[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Miverse multiverse with excellent visual quality, a space design with unlimited species, and art styles to change player mindsets and captivate them to play our game. Check out our one-page in f9 here
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
- We have 2 senior artist are working for this proposal since fund 8. They made some great artwork you can check below
- For making the project succeed, we're working hard with 4 teams of game, blockchain, comic production, and marketing with 50+ people
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
For easier reading and assessing our proposal please read this proposal with this link.
It has clickable outline to parts & Vietnamese, Japanese version
== STORY ==
Some die-hard gamers have voiced that they would overwhelmingly prefer a game with "good gameplay over visuals any day", those personal statements are just on the lips. In reality, very few chosen gamers are ready to open their wallets for supporting their opinions. While others, who play games for entertainment, their brains will be attracted and stimulated by impressive graphic design, and catchy background music. That is also how human perception works.
Although it hasn't been proven that a game's stunning visual effects should be the sole reason for its commercial success, there were several examples of games or movies that either failed or were incredibly successful due to their aesthetic value.
In the video game industry, Final Fantasy XIV would be a typical title for giving followers disappointment at the time it was released, in 2010, and it was identified as one of the worst games of the year. Visuals became the main element that caused everything to fall apart, from the hope that it would be a direct successor to the Final Fantasy XI (which was released in 2002) to the expectation to take a leap off a giant steel beam and smash all Final Fantasy sales records on the way down. Everything was going in completely reverse.
In the cinema industry, we have got Avatar (2009). The plot of Avatar was largely viewed as being uninteresting and forgettable, with no elements having any discernible influence on contemporary popular culture, yet its visuals, which were the first of its kind to offer a full 3D experience, pushed the whole industry moving forward.
Although there are still many instances of successful projects that combine both gameplay and visuals, with today's ultra-realistic technologies, players are more likely to be impressed by a game's virtual reality graphic.
- Potential future: We are aware that players in the mainstream gaming market can spend thousands of hours playing games for leisure, therefore allowing them to engage in our game will result in a massive quantity of transactions being added to the blockchain. As a result, the market generates billions of dollars in income.
- Image of success: Our Miverse will provide a high level of quality graphic to the multiverse metaverse with two main purposes:
- First, to be the first firm on the Cardano ecosystem that appeals to gamers in the mainstream market powerfully.
- Second, create a positive influence on NFT gaming market participants as well as players of mainstream games.
Because Miverse desires to usher in a new era, a new generation of on-chained games
- A user will initially see art in graphic design, which aids in determining whether or not to play the game. The probability that they will choose to play the game increases significantly if the character's look is outstanding/cool and the map is well-designed. It will be one of the characteristics that affect how widely the name of the game is circulated online.
- Another way for people to access the game is through influencers. In detail, viewers will see amazing graphics and be immediately drawn to play the game if content creators and YouTubers become notice it (by the high-quality visual), play it, react to it, and post it on their channels. Moreover, if the player finds out that our visual design in the game suits their tastes, they will love it. In conclusion, the marketing of this title game is greatly influenced by the art.
- Regarding the concept of a game world, it always needs a story. In current NFT and the crypto games, the story does not have a certain concept. Therefore, we will create specific concept art for this gaming project. Concept art will help orient and unify the stories and themes of the game through the representation of the art of characters, items, and assets.
- With the project's idea, we believe that the project will attract game developers and artists who value creativity to collaborate on creating the Miverse ecosystem and gaming on the Cardano ecosystem platform.
- Accordingly, Miverse will be viral naturally and effectively by art style lovers of the artists participating in the project.
- The majority of Crypto games' present aesthetic and asset quality are insufficient to draw players.
- Mainstream gamers are prejudiced and despise NFT games in general without giving it a second thought. Due to their ignorance about crypto games, many believe that these kinds of games are frauds that would lead them to lose their money and property.
- The concept and artistic quality of crypto games are really poor.
- Additionally, Gamefi's short-term investors expect high-quality NFT or crypto games.
In addition to having a gaming platform that offers fantastic gameplay, developing games with great graphical quality and unique themes is essential.
Please check the detail in our master proposal for the whole project here.
- High graphic quality is the first step in convincing gamers to participate in the game.
- We will create strong backstories for each of the characters and in-game assets to raise players' curiosities and absorb their interests as much as we can to keep players and make them contribute to the more popular game project after joining.
- Once to become CNFT owners, users can have both 2D and 3D game assets.
- Furthermore, owners of Miverse CNFT are eligible to take part in any Miverse games without having to pay additional cost for assets.
- Additionally, even if a tile game on Miverse game is lost, the user may still utilize the asset for other games on the same platform.
Our project is aiming toward a few specific outcomes:
- CNFT the characters in the game.
- Many distinct kinds of characters in the metaverse will have distinctive features.
- Concept guidelines for a future Miverse universe with hundreds of diverse species.
- Art style for the first 3 species in the Miverse multiverse to serve phase 1 and phase 2 in-game.
- Different species can combine one another.
- CNFT types of battleship, light fighters...
- CNFT all kinds of assets in the game: items, ship parts... in 2D, 3D.
Some art we done in June for the scope of this proposal:

Gamers who are biased toward NFT games and also not concerned to gameplay. They will be the potential proposal's major target customers since they are also individuals who are easily influenced by the game's aesthetic.
As a result, if users are impressed with the art style of NFT/Crypto games, they have a high probability of becoming loyal gamers in the future.
And the potential customers have the right to enjoy these benefits and be pleased:
- Experiencing wonderful graphic styles.
- Owning highly viable and sustainable maintaining assets.
- Owning assets in different forms: 2D, 3D, static or dynamic.
- Being able to select whichever world concept that players prefer from a wide range of world conceptions.
- Individuals who have a reading comics and playing video games are hobbies.
- · The ability to read comics is only the beginning for the comic reader; in the Miverse universe, they also have the exclusive right to own their personal favorite character in that comic.
- Players who have the possibility or talent in the graphic design field.
- Having the ability to engage in Miverse's graphic projects in order to co-create Miverse. In Miverse, for example, you may create and publish characters and assets.
- Having the opportunity to earn money by producing and designing assets and characters and selling them to individuals who appreciate the designer's style.
- Having a marketplace and a large number of prospective buyers to sell the product in Miverse as soon as it is finished.
- People who love playing games, making games, constructing their own worlds, and perhaps excited about making money from playing games.
- With creation, they will have in-game assets accessible (designed products made on their own or in exchange with graphic designers) to develop their ideas without spending more resources to generate new ones.
- And, because the in-game assets are diverse, they don't have to be concerned when game creation ideas hit their mind.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
Hundreds to thousands of more art styles will be contributed by participants to our company's entertainment project in the Miverse universe, all of which will be styled under the direction of Miverse's aesthetic conception. This type of action will have the following potential results:
- Growing in terms of users who attend Miverse because they like the game's art styles and might be inspired to develop their characters and things in their colors and style in Miverse space.
- Introducing conventional gamers to the Cardano ecosystem and providing them with an environment that is not only helping them relieve stress but also gaining profits,
- Gamers aren't the only ones who enjoy collecting CNFT; Miverse comic fans who appreciate CNFT's visual style will also be on the rise. Comics' fan increase number will help CNFT's growth in the blockchain sector.
- Gain more Cardano investors as they participate in the development of Miverse -> Gain more on-chained transactions -> Produce hundreds of thousands of CNFTs on Cardano.
- In addition, there will technically be:
- Artists participate in the art creation process for Miverse.
- Developers create dApps based on these CNFTs and Miverse.
- Increase the number of gaming experiences developed by game developers to utilize Miverse's CNFTs.
- Game developers develop infrastructure and systems to become top-quality in art graphic and gameplay.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Unfortunately, this proposal was not funded in fund 8.
We coped with that risk by paying for it out of our own money and focusing on the most crucial components first. Further details are scheduled to appear in the next quarter. The sole danger of this proposal, similar to Fund 8, is a financial constraint. We now have enough financial resources to enable the creation of the most fundamental element of art and concept art. Therefore, even if we do not receive sponsorship, we will keep on trying to develop it - but the speed of getting to the completion with top quality will be so much slower.
We also faced the challenge of creating several different art styles for various species in Miverse. What we are concerned about is whether it will make the Miverse look terrible in the future as a mixed hot pot or not. So we've devised a strategy for this quarter: Test the progression of the second species' art style and evaluate its applicability. Simultaneously, we will conduct more in-depth graphic experiments on the graphic combination of diverse species in terms of developing the most visually appealing results when "combining species" into new species
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
For the detailed execution timeline & output, please check here
For the detailed task, estimation & general timeline, please check here
For detailed planned - on progress - complete tasks, please check: https://development.miverse.io
This proposal is asking the budget for art development for 3 months from July 1st to Sept 31st/ 2022, which we developed a part of it that you can check the tasks in the https://development.miverse.io site. For the task from 1st Oct to 31st Dec, it's in another proposal here.
The below timeline seems have the same content with some other proposals, but the key activities for this proposal will emphasize by bold font. For the full roadmap from QIV-2021 to QI-2022, please check the link above. It's too long to put here.
QIII, 2022
- Brand design (Done)
- Social media channels & community of Miverse (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, Medium...) (Doing)
- Raise funding at Catalyst 2nd time (Doing)
- Tokenomic development (Doing)
- Litepaper development (Doing)
- Game document development & finish for chess game (Doing)
- Finish Art concept & direction for whole Miverse (Doing)
- In-game assets design 2D & 3D (Doing)
- Environments 3D model
- Character 3D model & textures (Doing)
- Assets images
- Battleship (Doing)
- Light fighters
- UX/UI design (Pc)
- Miverse web portal
- Setting up the fundamentals for game development
- Back-end development
- Front-end develop
- Marketing by communicating and inspiring communities with our works
QIV, 2022
- Whitepaper
- Battlefield design
- In-game assets design 2D & 3D
- UX/UI design (Mobile)
- Marketplace & blockchain development
- Smart contract deployment
- Game detail development
- Back-end development
- Front-end develop
- Release the demo of the chess game on PC
- Game testing and fixing bugs
- Marketing to inspire the audience to engage with the game release
- Game trailer production
QI, 2023
- Raise funding in Cardano
- Release the demo of the chess game on mobile
- Game testing and fixing bugs
- Launching marketplace for trading NFT
- Release new feature in-game
- Ship production
- Birth
- Item farming
- Loot box
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
This budget breakdown is extracted from our detailed budget estimation here.
We have a detailed financial plan for the most important part of this project that was made by considering our old projects and from other partners.
So, it can have some points that are different from your experiences and resource because we're in different conditions: location, HR, nation...
About the price/ unit. We use the $3.000 as the average number. In actual execution, it can be higher or lower than that number, but in our experience, that number is ok for estimation.

[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
For the information on the whole team, and who is covering which group task/ task please visit our detailed execution timeline & output here
- Currently, in the scope of this proposal, Mr. Nings - a senior artist at Unicorn studio who is in charge of the Art development is working with Mr. Thang for developing the art concept. We're done 2 characters & a battleship for the game that you can check.
- If get funded from this proposal. We will fastening the art development progress by recruiting more people.
You will find Ning is in our two proposals because he's the art lead, so the workload of this subject is still in our control
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
For the scope of this proposal - No!
If we get funds for this proposal, we will stop to ask for funds for this part because it's enough. You can check our detailed budget estimation here, there you can see the budget for the implementation of art it no need more after QIV-2022
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
Our work will be shown in detail for the community audit on the links below. Depending on your needs, we made some kind of tools for not just auditing our proposal but further development in the future.
- For key metrics of the whole project please check our master proposal here.
- You can check the detailed actual executive roadmap here.
- And if you want to know which group tasks are planned - on progress - completed, you can check our page here: https://development.miverse.io (You can even suggest some of your idea there in the future improve Miverse Multiverse & Platform)
For this proposal, we will measure these metrics including:
- The concept art of whole Miverse
- The numbers of characters art style
- The numbers of battleship concept design
- The numbers of light fighter concept design
- The number of assets in-game
- The numbers of CNFTs for all above objects
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
Not just gamers will be attracted by the art concept of Miverse but also content creators, game makers. That will drive a lot of people to come and contribute to the Miverse multiverse and Miverse platform. For the gamers, now they have more reason to try our game and deleted their bias to games on-chained - Not all the NFT games is bad.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
We didn't get funded for this proposal in fund 8 but we are still running it now with lower effort, then now we proposed in this fund. The fund 8 proposal link is here: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397499
In this fund 8, we propose 7 proposals that are all a part of this project - including this proposal.
For easier reading & assessment with clickable outlines on the title, please get in this link to all of our proposal in fund 9
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Rating
SDG goals:
- Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
- Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
- Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
- Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
- Proportion of informal employment in total employment, by sector and sex