Last updated 2 years ago
The information involved in Project Catalyst is continuously updated and disseminated through many different channels and media, making it hard for users to find the neat info when needed.
Building an AI chatbot that could promptly answer most of the Project Catalyst-related questions when users ask.
• "How many DAO proposals are there?"
• "When are proposal drafts due?"
This is the total amount allocated to Chatbot AI for Project Catalyst.
Building an AI chatbot that could promptly answer most of the Project Catalyst-related questions when users ask.
• "How many DAO proposals are there?"
• "When are proposal drafts due?"
Ph.D. holder in Computer Science. Skilled in data analysis, databases, networking, web and application development.
Co-dreamer at Lidonation & developer behind Lido's catalyst research tool with 14+ years of software and cloud system engineering experience.
The Project Catalyst is globally growing at an amazing speed. It helps fund those with excellent ideas to deliver on the Cardano blockchain through communities with a completed decentralized and consensus voting cycle. Having participated in Catalyst for several funds, we also recognized that there are still some existing problems.
Our solution: A Project Catalyst chatbot. The Chatbot is able to answer frequently asked questions and provide Project Catalyst-related information (such as proposals, proposers, groups, voting, and funding).
How the chatbot is implemented:
The chatbot will be iOS and Android apps.
The benefits of the chatbot:
Who will benefit?
Anyone outside or within the Project Catalyst communities, such as newcomers, can look at frequently asked questions to learn more about Project Catalyst roles like Proposal Assessor (PA), veteran Proposal Assessor (vPA), Proposers, voters, SPO, NFT, etc.
Anyone who wishes to convey their idea to become a proposal, go through the voting cycle and deploy on the Cardano blockchain if approved for funding but is limited in information and unsure where to start. The Chatbot AI will propose a range of past proposals similar to the ideas or asked keywords that the potential proposer is exploring. This is the ultimate assistance from Chatbot AI, so the proposer can possibly get on with the proposal forming quicker.
This proposal is aligned with this Challenge's KPIs as follows:
"Increasing the number of dapps and products available for the community to use that help to enrich the ecosystem with new use case"
Answer: The chatbot is a free mobile app that is available for the whole community to use. Even a new user can understand the Project Catalyst ecosystem thoroughly just by querying the chatbot. Surely, it will increase users' engagement with the Catalyst community, thus enriching the Project Catalyst ecosystem.
"Increase the number of integrations that bring existing solutions together for a more seamless and connected experience between different product"
Answer: Currently, information is disseminated through many different channels, which makes it hard for users to follow. The chatbot will bring these pieces of information together in one place where people can query the information they need right away.
"Increased quality of existing products & integrations through suggested improvements that is supported by customer feedback or increased usage by the community"
Answer: With the help of the chatbot, it is certain that it will increase the usage of the whole community.
Risk 1: The biggest challenge is to understand the users' intentions behind their questions.
Solution: we will implement the state-of-the-art natural language processing AI algorithm to train our chatbot.
Risk 2: The database of the chatbot needs to be updated frequently to catch up with Project Catalyst's latest information.
Solution: we plan to hire a person who is responsible for keeping the database updated. We are also thinking about a feature that would allow an administrator to update the database through the chatbot itself.
The chatbot's development is separated into 2 phases. At the end of each phase, the chatbot is able to
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
This proposal is for Phase 1 only. Phase 2 will be implemented after Phase 1 ends. The timeline for Phase 1 is as follows:
Total duration: 5 months
Month 1:
Month 2:
Month 3:
Month 4:
Month 5:
How the team will manage the workload?
Since we are also working on other proposals, the above plan is calculated based on the time, effort, and resources we can spend on this project. Moreover, our team has 2 more engineers who can support us to be able to deliver this project successfully.
(1) Development cost:
Total working hours: 720 hours
The cost is 720* $50/h= $36000.
(2) Infrastructure and deployment costs (Total $3124)
The cost is $3124.
(3) Contingencies: $1000
Total cost: $36000 + $3124 + $1000 = 40124$.
Cao Thinh:
Ph.D. holder in Computer Science. A senior developer with 7 years of experience working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in data analysis, databases, networking, web and application development. Strong programmer with Python, R, C++, C#.
Darlington Wleh:
I am a co-dreamer at Lidonation, a growing collective of Cardano enthusiasts who believe in providing insightful education about Cardano in plain English, Swahili, and Spanish. Most online blockchain content is written by and for developers and finance geeks. We break down complicated technical ideas for everyday people, and provide relevant news in quick bites, and build tools that everyone can use.
Our website is a resource for rich Catalyst data for anyone wanting to glean insights from all the happenings within the catalyst. We want to make these insights accessible to as many people as possible.
Darlington is an engineer by day and at all times a dancer, humanitarian, idealist, and entrepreneur. Darlington has deep knowledge about blockchain technology and broad experience in the Cardano ecosystem.
Surely, yes. As stated in the plan, there are 2 development phases. This proposal is for Phase 1. There are features that we would like to develop in Phase 2. We will continue to ask for funding next Funds to make our product close to perfect. Our purpose is to bring the best product to serve the community.
Our KPIs are:
We also measure the following indicators:
Also, the community can access the chatbot evaluation by questioning the chatbot itself (e.g you may ask questions such as “How many downloads on Appstore?”, or “What is your satisfaction rating on Appstore?", etc).
For development progress, we will track our progress through:
The success of this project is a chatbot mobile app available in Appstore and Playstore. Ideally, the chatbot is frequently used and highly evaluated by users. Users will have a good experience and benefit from the answers of the chatbot.
This is a new proposal.
Ph.D. holder in Computer Science. Skilled in data analysis, databases, networking, web and application development.
Co-dreamer at Lidonation & developer behind Lido's catalyst research tool with 14+ years of software and cloud system engineering experience.