Last updated 2 years ago
Creators and artists which are new to the cardano ecosystem have a lack on understanding the protocoll, it's characteristics and how native tokens work on cardano.
We will build a DeFi connector for mobile wallets (iOS & Android) to solve the lack of mobile access to DeFi services for Thrift and other Cardano projects.
This is the total amount allocated to DeFi Access from Mobile Devices.
We will build a DeFi connector for mobile wallets (iOS & Android) to solve the lack of mobile access to DeFi services for Thrift and other Cardano projects.
Our team members have combined experience in blockchain, finance, analytics, African business, big data, UI/UX.
The path starts at the wallet level.. Through a wallet we can create an account, generate public addresses, receive and send assets, consult transaction history, vote and participate in staking as delegator. All these functionalities make up a wallet, and we can go even further.
With the new Alonzo era, the Cardano blockchain benefits from using a second layer that runs smart contracts. These contracts allow the establishment of complex logics that give rise to new protocols that solve specific use cases.
We can leverage these protocols to get more out of the assets we own. For example, lending money without intermediaries (bank), or borrowing it.
Now let's look at a population that does not have access to traditional banking services in order to create a current account and start saving in a dignified way. We can think of places with fewer resources such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria or other African countries.
Banking institutions do not facilitate access to their services, making it even more complicated to maintain your financial health.
The continuous growth of internet access through smartphones in these places opens up a fair alternative for those who have no other options using public blockchain services.
In this way the users get the right to manage and decide sovereignly on all financial needs.
With the development and integration of the smart contracts connector for Thrift Wallet, users will be able to interact and take advantage of the possibilities of existing and future DeFi services of the Cardano ecosystem.
Thrift Mobile DeFi connector solves the problem of Mobile access to DeFi services within Cardano, in places like Africa where mobile access is key to adoption, it opens the road for Thrift and more Cardano projects for a massive adoption.
There are currently 2 ways to integrate a smart contract connector with mobile applications.
Developing Thrift suite of products for inclusive savings, payments and investments requires the integration of implementation(s) like; DeFi Crowdlending & Savings: into Thrift Mobile Wallet: This is a step further in our sequential approach to solutions.
Team Risks
This is a young project involving a small management team with culturally different ideas and thoughts. Therefore, there is an inherent risk that we may come to have differences of opinion on priorities, and issues related to the hiring of contractors.
Despite the possible differences, since June 2021, the members of the management team have been working closely together on this for several months. We have always managed to move forward, settling any disagreements.
Technical Risks
The upcoming Vasil hard fork will involve changes to Cardano protocol that will improve the dapps experience. The base serialization library for building client-side transactions will need to be updated.
In order to use new versions of this library with react native (same as Yoroi Mobile), it is also necessary to update the auxiliary bindings library, which has not been updated for 5 months[0]. There is a risk that can cause a delay in new implementations on transaction serialization and will not allow to take full advantage of the latest Cardano features.
Finally, in case the auxiliary library is not updated, it means that Yoroi Mobile will stop updating. If this happens, the most viable option will be to migrate from React Native to a broader development framework such as Ionic + Capacitor.
Adoption & Market Risks
Since we intend to offer a pioneering solution in the financial health and personal finance sector from mobile devices, there is a significant risk that we will not be the first to market, and that the positive effects of our solution will be somewhat attenuated by the competition in the market, being mostly competitors of traditional service providers, which places us as an alternative rather than direct competition. Moreover, the important thing is not to be the first to arrive but the last to stand.
Adoption of this particular implementation maybe the slow due to the time it should take to implement it in relation to the need for it, but to mitigate this, we have partnered with competent technical hands to support the development.[0]
The wallet connector, which we are developing in parallel, is an indispensable part to offer interaction with existing or in-house DeFi services from mobile devices.
This is important because it allows us to offer profitable and secure services from the Cardano ecosystem to Africa countries, which is our main target.
How we are going to achieve it
Initially, we will analyze and explore existing tools and libraries, then choose the ones that best suit our needs, for haskell/plutus and mobile resources.
The Plutus development will be led by a Haskell expert, in tune with the management of Thrift Labs manager, who will coordinate the progress and provide public reports .
In addition to the off-chain code in Plutus, it is necessary to build the transaction for the script from the client side. For this we will use the Typescript language and the standard Yoroi library for serialization.
On the app side, we will have experienced designers to work on UI/UX, frontend developers building the user interfaces, a mobile engineer and wallet integration developer for wallet tasks.
August 2022
September 2022
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
January 2023
Mobile Engineers 5 months Full time[0]: $56k
Haskell & Plutus expertise for consulting and technical support: $14.4k
Cloud costs(off-chain code and APIs) $300 per month for 12 months: $3600
Frontend: $14k
UX/UI: $8000
Graphic design $2400
Training: $900
Project Management: $16k
Social Media Marketing: $3600
Incentivized Campaigns: $900
Documentation: $2800
Writing and publication of 2 articles: $600
Translations: $ 1800
Licenses: $1200
Total: $118200
Without the funds above, we cannot guarantee that the full proposal will be implemented.
[0] 40% of allocated funds for mobile engineers will be used to pay the remain costs for Thrift Wallet. Without completing the basic functionalities of the mobile wallet we will not be able to move forward with the smart contracts connector. This does force the sharing of funds between the two proposals. You can check the current status of the wallet development through Trello board. Check "AUDITABILITY" section.
Thrift Wallet proposal: - Fund8
Thrift Finance has become one of the 9 selected projects along 40 candidates to join the first batch of IOG & Iceaddis Incubator Program for Africa.
"Building from the ground up Startup Incubation and Acceleration"
You can see the complete list of selected startups here:
About Thrift Project
The idea started in Nigeria, June 2021, with the intention of offering DeFi services from mobile devices, facilitating access in developing areas, such in Africa countries.
Project Manager & Growth Hacker: Odosu Josiah is an active member of the Cardano community, Plutus Pioneer, Product Designer, Founder of, founder of two businesses on ground in Nigeria focused in bridging IT and e-commerce gaps for local businesses with previous experience in the banking sector (GTBank).
Wallet Developer: Jaime Caso Onzain is a Full Stack & Mobile Engineer. SPO and Cardano Wallet Developer.
Financial Analyst: Loveth Chukwu is a Finance Executive. MBA Fintech. She is the co-founder, Morgate Financial Services, a firm that provides accounting, audit and consulting services to business owners in Nigeria. She is the convener, Morgate Tax boot Camp; an organization that brings together business owners to get awareness and knowledge about accounting, tax and investments annually.
UI/UX Designer: Odiabo Emmanuel. Mobile App Design, Web, UI UX, Figma, UI Design, Prototyping.
Hiring: we are looking for Haskell and Plutus developers, a Mobile Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Community Managers. At the same time we have agreement with an expert Haskell/Plutus labs already involved in Cardano ecosystem.
Yes, we have considered a step by step approach to implemeting the suite of products that makes up Thrift.
Thrift Mobile MVP - Trello Board
The following are the estimates on results of the work carried out by month.
September 2022
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
January 2023
February 2023
Formal tracking of the project progress will be publicly reported every two weeks to Catalyst organizers and the rest of the community through our social media channels and through our public Trello board.
Current Trello board for Thrift Wallet MVP:
Integrating DeFi Crowdlending & Savings:
DeFi services into Thrift Mobile Wallet: will be possible through this proposal.
SDG goals:
SDG subgoals:
10.1 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average
10.c By 2030, reduce to less than 3 per cent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent
8.1 Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries
8.10 Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
10.1.1 Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 per cent of the population and the total population
10.c.1 Remittance costs as a proportion of the amount remitted
8.10.2 Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider
8.1.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita
Our team members have combined experience in blockchain, finance, analytics, African business, big data, UI/UX.