - $100,000
*CSC = Cardano Stonerz club
Supporting the Host - 40 hours per week @ $25 per hour x6months = $24,000
Hosting outreach - 10 hour per week Overtime for visiting other shows @ $37 per hour= $8,880
Supporting main Co Host - $2000 per month x 6 months = $12,000
Integration Specialist - $6000 - $1000 per month x 6 months.
Broadcasting equipment upgrades - $4000 Audio interface, iPhone, microphone, Laptop PC, Vocal recording Mic.
Graphics and Art - $3000 - Banners, Logos, promotional content.
Event planning - $13,000 Multiple IRL events promoting Cardano.
Autonomous Organization - $13,000 CSC treasury, Organizational budget.
Giveaway wallet - $3100 CNFT inventory for giveaways.
Video editing and design - $3000 Create CSC Video content.
Musical Talents - $5000 CSC Cardano NFT Record label management system.
Develop Cardano Stonerz club infrastructure - $4,600 Website, NFT minting Faucets and integrations.
miscellaneous -$420 discretionary budget.
Total Requested Funds - $100,000
If not specifically specified the funds will be used according to budgeted line items. CSC will use the funds at the discretion of the club as efficiently and productive as possible to accomplish our stated goals.
*CSC = Cardano Stonerz club
Big Joe The Don - Host of the Cardano Stonerz Club, Stake pool operator.
Willyboy19 - Main Co-Host of the Cardano Stonerz Club, Stake pool operator.
Chaddervox - Co-Host, Musician, Cardano Community member.
MoonFly - Co-Host, Digital Artist. Business Operations and Organization, Discord Moderation.
Crexthemage - Co-Host, Live Production Media Producer. Digital Artist, Discord Moderation.
NinjaNasty - Co-Host, Artist, Marketing.
Occult - Cohost, Artist. Marketing. active Cardano community member.
NFT protégé - Graphics, active Cardano community member.
Dimitri Fernando- Catalyst compliance consultant, active Cardano community member.
Fractal Fuzion - Organizer, CNFT creator, stake pool operator, Shill-A-mania Champion.
Cardano Noodz - Organizer - PHD student Tokhun premium partner artist, Tokhun Ambassador
Davey Painting - Head Shill-A-Mania Artist, active Cardano community member.
unsigned.patrick - ADA café liaison, active Cardano community member
Raqs - Resident Budtender of The Cardano Stonerz Club.
Trogg - Mascot of The Cardano Stonerz Club.
Other members include A.I. LOVE, Clay Lips, Shark.ada, DSQISE, SoFresh, $Kryptokev, Musikavi, @cardano_420, Mr. Cooper, Shepherd, Tommy_crypto, Veggiemates, Junkies, kezze, and many others.
If this project is funded we will not come back for more funding for this category. This project will be a completed turnkey product that in the future will be self funded.
The project will document number of posts, likes, comments, video views, to track engagement and will make all data available to the public with full transparency. We will also use twitter space diagnostics to determine the amount of reach our club has in the community by documenting participation and numbers of people attending the shows and events that are consistently taking place.
We will measure progress by the number of Cardano products we can integrate our Club Content into, alignment of our clubs culture with our SDG and KPI Goals.
CSC will document all of our achievements and contributions into a full report that will be publicly available.
We would like to become the premier destination on Cardano working with our partners to stand out as a major player in the ecosystem. We would like to increase the number of listeners and participants by 100% in 6 months. We would like to develop our WEB3 presence on Cardano and beyond. Success would mean our community controlled autonomous organization will ensure longevity of our project, and we can never be censored by centralized media platforms.
This is a brand new proposal from an experienced Cardano users and Community members. This project was previously Self/Community funded.
SDG goals:
Goal 1. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 2. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 3. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG sub goals:
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Big Joe The Don - Host of the Cardano Stonerz Club, Uncle Charlies homie. Cardano Stonerz Club Host's Twitter Spaces 5 nights a week.
Fractal Fuzion is an experienced community member and organizer at the Cardano Stonerz Club.
Members of the club are representing Worldwide.