Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano lacks an Open Source API for NFT minting that anyone can use as a primitive in their dApps.
Create an Open Source API for NFT minting that anyone can use in their dApp. We are building a library of primitives that are composable.
This is the total amount allocated to EZ-Mint Open Source NFT minting API.
Create an Open Source API for NFT minting that anyone can use in their dApp. We are building a library of primitives that are composable.
EMURGO Academy instructor, Proposer Reviewer, Veteran Proposer Reviewer, and Challenge Team Leader. We've been successfully funded on 8 proposals. EZ-Pay was our first open source primitive, EZ-Mint is next. will develop the API and API documentation.
We propose creating an Open-Source NFT Minting API. It will be a software primitive (composable component) that anyone can use in their dApp or programs. It will be a well documented API that we plan to get certified in the dApp store.
We are creating these software building blocks to make it easier for anyone to use them so the community doesn't have to waste time and resources building the same things over and over in bespoke solutions. The first one we launched is EZ-Pay, an Open-Source Crypto/Fiat payment gateway. EZ-Mint is our next effort.
We intend to create software building blocks and APIs for several needs we've identified. An API, or an “Application Programming Interface”, allows for easy communication between pieces of software. It enables a wide set of instructions to be relayed in a way that ensures mutual execution. So, APIs enable consistent coding and predictable deliverability of replicable functions on every request.
APIs are a critical piece of infrastructure of any SDK. An API to mint NFTs on Cardano refers to an API applied to this particular use case, minting NFTs by making a simple call with no further need to code anything else. With this, an API to mint NFTs enables developers the ability to add minting capabilities into dApps and platforms with maximum ease and minimum coding.
Of course, there are marketplaces to do this. So, some may be wondering, “why not use a marketplace to mint NFTs?”. There are platforms in Cardano to mint NFTs, such as NFT Maker, and for basic NFTs, these are definitely an option. Yet, blockchain technology is about decentralization, relying too much on projects for NFT minting doesn’t aline with the values of decentralization. Additionally, these types of platforms often have additional fees. For these reasons, minting NFTs in the most decentralized manner as possible is a desirable path.
At least that is how we see it and we want to empower developers and projects by reducing the coding time. The process of minting NFTs manually on Cardano-cli or using Plutus can be tedious and time-consuming. By providing an open-source API for NFT minting we shorten that path and give projects a basic template they are able to modify to their needs.
This will open the API to mint NFTs for any Web3 application, whether it be a Cardano Metaverse, a game based on NFTs, an NFT wallet, or NFT marketplaces. No matter the particular project, the developers can be sure the NFTs are minted on their platform and for their use case. In summary, the EZ-Mint NFT API will open Cardano NFTs to any group of developers out there.
Vasil Hardfork Changes
Right now a lot of the Cardano architecture will change because of the upcoming hardfork. This will change some aspects of how transactions are created on Cardano and may affect NFT minting. This can change some of the initial plans we have for the API.
We're all the time reading about the design of Cardano, we are up to date with the latest news around the Vasil hardfork. We'll adjust the API design to the changes -if they materialize- that Vasil introduces to the architecture of the API.
Stage 1 outline the Architecture
First Month
The first step requires some decision-making regarding the libraries and resources required to make it possible. We'll outline all these decisions in a document to share with the community.
Stage 2 Preparing the API
3 months
Once the technical document is ready, we'll go and begin creating the first iteration of the API. It'll involve at least three months of development.
Stage 3: Testing and Certification
3 months
Once we have a complete version of the API we'll begin testing it against vulnerabilities. The process will be both internal and external as we'll invite other projects to try the API out. We will work through the dApp Certification process (this could take unknown time).
Stage 4: Integration
Finally, we'll integrate the API to our own NFT platform, and showcase its capabilities to the community.
Architecture of the API = $13,780
Release a document that outlines all the different portions of the technology stack and general design. It'll have a dual purpose, first as an informational document and second as a roadmap.
API development = $37,895
Initiate the coding based on the outline document. Create clear API documentation is one of the tools of choice like Swagger or the like.
Testing and Certification = $17,225
Begin a trial of the API.
Sebastian Pereira // Head of project
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EZ-Mint will be complete with one round of funding.
However, we're creating different primitives and modules that can be combined to launch a full NFT marketplace on Cardano without the need to code everything from scratch. The NFT minting API is one such module.
Once funded, the software developers will use a sprint process and that will dictate the pace of the project. We will report on sprint deliverables and timelines.
Once we release of the API on an open GitHub repository, we will also submit it for Certification.
After it is available for use and testing, we'll track how many people interact with the repository.
We will then measure how many projects integrate the API for their own use.
The creation of an open-source API for minting NFTs on Cardano. then passing Certification for the dApp store!
This is an entirely new proposal, not an continuation.
EMURGO Academy instructor, Proposer Reviewer, Veteran Proposer Reviewer, and Challenge Team Leader. We've been successfully funded on 8 proposals. EZ-Pay was our first open source primitive, EZ-Mint is next. will develop the API and API documentation.