Last updated 2 years ago
There are no coaching resources on Catalyst community and no way to track them
As an ICF Coach in Training, I am qualified to provide coaching services to improve effectiveness of proposers and community members
This is the total amount allocated to Coaching for Catalyst Members.
As an ICF Coach in Training, I am qualified to provide coaching services to improve effectiveness of proposers and community members
Coaching for 30 years informally. Coaching formally with ICF training for last 6 months. Some categories - Life , Business, Executive, Leadership, Strengths, Parenting, Relationship. Any coaching received will increase the productivity of the client , add value to Catalyst
This proposal covers 300 hours of coaching for 100 people who need it.
Each person will get three hours of funded coaching. They can continue their coaching with me by paying an hourly rate .
Coaching is a very powerful proven process that through powerful conversation, active listening and creating an environment of value and respect , enables the coach to evoke awareness in the client to make breakthroughs and come out with their own solutions.
Having seen the benefits of their funded coaching hour , most clients will opt to continue coaching to keep working and achieving their coaching goals
This adds tremendous value to the Cardano Ecosystem since like most other services like this, enables tremendous breakthroughs in the mental , psychological, emotional and behavioural state of the clients. These breakthroughts will boost their productivity hugely.
Helps them to deal with problems which are hindering them, and self limiting beliefs which are holding them back.
These reasons are why coaches charge several thousand dollars per hour . I am allocating 100 USD per hour.
I will provide 300 hours of coaching for 100 people at the rate of 3 hours each. Since the first 3 hours are funded, the clients wont have to pay. They can opt to continue coaching at the same rate or an agreed rate.
These people will be part of a coaching log. The content of the coaching hours is confidential but the coaching log will be maintained . This will be validated by the clients to prove this was done.
How this proposal meets Fund 9 Objectives
Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem.
This proposal will enable many people who want Professional coaching to improve their and their teams effectiveness and productivity. To find solutions to the problems facing them through the power of coaching.
Turn Cardano into an open source project & attract more developers..
Making this open source would help new teams to materialize which would lead to more effective and productive developers.
Build real-world solutions based on the Cardano blockchain.
This project will empower the teams and individuals in those teams to be more creative, less conflict, more communication and team synergies and thereby strengthen themselves, their companies or projects and the end products and services, thereby creating real world solutions
Improve tooling to support human processes in Catalyst. Accelerate the growth and evolution of developer & app ecosystem.
There are various tools that would be built under this proposal. The operational aspect of it is detailed here. This would add immense value to the ecosystem.
a. The biggest challenge is getting it voted in. Will voters see the value of this service for themselves? Of course I am confident after one hour of coaching they will all opt for extension.
b. Will 150 people undertake to be coached? Are there enough people in the ecosystem who would take the benefit of this funded proposal?
c. Will Covid cause any complications to this process?
These would be mitigated by having ATH rooms to teach people about coaching. Sharing coaching resources with people to enable them to see value in coaching.
Month 1 to 3
Create a calendar for booking of coaching appointments. Everyone gets one free hour.
Enable people to book.
There will be no limit on the bookings per month. Perhaps all 150 hours will be finished in one month. IN which case the project will continue with whoever comes after, paying for their coaching.
At the end of Month 3, share the Coaching log as proof of accomplishment, validated by the clients.
If we are considering translation projects, each language pair (e.g English to Hindi ) has one or two Master Translators and one or two Proofreaders. The Master Translators are native speakers and experienced in the translation field They would do the translation and its given to the proofreader for quality checking. Any modifications are given back to the Master Translator who then amends the text and finalizes the text. If the workload is large we would use two Master Translators and two proofreaders instead of one.
As such , since each language pair has a dedicated team we are able to concurrently do 1, 2 5 10 or 100 language pairs at the same time. NO team is working on multiple projects. Each is dedicated to their project.
Same applies to dev projects. We have teams working on each project or app. No one is overstretched for time or energy. Therefore we can confidently undertake multiple projects at the same time
Cost per hour of Coaching 120 USD
Number of hours 300
Total cost 36000 USD
Please provide details of your team members required to complete the project.
DImitri Fernando
Active member of Catalyst Community - Community Advisor in Fund 6 and 7 and 8, Veteran Community Advisor in Fund 7 and 8 , VCA in Flash Assessment in Fund 7, Cardano4Climate, Cardano Creatives, Founder of South Asian Town Hall, Active in Eastern Town Hall, Pacific Town Hall, European Town hall, , Gimbalabs Playground.
Serial Entrepreneur, INFJ, Marketer by profession, Creative by passion, Strategist, Writer, Poet, Storyteller Has background in multiple sectors and has run several companies with groundbreaking technologies in Sri Lanka. Having his first job as a department store Santa at age 12, he learnt how bringing joy to kids and the less fortunate would bring unspeakable joy to life. He worked at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on various radio channels under the English Service, and learnt the art of communication, presentation, audio and radio production, and program compilation. Working often in highly tense security situations due to the ever present threat of terror attack on the SLBC by the LTTE he learnt to be cool under immense pressure and not let any crisis affect him. He is a Chartered Management Accountant, and Chartered Marketer. He has also completed MBTI and FIRO-B certifications and is currently becoming an ICF accredited Coach and DISC certified trainer and consultant. He has experience in multiple sectors, including Business Development on a national scale for global brands. He has been involved in social service projects for 35 years. He has been distributing food to the hungry several times a week since July 2018. Even during lockdown he was able to get a special pass as he was engaging in essential food distribution services.
If more people need coaching or if the teams need to be coached as teams, I would require further funding. This will ilncrease the effectiveness, output, productivity of the teams and Cardano ecosystem as a whole.
Please describe how you will measure the progress and the development of the project?
Number of new clients
Number of clients who go for extensions
Number of extended hours in total
Number of extended hours per client
Number of referrals by existing clients to new prospects
Creating a coaching culture in Catalyst community
Helping Catalyst members to see value in coaching and experience the powerful breakthroughs and increases in effectiveness and productivity both in business and personal life that come through coaching.
Getting testimonials from clients who benefitted from the free hour, to talk on video regarding the breakthroughs and benefits they received, so that we can submit for an expanded project in F9
Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This is a new project
Coaching for 30 years informally. Coaching formally with ICF training for last 6 months. Some categories - Life , Business, Executive, Leadership, Strengths, Parenting, Relationship. Any coaching received will increase the productivity of the client , add value to Catalyst