Last updated 2 years ago
We are seeing NFTs come out with more and more utility making them more desirable. One such use case is gated content on websites. We want to make this easy for any project that wants this use case.
We have built core features of gated content by NFTs into our plugin called CardanoPress. We want to now extend it further to cater for a series of extended use cases that have been requested.
This is the total amount allocated to CardanoPress: NFT Gated Content.
We have built core features of gated content by NFTs into our plugin called CardanoPress. We want to now extend it further to cater for a series of extended use cases that have been requested.
The team working on CardanoPress have been developing WordPress solutions for 15 years. Using WordPress & corresponding technologies, we've delivered API solutions for clients worldwide.
Recently, we've delivered WordPress/Cardano solutions for projects building on Cardano.
We propose to develop further features that have been requested by various projects to make NFT gated content more flexible.
We already have the ability to log into a website with DApp connector websites, detected NFTs by policy ID and assign permissions and roles based on that policy ID.
As a core addition, we will provide different levels of access and permissions, based on various scenarios including:
This will allow projects to create flexible use cases on their websites for holders of the NFTs.
CardanoPress allows users to create mini DApp websites that interact with the Cardano blockchain.
Having this plugin for projects to pick up and use will allow them to create utility and engagement for their communities.
CardanoPress takes out the technical expertise required to build such websites and allows anyone to build a DApp that interacts with NFTs and creates unique experiences.
Our plugin relies on the Blockfrost API platform stopping us and other projects from using it within our plugin. To mitigate this, we'll connect with the team to see what issues may arise from our plugin using the Blockfrost API.
Phase 1 - Gathering Feedback & User Testing
Gather information on how and what NFT use cases are required by various projects.
Phase 2 - Creating Use Cases and Testing Scenarios
Organise the use cases and requirements into deliverables
Phase 3 - Develop Against Use Cases and Scenarios
Develop against the required use cases
Phase 4 - Test Against and Gather Feedback
Test and gather feedback on use cases
Phase 5 - Submit the final stable version 1.0.0 of the plugin
Deliver final stable version of NFT gate plugin with required features
The team's hourly rate is $150 an hour.
Use testing: 16 hours $2400
Development: 40 hours $6000
UI/UX design: 16 hours $2400
Administration: 8 hours $1200
Total budget breakdown: $12000
Peter Bui - Project owner and creator
Gene Torcende - WordPress & API Developer
Martina Kocian - UI/UX Designer
Karlo Ilanos - WordPress Developer & Frontend Developer
We have worked as a core team at PB Web Development for over 6 years.
If we are funded, we will return for additional funding in the future.
As of now, the project isn't fully monetised, and we have no way of sustaining the development of the core product.
As Cardano evolves and more projects and ideas come to market, we will need to continuously develop and grow core CardanoPress to cater to market needs.
We will come back with new proposals as market conditions warrant.
We will measure the number of users and projects that take up the plugin to use in their own projects.
We will be able to measure and track how many users engage with us during development and then take our work and successfully develop their own.
Projects installing and integrating the plugin with their NFTs is the key metric for the proposal.
Seeing Cardano NFT projects install the plugin and create interesting and amazing experiences with the plugin and their NFT collections is exactly what we want to see happen.
More projects that can do this will create interest from NFT collectors bringing adoption to the Cardano blockchain.
This is an entirely new project and proposal not relating to any in a previous Fund.
The team working on CardanoPress have been developing WordPress solutions for 15 years. Using WordPress & corresponding technologies, we've delivered API solutions for clients worldwide.
Recently, we've delivered WordPress/Cardano solutions for projects building on Cardano.