Last updated a year ago
A framework for the deployment of digital equity tokens on the Cardano blockchain that has the support of regulators, digital exchanges, companies, lawyers, accountants and investors.
A framework for the deployment of digital equity tokens on the Cardano blockchain that has the support of regulators, digital exchanges, companies, lawyers, accountants and investors.
This is the total amount allocated to DADF - Disruptive Comm. Application.
A framework for the deployment of digital equity tokens on the Cardano blockchain that has the support of regulators, digital exchanges, companies, lawyers, accountants and investors.
Shaun Cumby has worked in trading and portfolio management for over 20 years across many asset classes, including asset-backed securities, credit default swaps, bank loans, equities and derivatives.
Key Points
Digital equity tokens can allow small- and medium-sized businesses to access capital effectively; however, current implementations have not succeeded. This is a result of fragmented platform policies, weak regulatory support and a poor disclosure framework desired by regulators and investors.
We are proposing an innovative technology and policy framework that can transform how companies access capital and how investors can have access to these companies.
The CEO of the framework, Shaun Cumby, has extensive experience between securities based on prospectus offering and a strong understanding of blockchain technology, the Wolfram Language and the needs of regulators, exchanges, companies and investors.
He has met with digital exchanges, traditional exchanges, law firms, accounting firms and regulators in both the US and Canada. A large law firm in Canada has committed to the project, and we are in discussions with a Big Four accounting firm. These partners will focus on the policy aspects of the DADF that need to be regulatory compliant while also creating the electronic forms for companies to stay in continuous compliance in a timely and cost-effective manner.
A token-based implementation of required disclosure documents and prospectus, featuring immutable public records of required events and off-chain storage of document details.Tools to assist regulators in market surveillance and continuous disclosure monitoring
The disclosure of financial reporting, particularly on a continuous basis, has been a challenge for regulators, companies and investors in the SME and digital-asset space. DADF seeks to address the parties’ concerns with a framework that is completely electronic.
The immutability of the Cardano blockchain combined with the amazing technology of the Wolfram Language will allow us to create something with profound impact and global scale.
There are technical issues to execute on this project. While we have already created a working outline, there are aspects of this project both Shaun and Wolfram have not executed before. In addition, this proposal only covers a portion of the imagined final project, and we will come back to Catalyst and other sources for additional funding to complete it in entirety.
Possible risks:
This phase of the technology plan will be six months.
Month 1: Create detailed plans for Cardano blockchain support of token mechanics
Months 2, 3, 4: Build and test the technology
Months 5, 6: Apply the technology to a case study and present it to regulators and policy partners
Wolfram will receive the bulk of the grant funding to support development costs of using their world-class technologies to build the disclosure and monitoring systems described above in a manner that will support the future policy-integrated needs of DADF.
A small portion of the grant will be used to support an intern who will be tasked with the development of the case study and the presentation to regulators in Canada and the US.
Jason Cawley Director, Wolfram Solutions
Shaun Cumby
Yes. Although we are actively exploring other sources of funding, we may also return to Catalyst for additional funding.
The CEO of DADF, Shaun Cumby, will build a milestone timeline that maps to DADF’s timeline to integrate the technology development with the policy development. The team will have a weekly review meeting and a deep dive on a monthly basis.
A small, simple company currently listed on the Venture Exchange (TSXV) in Canada will be selected as a case study for the application of the technology to demonstrate that Cardano’s blockchain and the Wolfram Language can deliver, at a high level, the minimum viable product (MVP). The MVP will demonstrate the digital equity token creation and functionality and the ability to embed a simplified prospectus that is on the blockchain.
This is a new proposal.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Shaun Cumby has worked in trading and portfolio management for over 20 years across many asset classes, including asset-backed securities, credit default swaps, bank loans, equities and derivatives.