Last updated 2 years ago
We Munchy Go Delivery Food dApp, want to cut costs for restaurants, increase couriers pay and save user pockets, on average restaurants pay to delivery food apps 20% to 30% fees.
Collude is a Web3 platform for screenplay writers to securely store & manage, edit, sell, license and distribute their screenplays.
This is the total amount allocated to Create Value For Screenplay Writers.
Collude is a Web3 platform for screenplay writers to securely store & manage, edit, sell, license and distribute their screenplays.
Our Team is comprised of 5 members; 1x Project Manager, 2x Fullstack Developers & a 1x Business Developer, and 1x DLT specialist.
{Work in Progress}
From the conception of a screenplay, the selection of actors, to the production of films, we believe in the need to develop a sustainable, decentralized platform.
Introducing COLLUDE: We are a Platform where writers, actors, directors & multitudes of stakeholders can Transparently COLLUDE to create truly great movies. The innovation of COLLUDE is composed of two components.
1 . The Business Model
COLLUDE's business model is to redefine the industry conditions and reward structures for participants. We will begin with a grass-roots drive to bring amateur and aspiring screenwriters, actors, and directors to the platform, creating a groundswell of talent. We will progressively market the platform up the food chain as we build adoption, with the eventual goal of being the go-to medium for all production studios and funding ventures. COLLUDE will charge a modest fee for enterprises to use the platform, more than making up for itself through huge efficiency gains compared to the present industry standards.
Assisting screenplay writers on the writer’s journey is very important. That’s why certain features will be implemented to help new and veteran writers along the way. Here are two areas with some examples;
Screenplay Conception: Logline,Outlining, Treatment & Character Development
Screenplay Drafts & Review: Drafts, Rewrites, Finalisation & Publishing
Market Information
Film Costs/Time
Screenplay Writers
Through the involvement of numerous third parties. There is No trust, transparency, or quality control throughout the process of film development. Because of these factors, many artists in the film industry suffer the consequences.
How We Do It
Building the Film industry from the bottom-up won't be an easy task. However, The Use of First principle thinking and a Bottom-Up approach: to build a self-sustaining ecosystem will help achieve the goal. To develop the system thoroughly, here are a couple of examples of specific questions we ask:
"What elements are needed for a film?"
The answer:
1) The Idea - Screenplay Writers
2) Internalising & Animating The Idea - Actors
3) Captivating & Visualising The Idea - Director Of Photography with camera crew:
4) Organising The Idea - Producers ***
5) Film Funding Entities - Film Funding Entities***
*** These elements can be replaced through the use of technology which is more efficient; organizing and funding can be provided in many different ways***
"What overarching elements are needed in all sectors? "
The answer:
The Platform will first focus on empowering these elements for Screenplay Writers, Actors, Directors & Camera Crew and in the future, other stakeholders that are necessary for film development such as costumes, sound effects, etc.
Why Cardano?
The market approach in developing the Cardano protocol is not about being the first to market. It is about stability and building value based on empirical research. These principles align with the principles we are using to build our solution. It’s not about being in a rush to build something fast that does not completely solve the problem. The film industry is antiquated and has layers of problems. Our approach is to build something community-driven, open, and welcoming. This is done by focusing on problems, and severity levels and directly connecting explicit endpoints. We also know that many mistakes will be made while developing this product but making mistakes is a way to learn and push forward. Cardano also has a valuable community where people are always supporting each other in every direction. They also directly affect how the protocols are developed and in what direction everything will grow. These fundamentals are pivotal for sustainable growth. And finally, our goal is to make long-lasting changes to the industry; not by creating films but by changing the film creation process by enabling the people behind it.
Technology Stack:
Writers: User Journey
Screenplay Writers
Starting (First Steps) & Self-help & Working Methods and Connectivity - After the writer’s profile has been created. The writer has the possibility to:
Building trust & Transparency - Certain meta data about the screenplay is saved on the blockchain. When a screenplay is uploaded the platform algorithm verifies and checks the database for duplicates or screenplays with the same characteristics. The individual users are notified if conflicts occur. All screenplays created on the platform will be created with a QR code which will help to certify the screenplays. If the QR code is scant it will display the data regarding ownership of the screenplay and other relevant information.
Making Money (Monetisation) - After the screenplay has been created. At the user's disposal, they can sell their screenplays (NFT) for a monetary value or create a project enabling actors to join with the ability to produce the screenplay.
Our Goals
Through empowering artists, it enables them to become the backbone of the film industry and achieve the following goals
We strongly believe that it’s time to onboard people outside of the crypto-verse. There has yet to be a platform that doesn't require some technical know-how or understanding of the cryptic world of Defi or NFTs. Our goal is to onboard new users whose intention is to do something they like such as screenplay writing. We want to use the Cardano blockchain technology as the underlying technology or rails to validate and secure the work that end users are doing. Adoption is the key to growth. However, we cant have adoption if there aren't enough venues for acquisitions.
There are many roadblocks and hurdles which could prevent us from delivering the product to market. The three clusters are technology and market conditions, and team. Looking at the technology stack many different components need to be implemented and connected. Theoretically, the technology is available however, these technologies need to be tested and vetted. It will take time and elbow grease. In the cluster market conditions, there are the stakeholders, business partners as well as product-market fit. We hope to have a big enough community to support the platform we are building as mentioned before, all the stakeholders must participate in the ecosystem. To do this, it is important to have the correct incentives. For your business partners, we hope that their field of expertise can and will help us to grow. However, it's impossible to know how well independent working groups can collaborate because many bottlenecks can happen throughout processes. This is why alignment in communication is very important. To have the correct product-market fit our goal is to have continuous & direct feedback from the community with the vision of being a “community-first product”. The final risk to mention is the team. We need to have a core team that is 100% focused on the project. If there are too many fluctuations it will hamper the product's growth and planned time scale for delivering value to the market.
3rd. Quarter:
4th. Quarter:
1st. Quarter:
2nd. Quarter:
Milestones- 🏁
Requested Amount: 60,000
Number Breakdown:
Project Design:
5K - Product Management
5K - Community Development & Feedback
Product Development:
15K - Creating Architecture & Backend Development
15K - Implementing essential API for infrastructure
10K - Bridging blockchain to the application
10K - UI/UX and design changes
Shawn Beohm -has 4 years of experience in Product Management. He has known about Cardano since 2017 & has actively been participating in the community since 2020. His most recent project is cnft awards in which he managed all phases from conception to implementation.
Patrick Braun - has his master's degree and specialized in developing flexible and scalable software architecture. He has over 5 years of experience in writing and programming software. The last project he worked on was developing an app for digitally measuring a person's foot to find the perfect fitting shoe. He also specialized in frontend and backend software development.
{Work in Progress}
Yes, We will return to Catalyst for funding because Collude as a project has many different components. We have the following Components:
{Work in Progress}
Using Scrum as an agile project planning and implementation method. This will enable us to better calculate the cost, time, and quality for each feature development. We’ll achieve this goal by having backlog planning and refinement, weekly sprints, and daily 15min meeting. With each milestone we achieve, We need to reflect and have a retrospective regarding improvement and better team collaboration. The Scrum framework is based on transparency, inspection, and adaptation and will enable us to move forward at maintainable speed and deliver the parts of the product in small interactions.
Measuring Matrix
Development Cost - A detailed breakdown of what it costs to deliver each feature set we bring to market
Time - Detailed information with the time estimates for each feature has been delivered as well as the actual time the feature set received the status “Done”.
Feature Set Delivery - This would be an accounting of the different features that have been delivered to market throughout the different milestones.
The optimal results of a successful project are the following:
There are other proposals related to this one.
SDG goals:
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
10.4 Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage, and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality
10.c By 2030, reduce to less than 3 percent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 percent
11.a Support positive economic, social, and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
10.4.2 Redistributive impact of fiscal policy4
Our Team is comprised of 5 members; 1x Project Manager, 2x Fullstack Developers & a 1x Business Developer, and 1x DLT specialist.
{Work in Progress}