Last updated 2 years ago
Today, companies serve Ads based on inference data and third party profiling data/cookies which are collected by tracking you. This tracking model is becoming illegal and sacrifices users' privacy.
Ennarea finance will provide a merchant service for businesses to accept and process ADA and Cardano-based stablecoins and will enable users to spend their crypto assets for goods and services.
This is the total amount allocated to Crypto banking & Payment Processing.
Ennarea finance will provide a merchant service for businesses to accept and process ADA and Cardano-based stablecoins and will enable users to spend their crypto assets for goods and services.
We are a team of 5 talented Engineers. 2 senior blockchain developers, 1 cloud solution architect, 1 marketing manager, and 1 business advisor. Our team experience is proven with a production-ready cryptocurrency exchange.
Cryptocurrency payments are gaining popularity all over the world. Yet most African countries are missing this opportunity due to the lack of a payment process that provides crypto payment services. Ennarea finance will provide a merchant service for businesses to accept and process crypto payments and will enable users to spend their crypto assets to purchase goods and services.
Our proposal will address the challenges in two way
Risk: Fait currency deposit and withdrawal gateway in Eritrea, Somali, and Djibouti.
solution: we will manual deposit and withdrawal mechanism to help users to use our platform. this technique is used in many other countries where payment integration is unavailable.
Risk: Regulatory approval in Somali, Eritrea.
Solution: Some countries in Africa have no regulatory ground that regulos cryptocurrency. we will hire an experienced lawyer to meet the country's service compliance.
Risk: Communication hardship in some non-English speaking regions.
Solution: we will use local translators to help us communicate and our application will have multiple language options to provide easily understandable service.
*Project Overview***
Crypto Banking and Payment processing service.
Project URL***
Username: , Password: #GoAfrica1888!
Username: , Password: #GoAfrica1888!
*********************About Ennarea Finace*****************
Ennarea is a digital asset exchange and management platform that has intended to become a one-stop financial solution for blockchain-powered products such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Central bank digital currencies (CBDC), tokenized security, stocks, and other traded commodities. Our service will be available in all African countries and will enable users to invest and trade digital assets using their native fiat currencies.
****************The Problems and Our Solution*****************
Despite having high demand, the adoption and development of blockchain technology in Africa are relatively low due to the following main reasons.
Lack of cryptocurrency exchanges that support trading in native fiat currencies.
Out of fifty-four countries, only five countries' fiat currencies have trading pairs on major exchanges, the remaining forty-nine are not supported and don't have trading pairs. This has led the adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to be relatively low in the continent. Our exchange will support the deposit and withdrawal of fiat currency in all African countries and will enable users to invest and trade cryptocurrencies with their native currency.
Lack of beginner-friendly investment and trading UI/UX.
Most exchanges are not beginner-friendly and they are complicated to understand for new users. Our Exchange will have two independent UI/UX called Ennarea and Ennarea pro, where Ennarea is for beginners and will enable users to invest and trade in a few simple steps.
Lack of crowdfunding Portal.
ICOs are a common way of funding projects in the blockchain industry. However, Africa is missing this opportunity due to the absence of a crowdfunding platform that primarily focuses on Africa-based startups. Ennarea launchpad will provide a multichain crowdfunding platform and enable startups to raise capital for their project.
Lack of marketplace for African-based blockchain startups.
It is rare to find projects originating from Africa listed on exchanges. Since many projects are released frequently, the competition to get listed on major exchanges is very high. Our platform will enable Africa-based projects to get listed with a few simple requirements.
Lack of Payment processors that provide crypto payment service.
Cryptocurrency payments are gaining popularity all over the world. Yet most African countries are missing this opportunity due to the lack of a payment process that provides crypto payment services. Ennarea finance will provide a merchant service for businesses to accept and process crypto payments and will enable users to spend their crypto assets for goods and services.
****************Market and Customer Segment***********
Our service mainly focuses on regions where the adoption of blockchain technology is low due to the facts we mentioned above. The following countries are some of the destinations our exchange can start its operations without regulatory challenges. 1. Ethiopia 2. Gahanna 3. Nigeria 4. South Africa 5. Angola 6. Egypt. More regions will be supported in future Market expansion plans.
**************The Ennarea Exchange ************
The Ennarea exchange is built to be highly available and scalable for any type of workload. It is hosted on a secure hybrid cloud environment. Our platform will have two independent UI to interact with customers, Ennarea pro and Ennarea basic.
This platform is ideal for beginner-level traders and investors. The platform will have a simplified and easily understandable UI/UX design. Service will be available on Android, iPhone, and web browsers.
Featured services
The architectural and application design of Ennarea basic is being finalized, implementation and development will start in mid-year of 2022.
Ennarea Pro
This platform is ideal for professional traders and investors that have prior trading experience.
Featured services
Currently, Ennarea Pro is on pilot Release. The project can be accessed using the following links. Test users are created with preloaded funds to test trading functionalities. Also, deposits and withdrawals on Ethereum ropsten Test Network are available.
Username: , Password: #GoAfrica1888!
Username: , Password: #GoAfrica1888!
Ennarea Launchpad
This is a crowdfunding platform for a new project to raise a fund using our exchange customer base. It will enable users to invest in new ideas in form of ICOs. Currently, the platform is under development and will be released in mid-year 2022.
Pilot and demo release (Sep2021 –Jul 2022)
Ennarea finance is officially on pilot release since September 2021. Currently, we're testing trading functionality and other security features on a test blockchain network. System and account Security will be our main focus to provide users with a reliable service.
Major activities and Milestone
Production release and marketing campaign (Aug 2022 – Jan 2023)
September 01, 2022, will be the official main net release of the Ennarea exchange. Trading of digital assets and cryptocurrencies will be available in native Ethiopian and Ghanaian currencies.
Major activities and Milestone
Startup launchpad and crowdfunding portal release (Feb 2023- Jun 2023)
Activities and Milestones
Crypto banking and payment processing service release (Jul 2023 - Jan 2024)
Activities and Milestones
Market Expansion and penetration (Jan 2024 – Jan 2025)
Activities and Milestones
Ennarea Finance requires $350,000 for the first year of project development and management. The budget will be allocated for office setup, talent acquisition, team building, hosting, data center development, and other management expenses. We are requesting $150,000 in this funding round and the remaining budget will be requested in another funding challenge. The total budget will be distrusted among 3 different proposals, Cryptocurrency Exchange (Grow Africa, Grow Cardano), Crypto banking & Payment Processing (Dapps, Products & Integrations), and Startup Launchpad & Crowdfunding (Dapps, Products & Integrations). The budget breakdown described here is for all three projects.
Budget requested***
**********************The Financial Plan ****************************
The following tables are a summary of Ennarea’s business operations expenses for the period Jan 2022 to Jan 2023. Figures might slightly vary and be updated conditionally.
Office setup and furnishing
Location Size LeaseTerm Unit Price Total cost
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 70 sq/m 12 months $12.5 $10,500
furniture & office equipment $3,200
Talent acquisition and team member expense
Role QNT Salary
Lawyer 1 $7,500
Accountant 1 $4,200
Branch Manager & Customer Care Specialist 3 $9,300
cyber security specialist 1 $11,300
5 team members expenses $60,000
Hosting and data center development
Service type Term UnitPrice total
Dedicated cloud host 12 months $958.9 $11,506.8
Dev & collaboration tools 12 months $105.00 $1,260.00
customer support software 12 months $55 $660
Marketing campaign and Event hosting
Expense category total
Social media campaign $5,300
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia developer's collaboration event. $5,100
Management and other expense
Expense category total
License and registration fee $1,200
Flight & traveling cost $2,500
Miscellaneous $1,200
Consultant $3,300
The Team
Team Ennarea is a group of five talented tech enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds. Three senior software engineers, one project and media manager, one marketing manager are ready to execute the project within the given period. The team has proven its experience and ability to execute the project, with a working cryptocurrency exchange that is on pilot release. More team members will join us once we enter the market.
Henok Lapiso
Founder, CEO
Beza Yared
Media manager
Frehiwot Samuel
marketing manager
Denys Tun
Senior Software Engineer
Daniel Hawkins
Software Engineer
Yes, We will return. Ennarea Finance requires $350,000 for the first year of project development and management. We are requesting $150,000 in this funding round and the remaining budget will be requested in another funding challenge.
Every step of our progress will be announced to the public on our social media platforms as well as on our webpage blog posts. The following data can be used as KIPs to measure our progress in development.
3 months
6 months
12 months
New Project. Not funded before.
We are a team of 5 talented Engineers. 2 senior blockchain developers, 1 cloud solution architect, 1 marketing manager, and 1 business advisor. Our team experience is proven with a production-ready cryptocurrency exchange.