Last updated 2 years ago
Trading tokens on DEXs incurs high slippage unless projects have large liquidity pools. Smaller teams are not always able to provide this. Users need a way to trade peer to peer without AMM Liquidity.
Create a DApp platform that links tech repairers to device owners directly, so as to enable the repair of their damaged devices. This will host repairmen across the country for easy access to service.
This is the total amount allocated to DAPP FOR TECH REPAIR (REPAIR ME).
Create a DApp platform that links tech repairers to device owners directly, so as to enable the repair of their damaged devices. This will host repairmen across the country for easy access to service.
Combined 20 years’ experience in Software Development, Risk and Compliance, Business Development, Research and Marketing.
Fund 7 and fund 8 Community Advisors, a proposer with one funded catalyst project and an active participant in WADA events in Ghana.
Please describe your proposed solution.
Project Description
In Africa, slightly used devices are high among the population and the situation is not different in Ghana. Both rural and urban population with low income rely on used phones, laptops, and tablets to interact on the internet and do their daily activities. For the purpose of this proposal, tech repairers are entrepreneurs in the informal market of Ghana whose specialties include repairing broken devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and tech devices.
However, tech repairers are not easy to find in the Central Business District and a few parts of the country. In most instances, the repairmen are mostly scattered across the country, with few centered within the business district, making accessibility and affordability difficult. The existing company that intend providing repair services to everyone via their services –tech market solutions, has failed to meet this standard —accessibility and affordability. Hence, some communities faces challenges accessing the services of these repairmen not because they’re not available but they are mostly difficult to find in some part of the country. One main challenge of tech market solution– a company which provide repair services on behalf of customers is that, their services are very expensive and difficult to access. This is because, the platform is a centralized platform that receives and repair damage phones via their repair partners. With this service, the company undertake repair service on behalf of customers, denying customers direct access to the repair specialist for any other services.
Therefore, the possibility of decentralization via blockchain would help enhance the current system. Hence, we would introduce a DApp platform that would bring all repair specialist across the country unto this platform and enable individuals to connect directly with tech repair specialist for quality services and repairs. The adoption of DApp has been slow paced in developing countries like Ghana hence this idea is novel in terms of integration (DApp) with other existing products services and would therefore improve the end-user experience and give users more options or make repair services easier and eventually benefits the wider Cardano ecosystem, in terms of awareness creation. This initiative is very feasible considering the wide range of smart phone usage in Ghana and the improved accessibility to internet connectivity.
DApp Registry and Smart Contract
The DApp for Tech Repairers would use AtalaPRISM to provide unique identification for tech repairers. For the purpose of this proposal, tech repairers are entrepreneurs in the informal market of Ghana whose specialties include repairing broken devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and tech devices. The unique digital identity which would be assigned to repairmen would help individuals with broken devices to have easy access to tech repairers. The DApp would be created using Plutus and the interaction between tech repairers and device owners would be done via smart contract. The smart contract would have the main function to show proof of fault (information on broken devices), transparent cost, and distribution of incentives. The on-chain solution aims at providing a cost-effective and quality P2P ecosystem by identifying tech repairers and connecting them to device users. This would provide incentive and generally increase the income level of informal sector workers like tech repairers, hence reducing poverty.
The information on the identity of repairmen from their national identification cards and their certificate of qualification will enable the platform to assign an efficiency rating tag to each tech repairer onboarded onto the DApp. This rating system, just like what’s done for each software application on Google play store, would range from 1 star to 5 star, with 1 representing very poor service, 2 poor service, 3 normal service, 4 representing an efficient services and 5 representing very efficient services: this is aimed at determining the efficiency of each repair specialist. The DApp would also be designed to provide users the details of the cost of repairing a broken device. The platform would engage tech repairers to set a fair price by using information about the state of a faulty smart device, device brand, and other device information. The Dapp platform would also offer a unique services that affords customers the comfort of having their phones picked up for repair.
As a preview to how we intend to develop our platform, we'll deploy Tech market solutions – as a reference point and as a complement to our research on project design. We consider the interface at tech market solutions relevant to our project however, we also believe our platform would be more distinctive and more decentralized which would removes third party interference. Hence the need to pursue this project.
Partnership and educational Outreach
How to identify and Register Repair specialist
The proposer have already worked with a host of repairmen during his period of work at tech markets solutions as a marketing specialist— a company that repair broken and damaged devices on behalf of customers via their repair specialist. Our project is a departure from the centralized system under which tech market solutions operates; our project provides a Decentralized Application platform for customers to have a direct access to repairmen, which is a departure from tech market solutions – the proposer's previous company. The proponent’s experience with tech market solution enabled him network and establish relationship with well recognized repair specialist. Based on this established relationship, we would leverage on that as the starting point to reach more audience. And also reach out to other repairmen via their official email and other contacts.
Educational outreach
There world be a short video description on how to register on our platform for both repairmen and device owners. This would be a guideline for those new to the blockchain technology. Aside our video based guidelines on the use of our platform, we would formally engage each repair specialist on a one-on-one basis as part of our educational approach to brief repair specialist on the DApp platform, its opportunities and address their concerns.
Considering the nature of the project, the target audience in the short term is smart device owners who are conversant with smart phone usage which includes repair specialist. This is because of how smart phone is now widely used in Ghana. In essence, by targeting these audience, we anticipate that developing a strong reputation with our platform will enable our customers speak well of our services to more people based on their experience with our platform. Hence our marketing would be aimed at such audience via social media Advertisements (influencers and video based ads). However, we also consider that we may not reach all target audience via our social media Advertisements, hence we would undertake offline Advertisement using the traditional media channels which may have more reach. The starting point for our marketing strategy would be the use of social media Advertisements via social media influencers and online video Ads. Subsequently, there would be a gradual introduction of the platform on the traditional media to a larger audience.
Please describe how your proposed solution will address the challenge?
The DApp for Tech repairers would be developed to bring tech repairers onto a single platform using DApp. The DApp for Tech Repairers would use AtalaPRISM to provide unique digital identification for tech repairers using their certification and national identification cards. The digital identity would help device owners easily identify tech repairers and connect to them for their services. The DApp would be created using Plutus and the interaction between tech repairers and device owners would be done via smart contract. The smart contract would have the main function to show proof of service, transparent cost, and distribution of incentives. The on-chain solution aims at providing a cost-effective and quality P2P ecosystem by identifying tech repairers and connecting them to devices users. This would provide incentive and generally increase the income level of informal sector workers like tech repairers, hence reducing poverty.
The information on the repair will enable the platform to assign an efficiency rating tag to each tech repairer onboarded onto the DApp. The aim is help identify repairmen that provides quality services. The DApp would also be designed to provide users the details of the cost of repairing a broken device. The platform would engage tech repairers to set a fair price by using information about the state of a faulty smart device, device brand, and other device information. The Dapp platform would also offer a unique services that affords customers the comfort of having their phones picked up for repair.
The project intends to achieve the following goals in the short to long term;
To enable owners of portable devices to have easy access to repair specialists for their services, providing convenience and preventing the extra transport cost of searching for tech repairer; by creating a web based decentralized platform that will eventually provide ease and comfort in business transactions.
Taking into account the myriad of online businesses in Ghana with enough piece of infrastructure for the integration of DApp into their online product and services, the realization of this project will not only create more awareness but would also facilitate the adoption process of DApp in Ghana especially on the Cardano network. We envision that by this initiative we'll fast track the transition of business unto the Cardano blockchain in Africa by being a starting point.
Revenue Increase
The Dapp platform does not only intend to streamline the activities of repair specialist; however by exploring the Dapp platform we anticipate that tech repairers will easily have access to their target market, so as to boost the income level of the tech repair specialist.
Reduction in E-waste
In Ghana, the difficulty in getting quality repair services due to proximity and cost of transport compel device owners to prematurely dispose off their devices into the environment, increasing the level of E-waste. This platform seeks to discourage this practice by providing damaged devices a new life so as to prevent device owners from resorting to dumping old devices into the environment for new devices.
The main challenge the project is likely to face is the difficulty in enrolling repair specialist unto the Dapp platform. In that regard, we would provide a short video description on how to enrol unto the platform and also provide an incentive program which will be designed to reward tech repair specialist a small amount of Cardano for enrolling on the Dapp platform. In this way, we would also introduce cardano to the repair specialist community.
Timeline and Roadmap
The project would last for a year and the following activities would be undertaken in 3 phases.
Phase 1 (1-3 months)
Company (website) registration and Legal experts (1 weeks)— this includes a formal registration of the business as required by the laws of our country. The legal expert includes the services of solicitors to draft the terms and conditions of the platform and also covers any future litigations.
Research, Dapp Design and pre marketing (3 weeks) — this phase would focus on gathering data on the activities of repair specialist such as area of specialty of each repair specialist, the major diagnosis for smart devices, working hours and locations. These would be the basis for the DApp design platform. While doing this— working on data gathering, we anticipate that we will need to provide a little education on what we intend doing with the data gathered from the repair specialist. As a result, we will provide education on our platform where is required and also use our social media (already created) handles to advertise our services.
Software Development, Plutus (1month)— this phase focuses on the DApp development. It’d include a prototype.
Test Launch (1 month) —test of the newly developed platform to identify shortcomings.
Phase 2 (5-7 months)
Host stakeholder engagement
Complete DApp development
Onboard tech repairers — provide video based guidelines on the registration of our platform for repairmen, we would formally engage each repair specialist on a one-on-one basis as part of our educational approach to brief them on the DApp platform.
Phase 3 (8-12 months)
Initiate marketing strategy (2 months) —social media Advertisements via social media influencers and online video Ads. Subsequently, there would be a gradual introduction of the platform on the traditional media space.
Organize educational outreach
Launch of DApp —Official launch of the platform
Our project is requesting for an amount of $45500. The team has slashed the total amount from 74000 (previous) to 45500, following the input from the community when submitted I fund 8. This step is to ensure our project is shaped to suit the expectation of the cardano community and enable effective implementation. Based on the total amount, below is the final breakdown of our budget.
Company registration and Legal fees ($2500)— this includes a formal registration of the business as required by the laws of our country. The legal fe
es includes the services of solicitors to draft the terms and conditions of the platform and also covers any future litigations. We'll solicit the services of legal experts in the registration process with collaboration from our software developer.
Research and Dapp Design ($3000)— this phase would focus on gathering data on the activities of repair specialist such as area of specialty of each repairman, their major diagnosis for smart devices, working hours and locations. This phase of the project would be done by both the finance and marketing manager and the business development director.
Software Development, Plutus ($13,500)— this a phase for the DApp development. It’d include a prototype. We intend to hire development experts from the cardano community to collaborate with our developers to develop our Dapp platform.
AtalaPRISM Development ($13,000)— this stage would be needed to help assign digital identity to each repair specialist. We'll also hire expert from the cardano community for the AtalaPrism development.
Marketing ($5,000)— social media Advertisements (influencers and video based ads) and offline Advertisement using the traditional media channels. The marketing team, in collaboration with the business development director will be in charge of the marketing.
Stakeholder Engagement and Onboarding of Repairmen ($3,000) — aside our video based guidelines on the use of our platform for repairmen, we would formally engage each repair specialist on a one-on-one basis as part of our educational approach to brief them on the DApp platform.
The marketing team will hire marketers to help spearhead the education and onboarding of repairmen.
Project Management ($3,000)— Covers site maintenance, post launch task, continuous optimization, content run-through and regular backups. This phase will be undertaken by our software developer.
Stakeholder Engagement ($1,500)— travel cost, drafting and printing of letters. The team will undertake this phase of the project.
Team Fee ( $2,000) —administrative cost
Total — $45,500
Team members and Roles for the project
Kingsley Mensah- Developer
Innocent Norvinu - Finance and Marketing Manager
Nathaniel Dwamena - Business Development
Background of team members
Kingsley Mensah
He holds a Msc. in Computer Science & Technology. Founder of web-hosting company, Kingscel Technologies. He has proven skills in web designing, software developing, computer networking and security, Javascript, Plutus, and CSS and loves ideas for a free society. He was awarded the Star of Innovation Award in 2019 by Hubei University of Technology (China). He also received the Young Achievers Award at the Pride of Africa Awards (Asia) 2020 by Appreciate Africa Network (Asia).
LinkedIn -
Innocent Norvinu
He is a cryptocurrency enthusiast with a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Professional Studies in Ghana. Former marketing specialist at Tech markets solutions. His over 7 years of experience within the finance industry as a risk and compliance officer has been key in ensuring that Unique Step Microfinance survive financial sanctions emanating from lack of regulatory compliance and also helping banks and microfinance institutions survive various financial clean-up exercise in Ghana. Fund 7 and Fund 8 community Advisor, a proponent with one funded catalyst project.
LinkedIn -
Nathaniel Dwamena
He has B.A (Hons) in Geography & Rural Development. He is researcher and has more than seven-year experience in think tank development, non-profit management and business development consultant. He was part of the team contracted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Ghana) to conduct a study on red tapes for doing business in Ghana. He successfully completed think tank training in Nigeria and project management training in Kenya which aided in his successful graduation from the Atlas Leadership Academy, Atlas Network (USA). He is a member of WADA and a Fund 7 and Fund 8 community Advisor, a proponent with two previously funded catalyst project.
Based on the design of the project, we expect that the revenue from the platform should be self sustaining. However, owing to the uncertainty of future events, we anticipate that, we may come back for funding but not in the short term
The success of this project hinges on some key indicators with specific target for each indicator. After the first 3 month of rolling out the project, an assessment would be conducted to adjust these targets under each indicator based on the assessment report. The assessment report would include a SWOT analysis on data gathered from our platform. And at the end of a successful implementation of this project, we’ll measure the success of this event by;
The DApp platform for this project would be designed to track the above indicators. And based on the above key performance indicators, we anticipate that, a successful implementation of the project will help achieve the following milestones;
Key Metrics
As indicated above, the targets for each indicator would be adjusted upon a quarterly report. As part of our transparency to the cardano community, we would make these report available to the cardano social media channels (telegram and discord) for their perusal. Additionally, we would also make the report available on the official social media channels and our online pages.
The project intends to achieve the following goals in the short to long term;
To enable owners of portable devices to have easy access to repair specialists for their services, providing convenience and preventing the extra transport cost of searching for tech repairer.
Taking into account the myriad of online businesses in Ghana with enough piece of infrastructure for the integration of DApp into their online product and services, the realization of this project will not only create more awareness but would also facilitate the adoption process of DApp in Ghana.
Revenue Increase
The Dapp platform does not only intend to streamline the activities of repair specialist; however by exploring the Dapp platform we anticipate that tech repairers will easily access their target market, so as to boost the income level of the tech repair specialist.
Reduction in E-waste
In Ghana, the difficulty in getting quality repair services due to proximity and cost of transport compel device owners to prematurely dispose of their devices into the environment, increasing the level of E-waste. This platform seeks to discourage this practice by providing damaged devices a new life so as to prevent device owners from resorting to dumping old devices into the environment for new devices.
The project is entirely new.
The UN goal 6 strives to ensure clean water and good sanitation for all. In parts of Africa, the challenge of clean water and sanitation are pervasive of which Ghana is not an exception. In Ghana, the difficulty in getting quality repair services due to proximity and cost of transport compel device owners to prematurely dispose off their devices into the environment, increasing the level of E-waste and eventually polluting the environment. Our project seeks to discourage this practice by providing damaged devices a new life so as to prevent device owners from resorting to dumping old devices into the environment for new devices. Therefore, by pursuing this project, we intend to eventually help reduce E-waste that often pollute our water bodies and environment, consequently ensuring clean water and improved sanitation .
Combined 20 years’ experience in Software Development, Risk and Compliance, Business Development, Research and Marketing.
Fund 7 and fund 8 Community Advisors, a proposer with one funded catalyst project and an active participant in WADA events in Ghana.