Last updated 2 years ago
There is a lack of data & visuals to help the community to understand & navigate the Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystem
We create an open source - interactive ‘planetary’ based map of the Cardano NFT Ecosystem With solid research & design thinking in the backend
This is the total amount allocated to Ecosystem Map-Community Wayfinding.
We create an open source - interactive ‘planetary’ based map of the Cardano NFT Ecosystem With solid research & design thinking in the backend
Developer, Project & Community Manager, Cardano & Catalyst OGs & committed members of the Cardano Community, Experienced Toolmakers & Funded Proposer, Stake Pool Operators and Proposal Assessors with profound experience and expertise about the Cardano Ecosystem
The Cardano ecosystem is rapidly growing. As new projects, groups, tools and organisations arise a broad and diverse ecosystem emerges. The issue of a wide-angle view of this ever growing ecosystem becomes difficult to individually visualise.
Projects like Cardano provide a first generation solution to help the Community to navigate.
We want to develop a second generation community mapping solution focused on building an open source based interactive map of the Cardano Ecosystem.
As committed community members, we are already working on an initial Proof of Concept (PoC) of our envisioned map.
The code for the PoC can be found here:
The first example map here:
Early development of the PoC was funded by the Catalyst Swarm Fund. Additional funding is now being sought to progress development to help us realise our vision of a visual, interactive Cardano ecosystem map.Therefore we ask the Community to fund our initiative and to allow us to build the map out :)
Our map has a high focus on visualisation and interaction. We will design a novel and hopefully unique experience through which users can explore the Cardano Ecosystem.
The map will be based on the concept of Project Nodes.The size and colour of the nodes will be adjustable and the interconnections with other nodes, updatable and modifiable.
The 3D visualisation is driven from simple data that is queried live using GraphQL to produce the relationships between the data instances on the map. The 3D environment is interactive and has a basic physics system to allow interaction with the “planets” including navigating through the 3D space, dragging and pushing the “planets” and potentially expanding nodes to fill the space with more complex and detailed structures. The current dataset is harvested from community requested data, and as adoption grows, richer metadata around projects and their relationships can be explored, increasing transparency and cross-pollination within the Catalyst ecosystem.
With the Ecosystem Map, SwarmLabs creates its first product for the Catalyst & Cardano Ecosystem. The challenge is a general call out for builders, devs and creators to engage with Catalyst and provide value to the Cardano community. We believe that working on mapping and providing the community with a visual wayfinding tool of the expanding ecosystem will help with discoverability on a project-by-project basis as well as the understanding of the general ecosystem. This is an under-represented part of the Cardano landscape.
Planetary maps have been used to great effect over time. Continuing development of this ecosystem map will create a new product that offers new and existing users of Cardano to better navigate, explore and engage with the projects and groups working on Cardano. By providing a discoverability pathway through mapped links we will increase the quality of existing products through increased project awareness.
As the SwarmLabs initiative is a very young one, the main risk would rely on effective coordination & management of the participating developers. As we envision new ways to engage & include developers in this project, we will first have to experiment with project management structures.
To mitigate this risk, we count on AIM’s & Fluid7’s experience and expertise in managing dev teams around projects.
Q2 2022
Initiate a first Project Team & Collaboration - Done
With Giovanni [EASY1], Jonathan Adjei ( Fluid7 ) & Felix Weber
Swarmlabs Pilot #1
Identify a top topic
Initiate a first collaboration to ideate & brainstorm on a Ecosystem Map design - done
Create first Project Structure on Gitlab - done
Create a first PoC Ecosystem Map - done
Setup Project Management Structure on Swarm Dework & Discord - done
( Executing Team has own private channels on the Catalyst Swarm Discord Server )
Expand the Team & find collaborators - done
AIM & Handshake joined the Project
Submit & Formulate a Proposal for Project Catalyst Fund 9 to enable resources for further development - Done XD
>> Ideascale link <<
Implementing Swarm Treasury & Accounting system to SwarmLabs and the Ecosystem map project - done
Q3 2022
Outsourcing work & engage community via the Catalyst Swarm Bounty Board
Implement GMBL rewarding concept to recognize & reward contributors to the ecosystem map project development
Expand the Map to ~30 Projects
Integration - Setup Automated processes for any projects to join the map
Maintain transparent Project Development on Dework
Set up Hover Menu (Modal)
Modal visual and interaction design
When cursor moves over a Node, Modal for node appears
Modal includes hyperlinks to related projects ( Link to: Website, Twitter )
Build Sign up PoC
Create a process for projects to add themselves to the map ( self sign up )
Q4 2022
Hopefully being Funded XD
Adapt & implement Treasury & Accounting systems for the Ecosystem Map Project
Start to pay developer for their work in developing the Ecosystem Map
Having a short stop & reflection on earned experience
Extend the Bounty Board to further increase outsourced work from the wider community, to grow participation and increase the speed of project close out.
Front end level up
Improve the front end of the ecosystem map with features such as
Micro level up
Expand node function to explore deeper into Projects
Macro Level up
Due to the sign up process developed in Q3, we are able to target as macro map
Categorisation & clustering of the Ecosystem
This budget breakdown covers a timeframe of 4 months from August to November 2022
Project Management
320 hours over 4 months ( 40 usd per hour )
= 12800 usd in Ada
Project Coordination & Collaborations
320 hours over 4 months ( 40 usd per hour )
= 12800 usd in Ada
640 over 4 months ( 50 usd per hour )
= 32000 usd in Ada
Front end - Design
320 hours over 4 months ( 50 usd per hour )
= 16000 usd in Ada
Treasury Management
10 hours per week for 4 months ( 40 usd per hour )
= 6400 usd in Ada
Media & Marketing
Creating content & videos to introduce developed tools & systems to the Cardano Community
3 short videos a 1500 usd
= 4500 usd in Ada
Public tasks to engage contributors to the proposals implementation
Available Bounty budget of 1000 usd per month for 4 months
= 4000
AuraDB Hosting
6 months of cloud hosting ( 130 usd per month )
= 780 usd in Ada
Additional Tools and services ( + contingencies )
= 2500 usd in Ada
Catalyst Swarm - Coordinations
Bridge Builders - Design advice & consulting
Fluid7 - Project Management
AIM - development & coding
Jonathan Adjei - Director at Fluid7
Jonathan Adjei is a Catalyst Community ( OG ) Member since early Catalyst days and director at Fluid7, very engaged at Catalyst Swarm & Gimbalabs and helps this Project to have a clear and strong project management in place. Jon will
Felix Weber - somehow lead at Catalyst Swarm
Felix is the guy who brings the network and the glue to the project, making sure everyone has everything needed to successfully collaborate on the Proposals execution
Phil Khoo - AIM Architect
Phil K is cofounder of the Cardano AIM. He is a highly experienced & engaged community member at Project Catalyst since Fund3. Phil also brings great experience in coordinating & managing projects & developers to a successful implementation. Phils experience & earned knowledge from building the AIM Community Tools will add great value to this project.
Nori Nishigaya - Operations at Bridge Builders
Nori supports this project with his long term experience as project manager at Amazon and his profound knowledge about Cardano, Project Catalyst and the Cardano Community. Nori is an excellent networker who helps to support communities and projects to succeed.
As we currently don't envision a business model for the Ecosystem Map, to further develop & improve the map, we may rely on future funding from the Cardano Community via Project Catalyst
The development of the Ecosystem Map is fully open source, hosted on the SwarmLabs Gitlab.
The Project Management will be tracked via Dework & Discord Integration on the Catalyst Swarm Discord & Dework Server
All transactions & payments are fully tracked and documented via the Catalyst Swarm Treasury & accounting system on Discord & Github.
Success of this project will be defined by an accomplishment of above mentioned KPIs & OKRs. Further we envision to have this project as a pioneer & pilot project with SwarmLabs to build an inviting environment for developers, project manager & designer to engage and build in a collaborative spirit on Community Tools & platforms
This is a brand new Proposal from SwarmLabs :)
Developer, Project & Community Manager, Cardano & Catalyst OGs & committed members of the Cardano Community, Experienced Toolmakers & Funded Proposer, Stake Pool Operators and Proposal Assessors with profound experience and expertise about the Cardano Ecosystem